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We made it safely. Boat is all set!

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We made it safely. Boat is all set! Empty We made it safely. Boat is all set!

Post  sumrluvr Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:30 am

Hello all my northern friends. Just wanted to check in and let you know we made it safely to our new home in FL!

The trip was mostly uneventful. We had a blow out and a fender issue in S.C. No doubt from the roads in NY. Some of them were so bad it snapped a fender bracket which allowed for the fender to come in contact with one of the wheels. (found out after the fact). But luckily I travel with multiples of basically everything and we were back on the road in minutes. To play it safe we found a close by tire station to have a new spare put on.

Took about 27 hours of driving in two days.

She is very very dirty and grease from the blow out came up under the trailer and onto the hull. Honestly with the house in complete chaos and towers of boxes it will be quite awhile before I can get to her.

Beautiful weather here. 80 - 93 everyday. Sunshine with an afternoon shower. Enjoying the new pool and getting to know everyone around here.

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Join date : 2013-03-10
Location : Fort Myers FL / Moultonboro

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We made it safely. Boat is all set! Empty Re: We made it safely. Boat is all set!

Post  WHL Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:50 pm

That is so funny, I was thinking about you yesterday, figuring you must have arrived by now!!! Glad you made it. THanks for letting us know. Keep us posted and join us again when you get more time.

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Join date : 2013-01-14

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