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More liberal racist BS!

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More liberal racist BS! Empty More liberal racist BS!

Post  fshnski Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:35 pm

It appears that MSNBC is becoming a 24-hour race-baiting network.

On MSNBC’s Now Friday, king race-baiter Michael Eric Dyson said, “Phil Robertson and the Duck Dynasty is part of a majority white supremacist culture that either consciously or unconsciously incubates hatred toward those who are different”

MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: The mythology is that all interested parties should come to the table, but let's not pretend that African-American people have had control of the law, where that they have indicated that Jim Crow was against poor white people. There's not an equality of means of representing your interests or means of asserting oppression. So when we have this mythology of all come to the table, let's at least be honest about who has been provided opportunity to get their viewpoint broadcast more broadly. And Phil Robertson and the Duck Dynasty is part of a majority white supremacist culture that either consciously or unconsciously incubates hatred toward those who are different.

It's astonishing, isn't it?

The race-baiters currently control much of the media, yet this Georgetown professor claims he and those that share his racist opinions haven't been "provided opportunity to get their viewpoint broadcast more broadly."

This came during a discussion filled with other race-baiters aired on a national cable network.

You got to wonder how long it takes Dyson to extract his feet from his mouth before going to bed every evening, and how his spine can take the constant contortion.

As for incubating hatred, it's race-baiters such as Dyson that are responsible for that, and as long as MSNBC continues to allow him and others to routinely spread this racially-charged invective, our nation will further divide along racial lines.

Of course, it's quite possible this is exactly what such folk want to motivate blacks and minorities to vote in next year's midterm elections.

As we've seen in recent cycles, liberal media members will do anything to help their Party even if it means the nation suffers.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/12/28/msnbc-s-dyson-phil-robertson-and-duck-dynasty-part-majority-white-sup#ixzz2oosMgCV6

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More liberal racist BS! Empty More from the voice of the left.

Post  fshnski Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:36 am

We've heard this here from their fellow obamabots.

AL SHARPTON: Let's get right back to the awards. First up, the most overrated story of the year. Krystal?

KRYSTAL BALL, MSNBC HOST: Well, slipping in right under the wire at the end of the year here, I think I got to go with pajama boy. The young man in the advertisement. Conservatives freaked out about this thing. It was incredibly silly.


JOY REID, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: Got to say the knockout game. Two videos that were in about a hundred different stories, no trend anyone could discern, but the right went absolutely ballistic over it because they want to stoke issues of race.


JIMMY WILLIAMS, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: The Internal Revenue Service scandal.

BALL: Yes.

WILLIAMS: Ain't nothing there. Never was. Never will be.

BALL: It's not even a scandal.

WILLIAMS: Not even a scandal.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brad-wilmouth/2013/12/31/msnbc-slams-right-over-knockout-game-and-irs-scandal-want-stoke-issue#ixzz2p4TGiPW6

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More liberal racist BS! Empty MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry apologizes for attack on Mitt Romney's adopted black grandson

Post  fshnski Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:00 pm

Sarah Palin slammed the 'lamestream media' for an MSNBC segment on Melissa Harris-Perry’s show mocking Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandson. The host apologized Tuesday for causing offense. This marks the second time the cable network has been criticized for a personal attack against a Republican personality.

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry apologized Tuesday for openly mocking Mitt Romney's black adopted grandson, after Sarah Palin led the chorus of conservatives who criticized the cable news host.

The Romney family Christmas card was among the items featured in the "2013: The year in political ridiculousness" segment on the cable news show Sunday.

In the photo, the former Republican presidential candidate and his wife Ann, who are both white, sit in the center of their 22 grandchildren. Nestled on Mitt's knee is one toddler grandson and on his other knee he holds baby Kieran James, the adopted infant son of Mitt's son, Ben, and his wife, Andelyne. His adoption was announced in September.

The Romneys, who are devout Mormons, have regularly showcased their five adult sons and their ever-growing brood.

After the image flashed on the screen during the show, actress Pia Glenn broke out in song, singing, "One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn't the same."

"That little baby, front and center, would be the one," said Glenn, who was among the four panel members who joined Harris-Perry for the segment.

Daily Beast's Dean Obeidallah, also on the panel, chimed in that he thought the photo was "great."

"It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party and the RNC, where they have the whole convention and they find the one black person."

Sarah Palin blasted MSNBC for attacking Mitt Romney's family, calling the comments about the former presidential candidate 'holy unbelievable.'

The host called the baby "gorgeous" and revealed her pipe dream for 2040 would be the wedding between Kieran Romney and North West, the infant daughter of rapper Kanye West and celebutante Kim Kardashian.

"Could you imagine Kanye West and Mitt Romney as in-laws?" she said.

In 2040, Romney would be aged 93.

And Romney wasn't the only conservative to be scoffed at during the show.

Panelist and comedian Judy Gold commented on Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, expressing her dismay that the Republican was the father of two daughters, Catherine and Caroline.

"Men like this … they have daughters. That disturbs me," she said, chiding Cruz and conservative Republicans for being anti-women.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/sarah-palin-msnbc-mitt-romney-attack-article-1.1562152#ixzz2p4oISqrG

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  WHL Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:38 pm

It's ok for the libs to bad mouth the conservatives, but absolutely not the other way around.

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  fshnski Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:52 pm

The Democrats are the first to yell RACIST or SEXIST but have no problem using race or sexual ID to try and manipulate people's feelings.

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  WHL Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:37 pm

Yeah according to THEM, what's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander.

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More liberal racist BS! Empty On MSNBC, Schaeffer Sees GOP 'Pathological Hatred,' Want to 'Stop the First African-American President'

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:33 pm

But there's something else going on, and this is something I think so many Americans -- especially white Americans and others -- find so embarrassing, they don't want to deal with.

And that is the real agenda of the GOP for the last six years has only been one thing. Stop the first African-American President from succeeding at all costs. And I'll give you a historic parallel. When schools began to be integrated in this country, all of a sudden coincidentally a whole bunch of evangelical private schools started and just happened to all be white. They said they were reacting to bad education in the public schools.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brad-wilmouth/2014/01/06/msnbc-schaeffer-sees-gop-pathological-hatred-want-stop-first-black-pr#ixzz2peH53usb

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  WHL Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:15 pm

I would love to have seen the first African American President be successful-if he had different ideals than the one currently in office. Ben Carson would have been a great president and this country would be in wonderful shape now.

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  Achigan Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:00 pm

WHL wrote:I would love to have seen the first African American President be successful

This topic is about Bull Shit, and you sure know how to throw it. Talk about the President being a liar.


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More liberal racist BS! Empty Voter ID Reforms Are ‘Anti-American’

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:19 pm

For over a year, the folks at MSNBC have been pushing a tired narrative that Republicans are engaged in a “war on voting.” Sadly, the rhetoric on MSNBC over “voter suppression” seemed to have taken an ugly turn on one of its flagship programs, Andrea Mitchell Reports.

On January 6, anchor Andrea Mitchell began her segment on voting rights lamenting how in 2013 “[t]he Supreme Court effectively gutted the 1965 Voting Rights Act in June last year when the court struck down a key provision opening the door for states and localities to undo nearly a half century of voting rights gains.” Appearing alongside Ms. Mitchell was Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP who charged that new voting laws across the nation were “anti-American.”

"What we see happening in our country right now, this is not the America any of us should want. This is about the preservation of our democracy and preserving the core identification of citizenship, which is the ability to vote and participate in the political process. And when we see this happening in these towns and counties all over the south, this is really anti-American."

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jeffrey-meyer/2014/01/06/msnbc-guest-voter-id-reforms-are-anti-american#ixzz2peht8gju

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Post  WHL Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:41 pm

If Obama would have had a different philosophy, I would have loved to see him be successful.

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  Achigan Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:11 pm

WHL wrote:If Obama would have had a different philosophy, I would have loved to see him be successful.

Please WHL!!

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:17 pm

If he had been successful we wouldn't be talking about him at all. He has bungled everything he has tried to do. obamacare, his signature legislation. That's the best he had to offer?

And there are still fools who think he is doing well.

And he was picked over Hillary. What do the Democrats know that we don't?

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  Achigan Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:20 pm

fshnski wrote:If he had been successful we wouldn't be talking about him at all. He has bungled everything he has tried to do. obamacare, his signature legislation. That's the best he had to offer?

And there are still fools who think he is doing well.

Go play with the dogs. Here boy, here boy... affraid 

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:20 pm

I can trust my dog!

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  Achigan Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:28 pm

fshnski wrote:I can trust my dog!

But can he trust you??? Here boy, here boy. ouch!!! Poor doggy!

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  WHL Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:42 pm

fshnski wrote:If he had been successful we wouldn't be talking about him at all. He has bungled everything he has tried to do. obamacare, his signature legislation. That's the best he had to offer?

And there are still fools who think he is doing well.

And he was picked over Hillary. What do the Democrats know that we don't?

That's right. He has been a total failure instead.

Yes, there are still fools who think he is doing well, or sheeples, not sure which. I think maybe not fools.

Hillary is almost as left as he is. And she has no more experience-well she didn't in 08.

Yes, Obama is a total failure.

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More liberal racist BS! Empty More leftist racist BS!

Post  fshnski Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:58 am

In late December, Daily Kos featured writer Denise Oliver Velez asked her readers to select "the group or individual whose words and/or deeds [in 2013] best exemplified bigotry and the active effort to suppress and oppress people of color in the United States, in the manner exemplified by the Ku Klux Klan."

On Sunday, Oliver Velez reported that well over 9,000 votes had been cast in the poll, and that the winner was... the GOP's Tea Party wing, which received 23 percent. First runner-up was Rush Limbaugh, at 19 percent, with Fox News Channel finishing third at 17 percent.

Regarding the tea-partiers' triumph, Oliver Velez opined:

No real surprise here.

Teapublicans are equal opportunity haters. They, and those who fund them—like the Koch Brothers—are truly an American Taliban, and just like the KKK unleashed a reign of terror in the U.S. during reconstruction and into the civil rights era, the teahadists among us and those they elect to office are as much or more of a terrorist threat to our nation than any outside forces...

In Oliver Velez's original post, she listed fourteen nominees that also included George Zimmerman, Ted Cruz, Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder, Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, and country singer-songwriter Brad Paisley (because of his song "Accidental Racist"). Readers also could select "other" and then specify the supposed racist(s) in the comments section.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-johnson/2014/01/06/tea-party-republicans-win-daily-kos-pollto-choose-worst-racists-2013#ixzz2piUapf6F

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  Achigan Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:03 am

Why do you search for this stuff if it bothers you so much. It's like constantly picking at a scab, it will never heal.

Give you brain a break and maybe it will start healing.


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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:10 am

Achigan wrote:Why do you search for this stuff if it bothers you so much.  It's like constantly picking at a scab, it will never heal.

Give you brain a break and maybe it will start healing.

This is the first implication that this Administration is a scab.


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More liberal racist BS! Empty MSNBC’s Sharpton Mentions Race 215 Times in ’13

Post  fshnski Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:24 am

This is from one of the progressive's heroes.

"And slavery in the context of American history is all about race. That was what you -- that`s what made you a slave was your race. You can`t say I`m going to talk about slavery but don`t bring up race, because that was the basis of slavery. And they keep comparing everything slavery, slavery, slavery. I mean, all of these connotations are all kind of race based, and referencing race."

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/katie-yoder/2014/01/07/racy-rev-msnbc-s-sharpton-mentions-race-215-times-13#ixzz2pj6taVr0

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  fshnski Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:26 am

Sharpton proved his ability to find race in all things – including food and fashion. On Sept. 9, Sharpton invited Vogue Contributing Editor Andre Leon Talley to discuss racism in fashion. Earlier in the year, on March 8, he turned to food by asking Michael Moss, author of “Salt Sugar Fat,” to digest how the food industry targets consumers by race.

On more substantive but no less idiotic notes, Sharpton, participated in a MSNBC panel that likened pro-gun sheriffs to segregationists and the Tea Party’s foundation to racism to joining the MSNBC team “still fighting the civil war.”

To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And to a man in a borrowed suit whose makes his living stirring racial animosity, every installment of his show is a chance to pound political opponents for what he calls bigotry.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/katie-yoder/2014/01/07/racy-rev-msnbc-s-sharpton-mentions-race-215-times-13#ixzz2pj7WDTSd

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More liberal racist BS! Empty Re: More liberal racist BS!

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:53 pm

fshnski wrote:"...To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And to a man in a borrowed suit whose makes his living stirring racial animosity, every installment of his show is a chance to pound political opponents for what he calls bigotry..."

With an administration in place that claims to "Unite", Sharpton has found his Nirvana.



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More liberal racist BS! Empty Another expression of hope and change.

Post  fshnski Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:58 pm

Now the left is attacking Walt Disney!

Hollywood legend Meryl Streep unleashed a wave of attacks against Walt Disney during a recent awards ceremony in New York City, calling the famed movie animator and business tycoon a “bigot” who despised women.

Ms. Streep was making the speech in honor of her friend and fellow actress Emma Thompson, who just portrayed Mary Poppins in the Disney flick, “Saving Mr. Banks,” The Daily Mail said.

After raving about Ms. Thompson’s on-screen talents, Ms. Streep described Mr. Disney as a “hideous anti-Semite” who “formed and supported an anti-Semitic industry lobby. And he was certainly, on the evidence of the company’s policies, a gender bigot,” The Daily Mail reported.

As proof, Ms. Streep read from a letter that his company sent out in 1938 to a woman who wanted to become an animator:

“Women do not do any of the creative work in connection with preparing the cartoons for the screen, as that task is performed entirely by young men,” The Daily Mail reported.

The National Board of Review dinner ceremony, where Ms. Streep gave her speech, is considered one of the biggest movie events, and as a sort of warm-up to the Golden Globes.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jan/9/walt-disney-remembered-bigot-nyc-awards-gala/#ixzz2pvfhNU00
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