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Shutdown looms over ObamaCare
By Alexander Bolton - 07/23/13 05:00 AM ET
ObamaCare is at the center of a rapidly escalating fight that threatens to shut the government down this fall. [WATCH VIDEO]
Senate Republicans, including two members of the leadership, are coalescing around a proposal to block any government funding resolution that includes money for the implementation of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
But such a move is a nonstarter for President Obama and congressional Democrats. Republicans have tried this maneuver in Obama’s first term, only to back off later to the chagrin of Tea Party leaders.
This time, GOP lawmakers are emboldened by problems plaguing the administration’s ObamaCare implementation. But that zeal could put Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in a tough spot. Both leaders have downplayed previous talk of shuttering the government.
In the House, 64 Republicans have signed onto a letter pressing Boehner not to bring any legislation funding ObamaCare to the floor.
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), the leader of the Senate effort, predicts the vast majority of the Senate Republican Conference will back his plan, giving him enough votes to sustain a filibuster of a stopgap spending measure.
Read more: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/312727-shutdown-looms-over-obamacare#ixzz2ZtOXdYzM
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By Alexander Bolton - 07/23/13 05:00 AM ET
ObamaCare is at the center of a rapidly escalating fight that threatens to shut the government down this fall. [WATCH VIDEO]
Senate Republicans, including two members of the leadership, are coalescing around a proposal to block any government funding resolution that includes money for the implementation of the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
But such a move is a nonstarter for President Obama and congressional Democrats. Republicans have tried this maneuver in Obama’s first term, only to back off later to the chagrin of Tea Party leaders.
This time, GOP lawmakers are emboldened by problems plaguing the administration’s ObamaCare implementation. But that zeal could put Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in a tough spot. Both leaders have downplayed previous talk of shuttering the government.
In the House, 64 Republicans have signed onto a letter pressing Boehner not to bring any legislation funding ObamaCare to the floor.
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), the leader of the Senate effort, predicts the vast majority of the Senate Republican Conference will back his plan, giving him enough votes to sustain a filibuster of a stopgap spending measure.
Read more: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/312727-shutdown-looms-over-obamacare#ixzz2ZtOXdYzM
Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
WHL- Admin
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Re: Obamacare
Conservatives—like me—were waiting for this to happen. One firm after another have sought to gain "exemption". Leaving the Middle Class to pick up the pieces.
Good on Conservatives and other Republicans. It's time they stuck their necks out. These are the people The Founders had in mind to send to the Capitol.
These are truly the "...people we have been waiting for..."!
Good on Conservatives and other Republicans. It's time they stuck their necks out. These are the people The Founders had in mind to send to the Capitol.
These are truly the "...people we have been waiting for..."!
Re: Obamacare
It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. Rubio thinks we need to trash it and start over. I hope that includes all the new taxes too.
WHL- Admin
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Re: Obamacare
47% responded that the president’s health care plan was a “total bad idea” while only 34% said it was a “total good idea.” At the same time, 45% said Republicans in Congress should do everything they can to prevent the law from going into effect but 51% said Republicans should stop trying to block the law. -
See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/big-majorities-oppose-obamacare-say-cbs-fox-nbcwsj-polls#sthash.C0dmbOzd.dpuf
Re: Obamacare
Now that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it???!!! People just don't know the whole story.
WHL- Admin
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Re: Obamacare
WHL wrote:It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. Rubio thinks we need to trash it and start over. I hope that includes all the new taxes too.
It was designed to fail from the start.
There will be "single payer" national government health care by 2020.
With that, will come total medical surveillance through the mandated EMRs.
Anti Federalist- Posts : 1385
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Re: Obamacare
Even President Obama has now given up on trying to make Americans like his health care policy. In an interview with The New York Times, President Obama said that he can’t turn around public opinion on Obamacare through a PR push, but instead people will begin to appreciate the law once it goes into affect.
Even though polls show that the majority of people do not like the Obamacare law, the president still seems to believe that once they are forced to purchase health insurance, or pay a penalty, everyone will start to love it. But it seems like that is not really going to be the case.
Once again, the President likes to blame everyone else for the lack of success he has seen when it comes to Obamacare.
"But until then, when we’re getting outspent four to one and people are just uncertain about what all this means for them, we’re going to continue to have some polls like that," Obama said. "And me just making more speeches explaining it in and of itself won’t do it. The test of this is going to be is it working. And if it works, it will be pretty darn popular.”
Even with a new PR blitz, the President can’t win over the public opinion:
"Over the course of six months to a year, as people sign up, and it works, and lo and behold, the people who already have health insurance are not being impacted at all other than the fact that their insurance is more secure and they are getting free preventive care, and all the nightmare scenarios and the train wrecks and the 'sky is falling' predictions that come from the other side do not happen, then health care will become more popular," Obama said.
It’s funny how the President seems to think that Americans are not aware of what Obamacare really has in store for us. But we are quite aware! The penalty will not be worth it Mr. President!
"Single-Payer" was the goal all the time! They're Marxists!
Re: Obamacare
More on Obamacare…. Be careful how much money you make, if you want to be subsidized.
WHL- Admin
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Re: Obamacare
WHL wrote:More on Obamacare…. Be careful how much money you make, if you want to be subsidized.
Maybe you noticed that the next story at CNBC—your source—was titled, "ObamaCare Threatened".
The horrors...
Re: Obamacare
Yeah the horrors. Just like Benghazi and the IRS, this too will pass and we will still be in the mess we are in.
WHL- Admin
- Posts : 6057
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