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Iran wins!

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Iran wins! Empty Iran wins!

Post  fshnski Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:52 am

One Iranian newspaper even declared, “the time for change has arrived,” according to AFP.

Iranian military leaders such as Safavi claim that obama’s shift from the rhetoric of war to that of peace signals Tehran’s arrival as a world power.

“It seems that the Americans have understood this fact that Iran is a powerful and stable country in the region which uses logical and wise methods in confrontation with its enemies,” Safavi toldFars in an interview.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/26/iran-declares-victory-over-obama/#ixzz2g6YuudTY
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Iran wins! Empty Re: Iran wins!

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:13 pm

Yeah, right...

Then yesterday Obama took a “dive into the gutter” as they say…

ABC World News reported President Obama “escalated his criticism of Iran’s crackdown on protesters opposed to the outcome of the election, but he skirted the issue of how the unrest might affect future relations with Iran.” Using his “most aggressive language yet,” Obama condemned the “iron fist” of the Iranian government “cracking down on those protesters, but he said it was too early to determine whether or not there would be consequences.”

Today he rescinded his 4th of July invitations to Iranian diplomats as well. I guess that is the end of Obama exhibiting for the world “the demeanor of calm, cool detachment” or “what is known as ‘international statesmanship.’” Now that Obama has dived into the gutter with the clowns and – as claimed by NBC – “Rips Iran In Tactical Shift,” surely those who strongly argued his approach was the only reasonable approach are angrily condemning him, right? No, not so much. They are pretty much quietly waiting until they believe enough time has passed that they can begin supporting his stronger language.

The Obama cultists weren’t so much supporting Obama’s actions as they were simply supporting Obama. It is part of their “Obama Is Always Right” policy. We have seen this sort of thing before.

Iran wins! Obama-o-oregon-505x355


News Hawk
News Hawk

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