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Seven Eagle Sightings in One Day!

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Seven Eagle Sightings in One Day!  Empty Seven Eagle Sightings in One Day!

Post  News Hawk Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:33 am

Family members watched a black Jet-Ski strike a Cormorant, and checked on its condition.

One family member touched the Cormorant, but it appeared its neck had been broken. I asked if the bird was warm, and they didn't determine that. (Birds run a normal temperature of about 105 degrees).

Cormorants are a fairly large bird, and  was likely too large to lift from the surface, so each of the Eagles we saw were giving that meal a "pass".


This doesn't speak well for speedboaters encountering other surfacing birds—such as our "resident" Loons.

Our bay started this week with five "resident" Loons—Very Happy —by Thursday, we are down to three.

News Hawk
News Hawk

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Join date : 2013-01-16
Location : Winnipesaukee & Florida


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