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ID - Cops shoot two year old boy's dog in front of him

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ID - Cops shoot two year old boy's dog in front of him Empty ID - Cops shoot two year old boy's dog in front of him

Post  Anti Federalist Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:44 pm

The Officers are safe.

I know you were all concerned.

Not clear what the cops were doing there, outside of "investigating", or who called them.

Owner of dog says her son 'saw his best friend get shot' by officer

By Michael Locklear Published: Oct 21, 2013 at 11:12 PM MDT


BOISE, Idaho (KBOI) - Officers investigating a theft ended up shooting and killing a dog Sunday.

ID - Cops shoot two year old boy's dog in front of him OW0EIHx

"Officers never want to harm an animal," Deputy Chief Pete Ritter said in a statement. "The dog came upon the officers quickly and they felt it was about to bite them."

Gabrielle Stropkai said Kita, her mixed-breed dog, was no threat to the officers.

"She avoided them," said Stropkai. "She walked around them. She never stopped. She never ran towards them."

The dog was shot 10 feet from its doorstep, where Stropkai said the dog was heading after going to the bathroom. Her son Hayden, 2, witnessed the incident.

"He screamed, and luckily, one of the neighbors, swooped him up and took him inside because she saw the reaction on his face," Stropkai said. "He just saw his best friend get shot. He's never seen anything like that before."

Kita gave birth to puppies two weeks ago. Without their mother, Stropkai has to make sure they're fed by bottle every few hours.

She hopes disciplinary action is taken against the officer.

A news release from BPD said the "officer made an instant decision to fire a single shot at the dog when it reached less than three feet from the officers."
Anti Federalist
Anti Federalist

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ID - Cops shoot two year old boy's dog in front of him Empty Re: ID - Cops shoot two year old boy's dog in front of him

Post  WHL Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:18 am

Yes we were all concerned, Anti. About the dog.

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