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Noisy Saturday Evening...

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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  News Hawk Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:55 pm

I expect to crash any minute, and sleep very well; however, there must be some nearby folks bothered by a very loud cannon that fired several times—a band playing strange music—and someone shooting off intermittent fireworks...all at the same time.


Fortunately, most of the noise is "aimed" the other way, so I'm calling it a day!

Very Happy
News Hawk
News Hawk

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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Re: Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  fshnski Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:07 pm

It's going to be a great night to sleep with all the windows open. Thank you Canada.

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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Re: Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  WHL Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:21 am

Boo Canada. I want the muggies back. My heat came on this morning, I had to turn it down so it wouldn't come on.

I heard those loud booms too, NH. One actually made me jump. I am not sure but I do know the people in the Basin got some kind of a gun from wildlife or fish and game or somebody to scare the geese away and she said it is unbelievably loud. So I don't know if that is what it was or not. I heard several of them go off around 5.

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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Re: Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  News Hawk Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:46 am

WHL wrote:I heard those loud booms too, NH. One actually made me jump. I am not sure but I do know the people in the Basin got some kind of a gun from wildlife or fish and game or somebody to scare the geese away and she said it is unbelievably loud. So I don't know if that is what it was or not. I heard several of them go off around 5.
This whole scenario occurred at 9-PM...

Last year, a rental three doors down—I think you know of where I speak—set off an explosion that had two residents yelling back in dismay simultaneously.

One was my near-deaf BIL!


Last edited by News Hawk on Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ...got "stepped on", while editing...)
News Hawk
News Hawk

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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Re: Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  WHL Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:48 am

You must be talking about the great big one.

Surely you must have heard the loud booms around 5??

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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Re: Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  News Hawk Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:54 am

WHL wrote:You must be talking about the great big one.

Surely you must have heard the loud booms around 5??
Yes, I heard plenty of booms and bangs, but thought they were originating from the gun range at T'Boro's old summer campgrounds. Now that you mention it, even I thought they were plenty-big rifles!

News Hawk
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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Re: Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  APSound Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:59 pm

News Hawk,

If the while scenario was at 9pm as you say, how fast did you run in to start thus post 5 mins before? Do you not have anything better to do?


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Noisy Saturday Evening... Empty Re: Noisy Saturday Evening...

Post  APSound Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:59 pm

News Hawk,

If the while scenario was at 9pm as you say, how fast did you run in to start thus post 5 mins before? Do you not have anything better to do?


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