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Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.

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Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.   Empty Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.

Post  fshnski Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:11 pm

Bedford police announced Friday that Charles Normil, 32, of Lawrence, Mass., was charged with two counts of attempted murder, one count of burglary, one count of aggravated felonious sexual assault, two counts of first-degree assault and one count of falsifying evidence.

Bedford police were called to the home of Dr. Eduardo and Sonia Quesada on Nov. 24. The Quesadas were found seriously injured in their Proclamation Court home.

Police said Eduardo Quesada had been stabbed multiple times with a screwdriver, resulting in facial fractures, lacerations and bleeding on the brain. Sonia Quesada had been sexually and physically assaulted multiple times, resulting in the loss of eyesight in her left eye, police said.

Chief John Bryfonski said the injuries the couple suffered were so severe that the two were unable to help detectives in the early stages of the investigation.

Read more: http://www.wmur.com/news/nh-news/Arrest-warrant-issued-in-violent-Bedford-home-invasion/-/9857858/19727690/-/format/rsss_2.0/-/11kb0djz/-/index.html#ixzz2QIzbL4US

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Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.   Empty Re: Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.

Post  News Hawk Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:50 am

fshnski wrote:Bedford police announced Friday that Charles Normil, 32, of Lawrence, Mass.
Is Lawrence known for anything good?

News Hawk
News Hawk

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Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.   Empty Re: Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.

Post  WHL Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:53 am

It's getting scary what is happening EVERYWHERE, even our little state, isn't it? Are we raising a country of criminals? BTW, guess Obama better get to work banning screw drivers. How gross is that-what that guy did??

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Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.   Empty Re: Arrest warrant has been issued in a violent home invasion.

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