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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  News Buzzard Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:41 am

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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  News Hawk Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:44 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Both components are heading in the right direction:


...and just think—it's FREE...!



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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:53 am

The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Obama-food-stamp-president-peoplescube

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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  WHL Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:50 am

And now he wants to send everybody to college free. When will he stop? Do people really believe all these things are free? I guess those who get everything and pay nothing do.

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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 18, 2015 10:10 am

And now Government is piling up cash by fining American companies. (Through the courts, of course).

The Obama regime (and Holder’s DOJ) has gone on a shakedown against their political enemies and vulnerable corporations. You may recall the varied interests from Republican dealers of General Motors cars, to Sierra Pacific—a family business, to a US guitar manufacturer and BP (which was fined/assessed “costs” vastly more than any actual damages or costs, and your Government is still in the money-grubbing game).


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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  WHL Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:48 pm

Yes, I remember GM dealers who weren't friendly to Obama were the ones who were shut down.

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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  News Buzzard Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:57 pm

We've been providing free healthcare to millions of people in the emergency rooms throughout the country for decades and it never seemed to bother the right wingers here, but you all get your bloomers in a bunch when a Black President tries to correct the situation. My original post speaks for itself: The number of uninsured and healthcare costs are both coming down, so for those reasons you'll never be able to repeal Obamacare!! The next 2 years should be a riot watching the Republicans repeatedly tripping over their own big feet as they try to do something they're not used to, governing!!! afro
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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  WHL Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:23 pm

Yes, so the poor were taken care of, so why do we now have to pay for them to have insurance and if the insurance companies don't make enough money, we have to bail them out????

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The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare Empty Re: The Rise In Health Care Coverage And Affordability Under Obamacare

Post  News Hawk Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:24 pm

...This includes the tax on innovation. As I’ve reported over the last four years, Obamacare’s reviled medical-device tax has forced companies to cut back on research and development, in addition to catalyzing layoffs of at least 33,000 workers over the past year. A recent study by the New York Federal Reserve found that half of the state’s medical device manufacturers were bracing for “considerably” higher health care costs as a result of Obamacare rules. These include “higher deductibles, increased copays, higher out-of-pocket maximums and an increased employee contribution to the premium.”

Who’s “stupid” now? The fallout from intrepid Philadelphia investment adviser and citizen researcher Rich Weinstein’s exposure of Obamacare architect/deceiver Jonathan Gruber has only just begun. Far worse than Gruber’s insult of American voters, Weinstein notes, is the annual $250 billion tax grab at the heart of Gruber and Company’s scheme. Obamacare’s so-called “Cadillac tax” on expensive health plans was purposely “mislabeled,” Gruber said in video uncovered by Weinstein, in order to pass a tax that will eventually hit all employer plans.

Democrats continue to scheme / to trap—'til

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