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Medicare and Obamacare

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Medicare and Obamacare

Post  News Buzzard Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:45 am

The Medicare system has been strengthened over the last couple of years, with one of the reasons being attributed to Obamacare. The annual increases in medical costs have slowed down considerably, and Medicare is now projected to be solvent until 2026. We have a long way to go, but are definitely going in the right direction:

News Buzzard
News Buzzard

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty About National Memo

Post  fshnski Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:10 pm

Joe Conason (born January 25, 1954) is an American journalist, author and political commentator. He writes a column for Salon.com and has written a number of books, including Big Lies (2003), which addresses what he says are myths spread about liberals by conservatives. He currently is editor-in-chief at The National Memo, a leftwing political newsletter and website.


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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Re: Medicare and Obamacare

Post  News Buzzard Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:37 pm

OK, you don't like the messenger. Here is a similar article in the USA Today, which you have quoted in the past:

News Buzzard
News Buzzard

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty From your article.

Post  fshnski Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:54 pm

I didn't find any mention of Obama Care in the story. I did find this.

"Sebelius cited recent reports that show the slowdown in health care spending is due to factors beyond the recession, saying that costs have slowed for the past three years. Medicare spending is at 1% below the GDP, and Medicaid spending is down 2%, she said. She also said the Medicare Part B premium will remain the same for next year as it was this year.

While Medicare's outlook improved, policy makers should not overlook bad news for the Social Security disability program, said Pamela Villarreal, senior fellow for the National Center for Policy Analysis, a conservative think tank. That program is expected to be insolvent in three years, after which time, the government would be able to pay only 80% of scheduled benefits.

"America just got poorer," she said in a statement. "We've promised benefits that far exceed expected revenue. The total amount we owe is more than four times the size of the economy."

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Re: Medicare and Obamacare

Post  WHL Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:07 pm

Yes, disability has become a terrible problem with what is it 1 for every 12 or so workers?

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Re: Medicare and Obamacare

Post  News Buzzard Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:08 pm

"The Medicare Report demonstrates once again the importance of the Affordable Care Act, which has strenghthened Medicare's finances by reining in health costs, Lew Said. The trustees extended Medicare projections by eight years when the law was passed in 2010."

News Buzzard
News Buzzard

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Re: Medicare and Obamacare

Post  fshnski Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:09 pm

WHL wrote:Yes, disability has become a terrible problem with what is it 1 for every 12 or so workers?

I can't believe what people will stoop to in order to play the system.

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Re: Medicare and Obamacare

Post  News Hawk Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:42 am

Just when you getting comfortable with Spanish...

Medicare and Obamacare P8060010

There are career-long contributors to Medicare who don't read English?


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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Re: Medicare and Obamacare

Post  WHL Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:40 am

I wonder if fsh is still around. I miss him!

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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Re: Medicare and Obamacare

Post  News Hawk Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:45 pm

News Buzzard wrote:"The Medicare Report demonstrates once again the importance of the Affordable Care Act, which has strenghthened Medicare's finances by reining in health costs, Lew Said. The trustees extended Medicare projections by eight years when the law was passed in 2010."

In today's news:

And new research shows that even fewer people will be left without insurance after the repeal of Obamacare. Numbers are still being crunched, but between statistics released by the Congressional Budget Office and one of the infamous architects of Obamacare, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Jonathan Gruber, it’s estimated that anywhere from 2 to 7 million people now on Medicaid would have qualified for the program even without Obamacare.—daily signal
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Medicare and Obamacare Empty Solution: Raise Prices?

Post  News Hawk Sat Jul 01, 2017 5:29 am

Licensed prostitutes in Nevada, working in legal brothels, are organizing against legislation they say will devastate them, other prostitutes across the nation and their families.

With Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), now under threat of being repealed and replaced, "thousands of prostitutes nationwide were, for the first time, able to obtain affordable health care insurance for themselves and their families," said a press release issued Thursday.
—CNN (CNN wouldn't lie, would they?)

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