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Who's in Control of the Rabbit Dinner? Fox or Eagle?

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Who's in Control of the Rabbit Dinner? Fox or Eagle? Empty Who's in Control of the Rabbit Dinner? Fox or Eagle?

Post  News Hawk Mon May 28, 2018 6:57 am

There are several versions of a video of an adult Bald Eagle swooping in on a rabbit, which is being held by a young fox. The fox then goes for a wild ride. The camera has the fox higher than the horizon, so it got pretty high. 20 feet? The fox is dropped (lower) at about 4-5 feet.

One caption says the fox was unharmed and the eagle didn't get to keep the rabbit. I'm calling it "fake-news" on both reports.

This forum isn't hosting my URL, so here a different example:

It appears to me that the eagle tucked the rabbit up with the right talon, and, shifting her grip, grabbed the fox by the mouth in her left talon. This happens as the horizon appears in the view, with the eagle at its highest elevation. That's when the fox really goes wild in the air. (!) The weight of the fox caused the eagle to lose speed and altitude, so she dropped it. ("She", being the larger of the two sexes). The fox is a youngster. Did you see the two foxes in the video?  Cool

I see now—as usual—that Reddit got it right: rabbit in one talon, fox in the other. That's what I teased out, after many viewings/stoppings.

I should join Reddit, but social media (even here) shares everything, and has a file on everyone. (Including me). I'm seeing Facebook getting in my face.  Evil or Very Mad  

(...and I won't have anything to do with Facebook...) Suspect

News Hawk
News Hawk

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Join date : 2013-01-16
Location : Winnipesaukee & Florida


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