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A Lesson In Climate Change

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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  News Buzzard Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:38 am

News Buzzard
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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  red_hill Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:25 pm

On Thursday, it looked as though we’d have to do it again, after Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) blocked a Senate resolution that would have simply stated that climate change is real.
Is the climate changing? Sure, it has changed forever. We, as humans, are the first to have drawn an imaginary line in the sand as to where and how we live. Animals and early humans moved with the weather and conditions. Now, we plunk a house down in the sand and expect the shoreline to not change. I believe we have created some additional climate change with our lives- no matter how you look at it there are 7 billion lightbulbs (people) burning on earth.

Can we (the US) solve this? Not alone and we certainly cannot hobble our industries when our "trading partners" spew smog. I am tired of everyone looking at the US as the world's policeman, steward and protector. It is time for these new economies to do their part, and only then should we do ours.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Famerica.aljazeera.com%2Farticles%2F2014%2F4%2F15%2Fasia-pollution-weather.html&ei=bxDdU7N6i5zIBJn6gNAE&usg=AFQjCNHg8yT3zByyJhCXjbr7plerqMzYlw&bvm=bv.72197243,d.aWw (hardly a right wing source)


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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  News Buzzard Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:15 pm

News Buzzard
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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  red_hill Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:07 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Christie Whitman says; "We need to regulate carbon":


I will gladly discuss things with you. But, like with my buddy from FL, I don't want to be thinking and typing to be countered with a cartoon or link. I don't care what some stooge that worked for Bush thinks! I care what you think Very Happy  Rant over- I mean it in the nicest way. I like a good debate!


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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  News Buzzard Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:37 pm

The debate is over. If you don't believe we should take the lead in combatting climate change, that's your issue.
News Buzzard
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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  WHL Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:39 pm

WE have been taking it for 30 years. When is the rest of the world going to make a change?

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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  News Hawk Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:27 pm

News Buzzard wrote:The debate is over. If you don't believe we should take the lead in combatting climate change, that's your issue.
How would we take the lead in attacking a problem we can't identify as "heating" or "cooling"?

Scientific papers appear every day mostly in the "heating" phase; however, how many of these papers are produced by people who need to assuage their professors for a Masters Degree, or to continue in their government-funded jobs in meteorology?

Those who have favored "heating" as the problem have "cooked the books" as expressed in British climate-expert emails—in cases where their hard-drive was not "lost".

I'm thinking that even the NYTs has been made aware that the science isn't settled.

The Professor who mentored Al Gore on Greenhouse Warming in college says Climate Change is too uncertain, and years later, apologized for starting the Global Warming scare—beginning with his student, Al Gore.

BTW: $4.7 Billion of U.S. tax monies is spent on Global Warming study.

Presentation here:


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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  red_hill Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:52 am

News Buzzard wrote:The debate is over. If you don't believe we should take the lead in combatting climate change, that's your issue.

Well, you told me! Why should we take the lead? Because we have the most money? No. Because we make the most pollution? No. Why then must we take the lead on everything?


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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  WHL Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:31 am

These scientists work for the gov. and are told what to say. I assume they are threatened if they don't go along too.

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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  News Hawk Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:09 am

Forty of forty-one media centers reported that 52 scientists were rescued from a Russian research ship stuck in 13-feet depth of sea ice.

They didn't report that the original effort was to study why sea ice was diminishing!

Only CBS stated they were following a much-earlier route to establish their objective—back to the drawing board.


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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  News Buzzard Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:32 am

WHL wrote:These scientists work for the gov. and are told what to say.  I assume they are threatened if they don't go along too.

Really???  Very Happy
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A Lesson In Climate Change Empty Re: A Lesson In Climate Change

Post  News Hawk Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:04 pm

News Buzzard wrote:The debate is over. If you don't believe we should take the lead in combatting climate change, that's your issue.
The global warming pause is real. The global warming pause is significant. The global warming pause is not likely to be permanent. A future resumption of global warming at pre-pause rates – or even modestly accelerated rates – would not validate IPCC global warming predictions, and would instead continue to undermine the IPCC’s predictions of very rapid 21st century global warming. The most meaningful aspect of the global warming pause isn’t that temperatures have flattened for 17 years, but rather that the global warming pause extends and solidifies the longer-term record of smaller-than-predicted global temperature rise.
Yeah—let's take the lead.

Rolling Eyes

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