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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  Anti Federalist Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:34 pm

Just goes to show that it is not just the GOP that are authoritarian creeps.

Democrats: Vote or we’ll kick your ass


Democrats are telling voters that they had better head to the polls — or else.

The New York State Democratic Committee is bullying people into voting next week with intimidating letters warning that it can easily find out which slackers fail to cast a ballot next Tuesday.

“Who you vote for is your secret. But whether or not you vote is public record,” the letter says.

“We will be reviewing voting records . . . to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014.”

It ends with a line better suited to a mob movie than a major political party: “If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not.”

The letter and accompanying post card was criticized even by party members, with one Democratic consultant saying it was the wrong way to inspire votes.

“It’s a threatening letter. It’s a scare piece that is unnecessary and inappropriate,” the insider said.

Brooklyn and Manhattan residents who received the note Wednesday were furious, calling it an attempt to browbeat them into showing up at the polls.

“I’m outraged. Whether I vote or not is none of your business!” said a Manhattan voter, who was so incensed that she complained to a local Democratic leader.

“The letter is ludicrous and menacing,” said the voter, who requested anonymity.

The woman also received a report card of her voting record, pointing out that she had failed to vote in two of the last four elections.

Overall, the notices were sent out to 1 million registered Democrats who had failed to vote in previous midterm elections, according to the group.

The committee — chaired by former Gov. David Paterson — defended the scare tactic, calling it standard practice throughout the country.

“This flier is part of the nationwide Democratic response to traditional Republican voter-suppression efforts, because Democrats believe our democracy works better when more people vote, not less,” said Peter Kauffmann, a committee spokesman.

“The difference between Democrats and Republicans is they don’t want people to vote and we want everyone to vote.”

(Yes, this. I have abandoned the political system as hopelessly corrupt, but I still maintain this as a truth. Your average idiot American can't find Iraq on a map and wouldn't know the Bill of Rights if you beat them with it. I don't want anybody like that within 100 yards of a voting booth, where they have direct control of my freedom and property. - AF)

Paterson declined to comment.

The mailer has a phone number on it that goes to Election Protection, a nonpartisan voting organization.

The organization said it had received a “significant” number of calls about the letter.

Such attempts to shame people to vote — what politicos call “social pressure” or peer pressure — has become more common place and was used by the Obama campaign in 2012, sources said.

A Yale University study in 2008 found that voter participation increased substantially after lazy voters received letters telling them their spotty voting history was a public record that would be scrutinized.

The notice includes a “vote report card” rating New Yorkers’ voting records as “excellent,” “good,” “fair” or “incomplete.”

“Many organizations monitor turnout in your neighborhood and are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors,” it says.

The letter came a week before heavily favored Democratic Gov. Cuomo faces off against Republican Rob Astorino.

Cuomo was not behind the shame letters, party sources insisted.

But Astorino scoffed, “Andrew Cuomo’s thuggish tactics just crossed the line into creepy territory . . . Threatening and intimidating people is not how honorable elected leaders operate.”

(Another idiot, just as bad. Clue: A free people do not elect "leaders". - AF)
Anti Federalist
Anti Federalist

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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty "Leaders" like This?

Post  News Hawk Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:31 pm

NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Ramirez-20141101

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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Even using Voter Fraud, NY Democrats Can't Sneak out a Win?

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:57 am

Does that threat mean the Democrats won't be able to fraudulently stuff the ballot boxes—even in New York?


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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:17 am

Y'know, ISIS has "Religious Police"—this sounds a little too close to that!


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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:28 am

Voters in Minnesota and Maine also got this "warning".

Evil or Very Mad

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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  Anti Federalist Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:35 pm

News Hawk wrote:Voters in Minnesota and Maine also got this "warning".

Evil or Very Mad

Got a link?
Anti Federalist
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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  WHL Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:28 pm

I vote, but if I didn't and got a message like that I would not be happy!!

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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:45 pm

Anti Federalist wrote:
Got a link?
Working on it...meanwhile:

NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Dem-mailer-1-1000x563

NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Democrat-voter-threats


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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  Anti Federalist Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:10 pm

Wasn't "voter turnout" in the old DDR and USSR somewhere around 95 percent?
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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  News Hawk Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:29 am

Anti Federalist wrote:Clue: A free people do not elect "leaders"[/b]. - AF)

"If you’re happy and you know it clang your chains!"


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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  News Hawk Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:49 am

Anti Federalist wrote:
Got a link?
Link to Connecticut responses to threatening letter:

“The tone of the mailings is chilling, like something you’d get from Stasi in East Berlin in 1967,” McEnroe wrote.

Dims' defense of the threatening letter:

“This flier is part of the nationwide Democratic response to traditional Republican voter-suppression efforts, because Democrats believe our democracy works better when more people vote, not less,” said Peter Kauffmann, a committee spokesman. “The difference between Democrats and Republicans is they don’t want people to vote and we want everyone to vote.”

Bring out the "Dead Vote"?


WRAL-TV describes the situation in North Carolina:

Voters in at least four counties – Wake, Durham, Orange and New Hanover – report receiving two different versions of letters from the [Democratic] party. One gives them a “report card” on their prior voting history – most are deemed “average” – while the other suggests the voter in question would be surveyed as to whether or not they cast a ballot in this year’s general election.

The letters use Democratic Party logos, and the survey letter is signed by Patsy Keever, who is given the title of “election day coordinator” on the letter. Keever is a former state representative who is a vice chairwoman of the North Carolina Democratic Party. The letters carry a disclaimer that they were “Paid for by the North Carolina Democratic Party.”

Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday called the North Carolina letters “voter shaming” and predicted the effort would backfire the way it seemingly has in Coulton’s case (though it is certainly possible Coulton was joking about feeling “threatened” and intends to vote Democrat).

“If you ask me, this kind of thing could backfire big time,” Limbaugh said. “What is the main African-American argument against voter ID…? The primary agent of fear employed is, ‘They don’t care whether you vote! They want to find out where you are. The ‘man’ wants to find out who you are. The man wants to be able to track you.’”

Limbaugh said Democrats scared voters into thinking they’ll be tracked if voter ID laws pass, and then “turned around [and] sent out letters that promise to track whether these people vote or not.” It could end up scaring voters rather than shaming them, he said.

“I’m not sure how this is gonna play out,” Limbaugh concluded. “But once again, it’s another sign of desperation on the Democrat Party side about the election and voter turnout and all of these things that are tied into it.”
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NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!" Empty Re: NY State Democratic Comm. - "Vote, or we'll kick your ass!"

Post  Anti Federalist Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:29 am

Thanks NH
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