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GDP Comparison—Not Even Close

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GDP Comparison—Not Even Close Empty GDP Comparison—Not Even Close

Post  News Hawk Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:43 am

Obama vs. Reagan on GDP growth

GDP Comparison—Not Even Close Obama-reagan-job-growth

Trickle Down Economics versus Trickle Down Socialism

Ronald Reagan’s economic plan saw GDP surge at a 3.5% clip – 4.9% after the recession. That’s a 32% bump.

During the Obama years, thanks to his big government policies, the US economy has stalled. Today the quarterly GDP was announced. The GDP for the first quarter of 2015 braked more sharply than expected at only a .2% pace. The US economy has grown an anemic 9.6% during the Obama years (excluding today’s dismal number).

Of course, Obama’s record on job growth is also much worse than President Reagan’s record.
Getaway Pundit

Capital has been destroyed—disposable income has disappeared.

You can’t spend what the government has already confiscated.

News Hawk
News Hawk

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GDP Comparison—Not Even Close Empty Re: GDP Comparison—Not Even Close

Post  WHL Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:36 am

NB and the Dems have to come up with some talking points quickly. They are very quiet since this news came out , did you notice?

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