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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it

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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Re: Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it

Post  Outerlimits Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:00 am

News Buzzard wrote:There is so much information and misinformation floating around out there, I don't know what to believe anymore.
The misinformation about Obamacare has come from…OBAMA & the Democrats.

OBAMA & the Democrats said you can keep your doctor.
OBAMA & the Democrats said you can keep your insurance PERIOD.
OBAMA & the Democrats said the average family will save 2400 a year.
OBAMA & the Democrats said Obamacare will not add to the deficit, it will reduce it.
Obamacare was passed under false pretense and straight out lies.  It is pretty easy to see exactly who deceived the American public.

I really can’t see what you are confused about.

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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Is this what the left has in plan for America? Is 80% a goal we should all shoot for?

Post  fshnski Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:10 pm

I guess the White House thinks mediocracy should be our goal. Try hard … but don't try too hard.

The White House began grading itself on a curve for Obamacare enrollment Monday, claiming that a goal of 80 percent recruitment among all users of the website would be nearly the best result possible.

With the administration unlikely to meet its Nov. 30 deadline for making the website fully operational, President Obama’s aides offered the new explanation that some consumers never would have signed up online anyway. Therefore, they said, 80 percent enrollment would be a success.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/nov/18/white-house-obamacare-20-percent-failure-rate-best/#ixzz2l29eFqwC
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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty website will not be “perfect.”

Post  fshnski Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:11 pm

The White House on Monday explained the administration’s new goal of having 80 percent of users being able to buy health plans online, acknowledging that the healthcare.gov website will not be “perfect.”

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the administration expected that some consumers would choose not to use the website for reasons unrelated to the technical issues that have plagued healthcare.gov. Carney also stressed that those unable or unwilling to navigate the website would still have other options for joining the federal insurance marketplace.

“Our goal is to make the website have as few problems as possible so that most Americans can gain access to affordable, quality health insurance as possible,” said Carney.

Over the weekend, the Washington Post reported the 80 percent figure as the White House goal for restoring the troubled website by Nov. 30, citing government and industry officials familiar with the project.


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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Re: Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it

Post  fshnski Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:15 pm

CNN Senior White House Correspondents Jim Acosta and Brianna Keilar

Washington (CNN) - The Obama administration has set a goal of 80% of HealthCare.gov users being able to successfully enroll in an insurance plan by the November 30 deadline, a source familiar with the project told CNN.

The 80% number was first reported by the Washington Post.


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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty White House confirms 1 in 5 Americans won’t be able to enroll via HealthCare.gov

Post  fshnski Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:16 pm

White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed Monday that one in five Americans will not be able to sign up for insurance through HealthCare.gov even if the administration meets its Nov. 30 deadline for fixing the online enrollment system.

The Washington Post first reported the administration's internal target Sunday.

"I think the way to look at that figure is that of, say, 10 who go on the system, roughly two won't get through the system," Carney said.

The 20 percent of users who wouldn't be able to enroll fall into three different categories, Carney said: "those who experience technical difficulties," those who aren't comfortable using a computer and those who have complex family situations.

When asked whether this 80 percent performance target represents what administration officials have been referring to as the "vast majority of users," Carney replied. "Others can decide whether or not 80 percent is a vast majority. I think in most contexts, it is."


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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Re: Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it

Post  fshnski Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:21 pm

Don't worry kiddies, it's OK if you suck. 80%! How low will it go next year?

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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Private consulting firm warned of glitches before healthcare.gov launch

Post  fshnski Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:28 am

(CNN) - A newly disclosed report indicates that officials in the Obama administration and the Department of Health and Human Services received warnings from a private consultant group that the federal online healthcare enrollment site could potentially fail to function properly for the October 1 launch date.

The analysis by McKinsey & Company was requested by the White House. It identified various problems with the exchange, including limited testing time and resources before the launch, and found that call-in centers wouldn't function properly if the website malfunctioned.

The Obama administration has come under fire for the botched October 1 launch of healthcare.gov. The site has been plagued with technical issues barring many enrollees from signing up for the federal exchange though the site. This report suggests problems were brought to the attention of key officials as early as March.

The administration has said the President didn't know of problems with the Affordable Care Act's website until after its fumbled rollout - even though insurance companies had been complaining and the site crashed during a pre-launch test run.


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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Obama administration was warned of healthcare.gov liabilities in March

Post  fshnski Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:05 pm

Senior White House and Department of Health and Human Services officials were told last spring of problems that could derail the launch of healthcare.gov, according to a report compiled for the Obama administration and obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Even though senior administration officials repeatedly gave assurances about the readiness of the Obamacare website, they were privately told by outside consultant McKinsey & Co. of risks threatening the functionality of the online marketplaces.

A 14-slide presentation warned of “insufficient time and scope of end-to-end testing,” that the website would launch at “full volume” rather than staggered over time, so-called “stacking” of all phases and “significant dependency on external parties/contractors.” The report also flagged “multiple definitions of success” and “evolving requirements” for the website.

According to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which provided the report to the Examiner, White House and HHS senior officials were briefed on the findings between March 28 and April 8.


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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Re: Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it

Post  News Hawk Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:23 am

Outerlimits wrote:
News Buzzard wrote:There is so much information and misinformation floating around out there, I don't know what to believe anymore.
The misinformation about Obamacare has come from…OBAMA & the Democrats.

OBAMA & the Democrats said you can keep your doctor.
OBAMA & the Democrats said you can keep your insurance PERIOD.
OBAMA & the Democrats said the average family will save 2400 a year.
OBAMA & the Democrats said Obamacare will not add to the deficit, it will reduce it.
Obamacare was passed under false pretense and straight out lies.  It is pretty easy to see exactly who deceived the American public.

I really can’t see what you are confused about.
Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 1464770_10152021909949637_675846341_n
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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty obama trying to rig next year's mid-term elections!

Post  fshnski Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:43 am

First the Nuclear Option and now obama has delayed next year's obamacare enrollments by one month. Conveniently that is one month after the mid-term elections! Can obama do anything more to divide our country?

Last edited by fshnski on Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Who else but Nancy could say this?

Post  News Hawk Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:51 am

Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 1421052_10152004284899637_1091070968_o
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Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it  - Page 2 Empty Re: Obamacare lies revealed: If you like your health care, you can't keep it

Post  fshnski Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:52 am


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