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Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says

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Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says Empty Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says

Post  fshnski Fri May 17, 2013 8:48 pm

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans, not resting with the Internal Revenue Service scandal, are moving to broaden the matter to an array of tax malfeasances and “intimidation tactics” they hope will ensnare the White House.

Republican charges range from the clearly questionable to the seemingly specious, and they grow by the day. On Friday, lawmakers sought to tie the I.R.S. matter to the implementation of President Obama’s health care law, which will rely heavily on the agency. Whether they succeed holds significant ramifications for Mr. Obama, who will soon know if he is dealing with a late spring thunderstorm that may soon blow over or a consuming squall that will leave lasting damage.

Representative Dave Camp, Republican of Michigan, the usually mild-mannered chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, set the tone Friday at Congress’s first hearing on the targeting of conservative groups by the I.R.S., laying out details, from the alleged threatening of donors to conservative nonprofit groups to the leaking of confidential I.R.S. documents.

In that context, he said, the screening of Tea Party groups for special scrutiny was not the scandal itself but “just the latest example of a culture of cover-ups — and political intimidation — in this administration.”

“It seems like the truth is hidden from the American people just long enough to make it through an election,” Mr. Camp said.


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Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says Empty Re: Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says

Post  News Hawk Sat May 18, 2013 6:25 am

fshnski wrote:“ '...It seems like the truth is hidden from the American people just long enough to make it through an election,' Mr. Camp said."
The now "retired" IRS head was previously embroiled in IRS' targeting political groups during other administrations.

Lesson: don't put "patriot" after your name.

News Hawk
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Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says Empty ...Marxists Know How to Game Democracy...

Post  News Hawk Sat May 18, 2013 6:33 am

"The IRS under the Obama administration painted targets on the backs of conservatives beginning in 2010, and ousted acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller apologized to the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday. But members on both sides of the aisle were furious, and castigated him for the mismanagement and political gamesmanship the IRS engaged in on his watch. Texas Republican congressman Kevin Brady had the harshest criticism for Miller. ‘Is this still America?' he asked him. 'Is this government so drunk on power that it would turn its full force, its full might, to harass, and intimidate, and threaten...?"
—Daily Mail (Britain)

Shocked We are still named "America", but the 2008 election WAS about Power!

News Hawk
News Hawk

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Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says Empty Re: Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry in 2012, Official Says

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