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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

News Hawk
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Buzzard Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:49 pm

Old news, but at least the House did the right thing. Hopefully the Select Committee will disband and stop wasting money.

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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Pigeon Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:13 pm

Curious how all of those "Trojan Horses" are now going away, like the feigned Ebola "epidemic" and ISIS crossing our borders etc etc ...sad part is too many people actually believed that tripe.
News Pigeon
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Hawk Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:14 pm

House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Demonseed1A

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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Pigeon Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:18 pm

Gawd, what a drama queen you are!! Laughing Laughing Rolling Eyes
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  obervantone Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:25 pm

Summary of the Republican controlled House Select Intelligence Committee....gee, I wonder why it was not released until AFTER the Mid-Terms.....must just be coincidence.

The Committee first concludes that the CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA facilities in Benghazi....Appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night, and the Committee found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support....

Second, the Committee finds that there was no intelligence failure prior to the attacks. In the months prior, the IC provided intelligence about previous attacks and the increased threat environment in Benghazi, but the IC did not have specific, tactical warning of the September 11 attacks.

Third, the Committee finds that a mixed group of individuals, including those affiliated with Al Qa'ida, participated in the attacks...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate....There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke)....

Fifth, the Committee finds that the process used to generate the talking points HPSCI asked for—and which were used for Ambassador Rice's public appearances—was flawed....

Finally, the Committee found no evidence that any officer was intimidated, wrongly forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement or otherwise kept from speaking to Congress, or polygraphed because of their presence in Benghazi. The Committee also found no evidence that the CIA conducted unauthorized activities in Benghazi and no evidence that the IC shipped arms to Syria.

And since News Hawks only believes Fox or Foreign media, here is the BBC story.
Benghazi report clears US response
Last updated Nov 21, 2014, 9:22 PM EST

Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, died in the attack
A US investigation has found no wrongdoing by the Obama administration in responding to the deadly 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

The inquiry by the Republican-run House Intelligence Committee also said there was no intelligence failure and no delay in sending a CIA rescue team.

The Obama administration had been accused of mishandling its response.

Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, died in the raid carried out by Islamist militants.

'No stand-down order'
In a report released on Friday, the committee dismissed a claim that the CIA had not provided adequate security for its own agents near the Benghazi consulate and that the Obama administration had failed to send support.

It said it reached its conclusion based on "thousands of hours of detailed investigation" and interviews with senior American officials and the agents who had been on the ground during the attack on 11 September 2012.

"The CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA activities in Benghazi and, without a requirement to do so, ably and bravely assisted the state department on the night of the attacks," the report said.

"Appropriate US personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night, and the committee found no evidence that there was a stand-down order or a denial of available air support.

"The CIA received all military support that was available," the document added.

However, it concluded that the mission had inadequate security and therefore had required CIA assistance.

BBC © 2014

What about Fox's coverage?  

After spending months criticizing the Obama Administration's handling of Benghazi, how did Fox handle the report from the Republican led House Select Intelligence Committee released AFTER the mid-terms?

With a story that was UNDER 30 SECONDS!     Yep, Fair and Balanced!  


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Buzzard Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:31 am

News Pigeon wrote:Curious how all of those "Trojan Horses" are now going away, like the feigned Ebola "epidemic" and ISIS crossing our borders etc etc ...sad part is too many people actually believed that tripe.

It's very sad! Wait until the Tea Party faithful realizes what the Koch brothers have in store for them.
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Pigeon Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:02 am

News Buzzard wrote:
News Pigeon wrote:Curious how all of those "Trojan Horses" are now going away, like the feigned Ebola "epidemic" and ISIS crossing our borders etc etc ...sad part is too many people actually believed that tripe.

It's very sad! Wait until the Tea Party faithful realizes what the Koch brothers have in store for them.

Yep, but they won't realize it until it's in full implementation and then they'll just blame it on the black Kenyan....you can't "fix" stupid
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Buzzard Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:08 am

No, you can't fix stupid! Most of the Red States in the South get back well more than a dollar for every dollar they send to Washington. Wait until that money dries up. Wink
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Pigeon Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:11 am

Curious isn't it? Laughing
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Buzzard Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:13 am

Yup! They won't know what hit them, and Obama won't be around to blame anymore!
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Any mention of Hillary's "guilty" home video?

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:51 pm

Wikipedia's last Benghazi entry took place in 2013:

The United States has been denied access to individuals who were detained after a raid in the Nasr City neighborhood of Cairo by Egyptian officials. One of these individuals is Muhammad Jamal al Kashef, who is suspected of establishing training camps where attackers of the Benghazi consulate and CIA annex had trained."[128][129]

The investigation became two years old on 9/11, 2014.  Even Wikipedia needs updating.


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  obervantone Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:46 pm

News Hawk
Wikipedia's last Benghazi entry took place in 2013:

The United States has been denied access to individuals who were detained after a raid in the Nasr City neighborhood of Cairo by Egyptian officials. One of these individuals is Muhammad Jamal al Kashef, who is suspected of establishing training camps where attackers of the Benghazi consulate and CIA annex had trained."[128][129]

The investigation became two years old on 9/11, 2014. Even Wikipedia needs updating
If you look a few posts above you will find the actual HSIC Report Summary that I posted. But why let facts get in the way of your preconceived ideas?


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:42 pm

I nominate you for the next Ambassador to the Benghazi office...


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  obervantone Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:00 pm

You haven't bothered to read the report have you?  Of course not, it contradicts the crap that you have been slinging without facts....now the Republican controlled House Select Intelligence Committee issues a report and releases it AFTER the mid-terms debunking all your garbage and you don't read it?   Yeah, that is your M.O.

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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Interesting Reading Outside of Congress...

Post  News Hawk Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:07 am

obervantone wrote:You haven't bothered to read the report have you?  Of course not, it contradicts the crap that you have been slinging without facts....now the Republican controlled House Select Intelligence Committee issues a report and releases it AFTER the mid-terms debunking all your garbage and you don't read it?   Yeah, that is your M.O.

It appears that Congress had issues that were not addressed. (Both parties were in on this—particularly one Republican's wife). Mrs. Rogers company, Aegis, had a 10 BILLION dollar contract from the US government to supply security for the state department. How could any person above a Gruber in intelligence expect Rogers to find anything wrong? But worse, this is just an example of what is considered every day business in DC. Both parties are corrupt to the point that our nation is facing destruction. We have got to find a way to send honest men to DC and a way to keep them from being corrupted by what is already there.

A small part of a long, two-page condemnation of Congress follows:

"...A definitive statement about Aegis in Libya, apparently, but not without wiggle room. The activities of the U.S. government, its allies, and private contractors in Libya remain cloaked in secrecy.

Methods to sidestep Congressional oversight include handing off sensitive missions to friendly foreign governments or operating through shell companies. There’s no evidence that Aegis was involved in such misconduct, but Ms. Rogers did seem to have been focused on boosting Aegis' capability for confidential operations. According to a biographical profile posted on the Manatt website and since removed, Ms. Rogers “obtained top-secret facility security clearance for Aegis, created the company’s board of directors and positioned it for future growth and expansion.” Among the new Aegis
board members were two former senior CIA officials: Robert Reynolds, a leader in contracts and procurement for the CIA; and John Sano, a former deputy director of the CIA’s clandestine services.

On March 28, Mr. Rogers announced he was stepping down from his safe Congressional seat and committee chairmanship to become a talk radio host. Two weeks earlier, on March 14, Ms. Rogers quietly left Manatt, after a tenure of only thirteen months. Her departure was not announced and her association with the firm has been scrubbed from its website.

Ms. Rogers and Manatt did not respond to emailed questions and interview requests. Messrs. Reynolds and Sano, the Aegis board members, did not respond to interview requests. The State Department and CIA did not respond to questions about Aegis. A lawyer for Aegis declined to address questions about the company’s relations with the U.S. intelligence community and its work in Benghazi.

The select committee should take a close look at the CIA’s activities in Benghazi and the Aegis connection. Both Rep. Rogers’ committee and Ms. Rogers’ company were focused on the Libyan security and intelligence environment in the months surrounding the Benghazi attack. Both Rep. Rogers and Aegis pursued Libyan border security issues. And both Rep. Rogers and Ambassador Stevens were linked to efforts to secure Gadhafi’s arsenals, including MANPADS, a high-stakes venture that involved both the State Department and the CIA.


Interesting reading following another Congressional whitewash!


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Pigeon Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:54 am

obervantone wrote:You haven't bothered to read the report have you?  Of course not, it contradicts the crap that you have been slinging without fact  Yeah, that is your M.O.

House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Head_up_ass
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  Outerlimits Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:54 am

Debunked???  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

"The Obama Administration narrative is definitively torpedoed in this report — and yet the mainstream media, even more craven and dishonest than usual, is spinning the report as an exoneration of Obama."

The report text is full of intelligence failures

Being incompetent, by reducing security, ignoring terrorists attacks, not having a response plan, Obama ignoring the entire attack by going off to bed not knowing if our people were alive or dead, and then jetting off to a fund raiser the very next day, claiming a video was the driver behind a protest that went badly, etc.... Those are not wrong doing per se, they show a lack of character, poor judgment, deceitful conduct, and gross incompetence and ineptitude.

Well, after all, stupidity is not a crime.

"No one was deliberately mislead"  Who's kidding who?

No "deliberate wrong-doing" is not the same as "no wrong-doing" or "did not act irresponsibly" or "was not incompetent" or "did not display malfeasance".

What was Stevens doing in Benghazi? -Don't think too hard.

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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  obervantone Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:16 pm

Still using those unimpeachable sources News Hawk. Is it a wonder that you are clueless?

The Daily Caller:
Founded by Tucker Carlson, a libertarian conservative political pundit, and Neil Patel, former adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney
A couple of guys with no skin in the game that we can trust to be completely thorough and honest in their reporting especially about an administration that they politically oppose! RIGHT!

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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Hawk Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:34 pm

obervantone wrote:
The Committee first concludes that the CIA ensured sufficient security for CIA facilities in Benghazi....Appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night, and the Committee found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support...
This last phrase stands out in the report for me. There are nearby bases that could have provided the air support that is now being expended willy-nilly in Syria and Iraq. (Had it been requested at Benghazi).


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Buzzard Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:41 pm

And where are the nearby air bases?
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Hawk Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:55 pm

News Buzzard wrote:And where are the nearby air bases?

Aviano, Italy, or perhaps a carrier-based response would have been timely. Aviano is a two-hour flight, and the assault on the US embassy lasted seven hours.

Retired CIA officer Gary Berntsen believes help could have come much sooner. He commanded CIA counter-terrorism missions targeting Osama bin Laden and led the team that responded after bombings of the U.S. Embassy in East Africa.

"You find a way to make this happen," Berntsen says. "There isn't a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments. They made zero adjustments in this. They stood by and watched and our people died."


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Hawk Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:56 pm

Outerlimits wrote:Debunked???  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

"The Obama Administration narrative is definitively torpedoed in this report — and yet the mainstream media, even more craven and dishonest than usual, is spinning the report as an exoneration of Obama."

The report text is full of intelligence failures

Being incompetent, by reducing security, ignoring terrorists attacks, not having a response plan, Obama ignoring the entire attack by going off to bed not knowing if our people were alive or dead, and then jetting off to a fund raiser the very next day, claiming a video was the driver behind a protest that went badly, etc.... Those are not wrong doing per se, they show a lack of character, poor judgment, deceitful conduct, and gross incompetence and ineptitude.

Well, after all, stupidity is not a crime.

"No one was deliberately mislead"  Who's kidding who whom?

No "deliberate wrong-doing" is not the same as "no wrong-doing" or "did not act irresponsibly" or "was not incompetent" or "did not display malfeasance".

What was Stevens doing in Benghazi? -Don't think too hard.

Ten points were made today, with the top five listed below:


(i) The report primarily absolves the IC of failure and wrongdoing, not the State Department, Department of Defense or executive branch

(ii) The report attempts to deny U.S. facilitation of weapons transfers from Libya to Syria via Benghazi, but leaves a significant amount of yet unquestioned wiggle room.

(iii) Former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell edited the talking points parroted publicly by Susan Rice following the attack, in a politically correct fashion, apparently so as to not offend/incite Muslims.

(iv) James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, in testimony, continued to partially attribute the attacks in Benghazi to a YouTube video, and argues that there is “linkage” to the event with the storming of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo Egypt; HPSCI member Democrats also continue to attribute the attacks in part potentially to a YouTube video

(v) The primary lesson the CIA learned from the Benghazi attack was…not to release unclassified talking points.
—Benjamin Weingarten


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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  obervantone Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:01 am

Ben Weingarten is the Editor of Blaze Books. Prior to joining TheBlaze he worked as a financial advisor specializing in bankruptcies and restructurings.

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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Pigeon Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:48 am

obervantone wrote:Ben Weingarten is the Editor of Blaze Books. Prior to joining TheBlaze he worked as a financial advisor specializing in bankruptcies and restructurings.

Yep, that's the first thing I did too, research the source because in right-wing wacko world, opinion pieces serve as fact-based peer-reviewed research....particularly when it fits your agenda Rolling Eyes
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House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories Empty Re: House Intel Panel Debunks Benghazi Theories

Post  News Hawk Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:11 pm

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wood was the commander of the 16-man Special Forces security detail at the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, Libya, until the State Department ordered him and his men home on August 5, 2012 and never replaced them.

Despite repeated pleas from Ambassador Chris Stevens and his State Department security officers in Tripoli that they remain in Libya, Washington wouldn’t listen.

Colonel Wood remains perplexed at what happened on the night Ambassador Stevens was murdered, and in a recent conversation, recalled a similar event in June 2012 when the British ambassador came under RPG attack while visiting Benghazi.

“When I went to help the British ambassador, we got to the scene faster than the CIA team did on September 11. I went over to the CIA Annex, waited for the 18 Delta medic to grab his kit, then left immediately,” he told me.

“Why would they say ‘get over there as quick as you can’ when the British ambassador gets attacked, and say ‘wait’ when it’s our own ambassador?” he wondered.

And yet, that’s the behavior former deputy CIA Director Mike Morell told the House intelligence committee was “a very prudent decision.”

In Gruberesque fashion, The Washington Post failed to mention that Ambassador Stephens was still talking to Prime Minister candidates for the “new government” on the day he was brutally murdered, as his Diary shows.
Was help for the Ambassador available?

During the post-Morsi ousting in Egypt, that US Pentagon officials declined to give specifics on conversations between DOD's Chuck Hagel and brilliant tactician Egyptian Gen al-Sisi (now Egypt's president).

(NOTE Gen al Sisi, 58, received a masters degree from the U.S. War College in Carlisle, Pa, in 2006. The General is revered by Egyptians for routing the Muslim Brotherhood which Egyptians consider a terrorist organization.)

Although officials would not discuss the specifics of the military-to-military talks, the US would have needed Gen al-Sisi's approval to move through Egyptian air space if Washington decided to send Marines to aid in the evacuation of U.S. personnel in the post-Morsi chaos.

READY TO ROLL About 550 Marines and their tilt-rotor MV-22 Osprey aircraft are at bases in Spain and Italy on standby if they are needed. A Navy Amphibious Ready Group with 4,000 Marines and sailors aboard, led by the helicopter assault ship Kearsarge, was also in the region following completion of the Eager Lion training exercises in Jordan.

The US helicopter assault ship Kearsarge, WAS in the region, ready to airlift Benghazi personnel to safety. If Hillary did not know the Kearsage was ready to roll, she's as incompetent as the rest of them..... her all-girl State Dept and the venal Obama admin.

Fact is, Americans were lied to----we were told men and materiel were not available to help endangered Americans in Benghazi.


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