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TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS...

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TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS... Empty TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS...

Post  News Hawk Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:19 pm

"...In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups, three months after the IRS scandal erupted...

"Camp, the Michigan Republican, told Secrets, "It is outrageous that IRS management continues to target Tea Party cases without any justification. The harassment, abuse and delays these Americans have faced over the last few years has been unwarranted, unprovoked and, at times, possibly illegal. The fact that the IRS still continues to treat the Tea Party differently and subject them to additional targeting is outrageous and it must stop immediately."
—Washington Examiner
Well, that "hands-off the Tea Party" approach lasted six months.

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TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS... Empty Re: TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS...

Post  Anti Federalist Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:58 pm

LOL - What did you think was going to happen?
Anti Federalist
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TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS... Empty Re: TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS...

Post  WHL Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:56 am

Exactly what I said before. Why does Congress bother to have hearings? They never go anywhere?

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TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS... Empty Re: TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS...

Post  Outerlimits Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:19 pm

Obama said a government watchdog's report shows intolerable and inexcusable behavior by the Internal Revenue Service in targeting tea party groups.
Obama said he's asked Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to hold accountable those responsible and to ensure it never happens again. He says regardless of how it happened, it was wrong.
Apparently it is so "inexcusable" that Obama hasn't even bothered to tell them to freaking stop doing it.  
Of course that is assuming Obama didn’t tell them to do it in the first place.

We have a revolving door leadership with no accountability (but plenty of high dollar bonus money), Not a single person was fired in the Treasury or the IRS.
When bureaucracies that get created and empowered by intentionally loosely written laws. The bureaucracy takes on a life of its own, impervious to any real oversight, management, reorganization or dismantlement. Oh sure, a commissioner here and a senior manager there might become a “fall gal or guy” to allow the incumbent to quiet the masses still, the bureaucracy lives on to do the bidding of whichever party is in control at a particular moment.
Corrupting, corruptible, eventually abusive and beyond repair.

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TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS... Empty Re: TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS...

Post  WHL Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:06 pm

How many times have you heard Obama say he is going to instruct (blank) to do such and such? And every time it doesn't happen. Either he doesn't tell them and he is a big liar or they don't pay any attention to him. I think I know which it is. HE says one thing and does another.

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TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS... Empty Re: TEA Party Still Targeted by IRS...

Post  News Hawk Sat Aug 10, 2013 2:05 am

Outerlimits wrote:"...When bureaucracies that get created and empowered by intentionally loosely written laws. The bureaucracy takes on a life of its own, impervious to any real oversight, management, reorganization or dismantlement. Oh sure, a commissioner here and a senior manager there might become a “fall gal or guy” to allow the incumbent to quiet the masses still, the bureaucracy lives on to do the bidding of whichever party is in control at a particular moment. Corrupting, corruptible, eventually abusive and beyond repair.
I've written previously here that it is a subset of bureaucracy within the various Government agencies that is responding to Obama's every wish.

(Rogue gangs practicing "Revenge").

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