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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  Anti Federalist Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:43 pm

Wish more people took heed of the dangers of the Unitary Executive while it was being set up under Bush.

Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change


President Barack Obama laid out a far-reaching set of proposals meant to address the driving causes of climate change, headlined by a new directive to begin limiting carbon emissions for new and existing power plants and the announcement of high environmental standards for the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline to be met before his administration signs off on the project.

The president outlined a series of climate proposals he intended to advance through executive action, sidestepping a Congress mired in gridlock in its handling of most matters, let alone politically touchy energy and climate issues.

(Yay, rule by executive fiat. - AF)

“The question is not whether we need to act. The overwhelming judgment of science, of chemistry and physics and millions of measurements, has put all that to rest,” Obama said in a major policy address at Georgetown University. “So the question now is whether we will have the courage to act before it's too late.”

While delivering a speech on climate change, President Obama tells the audience that how we choose to respond to climate change will have a profound effect on the world we leave to our children and grandchildren.

(How about starting by not leaving them a fascist prison planet of a world? - AF)

He later added, addressing those who deny climate change science: “We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society.”
Anti Federalist
Anti Federalist

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty “We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society.”

Post  News Hawk Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:27 am

He later added, addressing those who deny climate change science: “We don’t have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society.”

Spoken as a true Marxist Alinskyite:

"Ridicule the opposition".

"...We're doomed..."

News Hawk
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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  fshnski Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:48 am

"Ridicule the opposition". quoted NH.

That is what fiddle dee and fiddle dumb tried to do to us. How did that work?

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  WHL Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:10 am

And we think 4$ a gallon for gas is a lot. How in the world this man can be such a dictator with all his executive rulings is beyond me. I think I heard the Congress is going to fight this one though. They certainly should.

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  Outerlimits Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:22 am

What do you expect him to do?
1. He is still fighting Benghazi
2. Fast & Furious has not gone away yet .... Holder is still under Congressional Contempt and being sued.
3. Holder is investigating Holder over the AP and James Rosen cases
4. The IRS is now investigating the IRS over the Conservative Target Scandal.
5. The NSA spying scheme is now known world wide.
6. The Europe trip was a total disaster
When the chips are down; 0bama doubles down then takes a 50 million+ dollar vacation on the taxpayers.  Now it’s time to circumvent Congress and start a War on Energy. Heads are exploding in the Democratic Senate. Harry Reid is about to pull what's left of his hair out. What a bizarre bunch the Obama insiders are.
The empty suit and empty chair as Mr. Eastwood portrayed are a reality. The guy is a charlatan of epic proportions. Only the useful idiots continue the merry march. Sadly there are many.
The entire world looks at our president as an idiot now. They laugh when he talks. Folks used to hate America but they had respect for her. Now with this clown in the big chair there is no respect. The swooners have ensured that.

March onward..........FOREWARD!!!

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  WHL Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:09 am

EXACTLY! You are so right, Outer. I said the same thing. When the going gets tough, he tries to distract every time. The world does look at him as an idiot.

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  fshnski Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:53 am

I'm starting to feel embarrassed for our country.

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  fshnski Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:23 pm


Earlier today, President Obama gave a big speech on climate change. He believes global warming is getting worse because apparently he's sweating a lot more during his second term.

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  WHL Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:32 pm

Very Happy

Let's hope he sweats a lot more during the end of this term. I hear he sweats when he doesn't get his way.

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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Taxpayers sweat out $4,165,068.40...

Post  News Hawk Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:30 pm

Obama’s Trip to Climate Conference Cost Taxpayers $4,165,068.40

It takes a lot of taxpayer cash and jet exhaust to fly a president to a “climate change” meeting in Paris.

We have obtained records from the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of the Air Force detailing the costs of Obama’s trip to attend the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference. Secret Service charges for Obama and his staff to attend the Conference cost taxpayers $1,324,171.60. Flight expenses cost $2,840,896.80, bringing the total expenditure for the conference to at least $4,165,068.40. To date, Obama’s known travel expenses total $83,795,502.33.

Barack Obama’s appointees didn’t volunteer this information. We filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for these documents on January 6, 2016. Our request wasn’t answered, so we had to sue this past May (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:16-cv-00863)). Only then did we get the documents.

Here are the Secret Service expenses for Obama’s ideological Paris junket:
•$82,991.60 for air and rail travel.
•$706,065 for Parisian hotels.
•$531,598 for rental vehicles.
•$10,820 in overtime pay.
•Cell phone rentals were $2,562.
• Cell phone usage cost of $679.
•A copier rental for $652.
•$624 in “miscellaneous” expenses.
—Judicial Watch


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Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change Empty Re: Obama: No time for 'flat-earth society' on climate change

Post  WHL Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:02 am

How ironic. Tell me there isn't any waste in this government.

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