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"progressive" minimum wage law?

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  Outerlimits Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:44 am


The Large Retailer Accountability Act, proposed by Council Chairman Phil Mendelson and co-sponsored by 10 of the other 12 members, argues that “some large retailers pay very low wages and do not provide their workers affordable health benefits.”
It is appropriate to set standards, the bill suggests, because large retailers can afford the cost of higher salaries and because “in other cities, the enactment of living wage laws has had no negative impact on retail employment and development.”
Wal-Mart’s lobbyists will likely argue otherwise.
The bill requires that all retailers larger 75,000 square feet, and whose parent company earns at least $1 billion a year, pay their employees a minimum wage of at least $11.75 an hour and provide them with health benefits. The legislative provisions do not apply if there is a collective bargaining agreement in place between a store and its employees.

It appears the council in Washington DC must have been taking notes from the liberals in congress and 0bama.

Lets all punish the job-creators an create a "progressive" minimum wage law, just like our tax laws. The larger your company, the more you have to pay. This just shows how little these people actually know about the economy and business. These politicians don’t have the foresight to see this would equate to higher prices (hurting the poor) and less jobs from some of the biggest employers in the country. They also don’t understand the plight of brick and mortar retailers.

No one forces you to work at Wal-Mart. Don't like the pay? Take your talents else where.

You have a problem with what they give or don't give to workers? Don't shop there.

I am no fan of Wal-Mart, but I just can't support legislation that requires different minimum compensation levels based solely on square footage and corporate net profits.

Although if we included the government in this legislation, government workers would have a minimum wage of 12 cents an hour.

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  WHL Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:52 pm

OMG, I haven't seen that one!!!!! Please, this becomes more of a dictatorship every day. When will they wake up and realize that businesses just won't bother pretty soon????

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  News Hawk Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:47 pm

WHL wrote:OMG, I haven't seen that one!!!!! Please, this becomes more of a dictatorship every day. When will they wake up and realize that businesses just won't bother pretty soon????
There are some businesses that will prosper very well, but they will be "friendly" to Government—in the manner of Mussolini's Fascism.

History is repeating itself.

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  News Hawk Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:16 am

Outerlimits wrote:Lets all punish the job-creators an create a "progressive" minimum wage law, just like our tax laws. The larger your company, the more you have to pay. This just shows how little these people actually know about the economy and business. These politicians don’t have the foresight to see this would equate to higher prices (hurting the poor) and less jobs from some of the biggest employers in the country. They also don’t understand the plight of brick and mortar retailers.

Here's the list of companies in trouble in this economy:

1. Best Buy

2. Sears

3. J.C. Penny

4. Office Depot

5. Barnes and Noble

6. Gamestop

7. Office Max

8. Radio Shack


Let's punish them some more!

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  WHL Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:43 am

That's what those idiots in the government don't get. They keep punishing businesses more and more and expect businesses can still exist. Where is the economy without business????

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  News Hawk Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:15 am

WHL wrote:That's what those idiots in the government don't get. They keep punishing businesses more and more and expect businesses can still exist. Where is the economy without business????

Yet, you'll find those who are OK with wrecking the American way of life!

News Hawk
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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  WHL Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:29 am

Well, that's true. "Those" say it in the name of "equality" but when you have a government like Obama wants, it means he and "those" who run the government have big parties, fly around the world all the time, live like kings and queens while we, the mere people, have almost nothing.

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  News Hawk Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:45 pm

It's very helpful to have "friends" in this Administration.


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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  WHL Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:49 pm

So you are saying people donate to be favored? That's for sure!

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"progressive" minimum wage law? Empty Re: "progressive" minimum wage law?

Post  News Hawk Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:52 pm

WHL wrote:So you are saying people donate to be favored?

Not exactly: it helps to be a member of a "protected class"...and in the Democrat Party, there are many.

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