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What happened to Lois Lerner?

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What happened to Lois Lerner? Empty What happened to Lois Lerner?

Post  fshnski Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:02 am

Is she still collecting a check for not talking?

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What happened to Lois Lerner? Empty Re: What happened to Lois Lerner?

Post  fshnski Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:27 pm

She is on paid administrative leave. This Democrat pleaded the 5th. That means if she answered the questions honestly she would have incriminated herself and who knows who else.

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What happened to Lois Lerner? Empty Re: What happened to Lois Lerner?

Post  News Hawk Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:02 am

fshnski wrote:Is she still collecting a check for not talking?
She'll probably get a promotion and back pay, like her predecessor:

"It's become clear that many of the shots in the targeting scandal were called from Washington, D.C. Even so, Thomas' promotion is another example of the IRS thumbing its collective nose at the efforts of Republicans (precious few Democrats, with the exception of Max Baucus -- who's retiring -- have joined in) to hold it accountable for blatant discrimination against the Americans the agency is supposed to serve -- just because of their views.

The IRS is still targeting Tea Partiers. No meaningful reforms have been put in place. The agency -- and Democrats -- continue to impede any effort to figure out what really happened, why and who, exactly, was responsible.

The scandal just goes on..."
News Hawk
News Hawk

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What happened to Lois Lerner? Empty Re: What happened to Lois Lerner?

Post  WHL Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:37 am

I said a while ago and I will say it again. I don't know why Congress even bothers to have these hearings. Nothing EVER becomes of them. They find out people were naughty and that is the end of it.

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