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A Weak President = War!

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A Weak President = War! Empty A Weak President = War!

Post  News Hawk Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:17 pm

"When asked whether Ukrainian troops would fight to defend Crimea, Tenyukh replied tersely, “The armed forces will execute their tasks, ” later adding, “Ukrainian forces will stay [in Crimea] until all their tasks have been completed.”

Speaking to the Verkhovna Rada in the evening on March 17, Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov said that his government would "do everything possible to prevent war." However, he noted that "the threat of war is real...We are strengthening our defense capacity. Ukraine is ready to defend its territory."
—World Affairs Council


News Hawk
News Hawk

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A Weak President = War! Empty Re: A Weak President = War!

Post  News Hawk Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:08 am

Ukraine dispatched tanks into the rolling terrain of the Donbas basin on Monday, putting its biggest guns back on the scene of the biggest armored clash in history. It was in this bleak but fertile landscape along what is now Ukraine's border with Russia that the Red Army routed Nazi Panzers to turn the course of the Second World War. But as Ukraine's dilapidated tank units moved to muddy berms in the fields south of Donetsk city as part of face-saving mobilization, the guns of Ukraine tanks were this time pointed towards Russia..

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A Weak President = War! Empty Re: A Weak President = War!

Post  News Hawk Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:32 pm

After WW II, a French admiral named Pierre Auphan wrote a book about the French Navy and the war. He said that between the wars, the Socialists and Communists ganged up together to drive up social spending, in order to undermine the French military and naval forces. Worked like a charm -- only Hitler was the beneficiary.

France still had a serious naval establishment in 1939, but it was dysfunctional due to budget cuts, in a way familiar to people who've lived through the Carter, Clinton, and now the Obama administrations.

And all the while, we are forging swords into EBT cards.


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