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America: Circling the Drain...

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty America: Circling the Drain...

Post  News Hawk Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:09 pm

"The takers outnumber the givers, and that will only increase in years to come.

"The “Occupy” riots across this country in the last two years were mere dress rehearsals for what lies ahead – years of unrest sparked by the increasing discontent of the unsuccessful who want to seize the fruits and the bounty of the successful, and do not appreciate the slow pace of redistribution.

"If this election proves one thing, it is that America is gone. And, sad for the world, it is not coming back..."
Something I've regretted to inform you for several years.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  WHL Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:28 pm

Sad  I agree. I feel exactly the same way. Every time the flag passes me in a parade I want to cry. I fight back tears.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  Outerlimits Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:19 pm

The former Speaker of the U.S. House Tip O'Neill coined the phrase: All politics are local. 

While I completely understand what you are talking about WHL, the pendulum swings back and forth.  Take a look at the steamroll the GOP has inflicted upon State and Local elections since 2010. It is the unspoken truth that the GOP is dismantling Democrat incompetence all across the nation. These are not your average republicans either; many of them are Conservatives, Libertarians and Constitutionalist.
While the left would have you ignore what your lying eyes are seeing.  The Republican Party is not imploding; it is evolving from Republican to republican.
For decades the powers within the Republican Party have been nominating candidates that they thought would appeal to Democrats.  In turn we got Republican leaders that were just Democrat light.  We are now seeing change that matters.
This isn’t just happening here, this is going on around the world.  Australia has just elected a conservative president.  He ran on anti-global warming.  Meaning politicians are using “global-warming” to line their pockets with trillions of new taxes.
You should take a deep breath, relax. This country is not done yet.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  WHL Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:24 pm

I so hope you are right. The Tea Party is a great addition to our country. I heard about Australia and I do hope that is a sign of things to come. I will keep hoping----

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Agree—Disagree with the Comment on the Web...

Post  News Hawk Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:42 pm

I would blame FDR and the changes he made - what sort of moron has a plan for the workers of today to fund retirement. An evil plan-short sighted plan, pure and simple. The greatest generation bred the baby-boomers - a generation of whiny narcissistic arrogant power-hungry control freaks that now believe they know what’s best for everyone - they are the hippie generation who were duped into protesting for evil and are now the lawmakers. And their generation bred the worst “me first” generation ever - growing up thinking its racist, mean and undignified to teach a man to fish, just give him the fish.

"Our government is corrupt. You can’t throw a stone without hitting the “quid pro quo” attitude of those in power. And instead of fighting for what is right, most join so they can look out for number one..

"It will take many years and generations to undo the damage done to this country in the last 40 years. I think we can do it, but be prepared that things will get much, much worse before they get better.

Or this:

Good men will acknowledge that America is in decline and there’s no going back.

The former “America” is now nothing more than a land mass populated by moochers, cretins, ingrates, and parasites who have absolutely no respect for the military and who vote for big government to confiscate money from their neighbors so that it may be “redistributed” to them in exchange for their votes. It is not an America worth defending anymore. That America no longer exists.

The Democrats have won.

"Good men will hunker down, stay under the radar, protect their families, and hide and protect whatever they can from the government and its enabling parasitic hordes.

Good men will rise above the disgrace that surrounds them and live their lives productively for the benefit of their families and their children.
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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  fshnski Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:58 pm

They haven't won yet.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  Outerlimits Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:06 pm

They have not won and they will not win in the end, but they are damaging the population with their thirst for power.  Freebees for votes.

The US government, embracing tenets of socialism from the initiative of the Johnson "Great Society" push, has embraced welfare and financial support for families with dependent children, regardless of the ability of the parents to provide or create a situation for productive citizens among their progeny.

Anyone with a brain in their head  would conclude that the least intelligent, least inventive among our society, if given a financial incentive to reproduce, would do so, in order to capture "incentives" provided by a misguided, confused liberal government.

Of course, this has been realized. If the least creative, least productive, are assigned to a lower economic class, one would assume, in the absence of external influences, that the lower socio-economic class would have a lower birth rate, consistent with their ability to support children.

With the modern welfare state, the whole concept of Prodictity confers more progeny (which is what would advance society) is turned upside down, and the least intelligent and productive are provided incentives for reproduction.

The net effect: More liberal policy = More citizens with lower IQs and less incentive to work. It is clear; liberalism promotes the destruction of society and reduced productivity of a nation. This insures more liberal politicians, yet ultimately results in the self destruction of the nation.

People with any semblance of intelligence will only have as many children as they can afford, people of low intelligence will have as many children as the welfare system will pay for and at this point there is no limit. The kids are nothing more than cash cows for these parents, raised in the street to become criminals and we now have a generation of idiots who do not want to learn or work. The public school system has had to dumb down the curriculum for these morons and many still graduate illiterate and dumber than a box of rocks. A program (welfare) that was started with good intentions has become a way of life for some and it is coming back to haunt us. When in Gods name will we ever learn that giving people free stuff creates absolutely no incentive to do anything with ones life. I fear that the stupid will soon out number the smart people in this country and we will have a nation of people that are capable of doing nothing but drooling and dependent entirely on handouts. Thank you Lyndon Johnson for a legacy we may never shed.

Which do we choose? Placating liberals now, ensuring the demise of the nation? Or acknowledging reality and stop supporting self destructive national policy?

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  News Hawk Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:59 am

Outerlimits wrote:"...They have not won and they will not win in the end,  but they are damaging the population with their thirst for power.  Freebees for votes..."
You don't know what it's like to walk into Sears...and hear announcements made solely in Spanish.

"Voter-ID" has been given another body-blow upon approval of the tenth state to grant drivers-licenses for Illegals.

We have an expensive "volunteer Army" because they couldn't recruit anyone who spoke English—or who were functionally-illiterate—and had to receive costly re-training in ordinary high school subjects.

Dying-out is "The Greatest Generation"—being spared America's spiraling into Reagan's "Thousand Years of Darkness".

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  fshnski Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:22 am

If we don't count this post this thread has one post too many.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  News Hawk Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:48 am

fshnski wrote:If we don't count this post this thread has one post too many.
So let us count your post.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  fshnski Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:58 am

Each thread starts with a point in mind. If that point has been made, in this case very well, why go on. It takes away from the message.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  WHL Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:29 am

OK, I won't say any Smile more.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  fshnski Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:46 am

Wise guy! Smile 

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Write a Book about Washington's Commies...

Post  News Hawk Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:30 am

America: Circling the Drain... 51yHDd%2Bp4NL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_

The following quote is followed by a book review:

By using the "occupied" image, Ms. West is of course not saying Soviet tanks were patrolling the streets of Washington, or that Red martial law was imposed on its cowering citizens. What she is arguing instead is that Soviet agents, Communists and fellow travelers held official posts, or served at chokepoints of intelligence data, and from these positions were able to exert pro-Soviet leverage on U.S. and other allied policy. Though ignored in many conventional histories, the evidence to support this view is overwhelming.

It is for instance abundantly plain, from multiple sources of Cold War intel, that Communist/pro-Soviet penetration of the government under FDR was massive, numbering in the many hundreds. These pro-Red incursions started in the New Deal era of the 1930s, then accelerated in the war years when the Soviets were our allies and safeguards against Communist infiltration were all but nonexistent. The scope of the problem was expressed as follows in an FBI report to Director J. Edgar Hoover:

"It has become increasingly clear... that there are a tremendous number of persons employed in the United States government who are Communists and who strive daily to advance the cause of Communism and destroy the foundations of this government. Today nearly every department or agency is infiltrated with them in varying degree.. To aggravate the situation, they appear to have concentrated most heavily in departments which make policy, or carry it into effect..."

"Though the professed stance of her opponents is that of scholarly condescension, the language being used against Ms. West doesn't read like scholarly discourse. She is, we're told, "McCarthy on steroids," "unhinged," a "right-wing loopy," not properly "house trained," "incompetent," purveying "a farrago of lies," and a good deal else of similar nature. All of which looks more like the "politics of personal destruction" than debate about serious academic issues."

'Course we're never called "right-wing" here—that would be the "politics of personal destruction"...

Rolling Eyes
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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  WHL Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:27 am

NH, I don't get Ms. West's connection to the topic of this thread? Can you 'splain?

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  News Hawk Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:38 am

WHL wrote:NH, I don't get Ms. West's connection to the topic of this thread?  Can you 'splain?  
Ms West was roundly criticized for writing of our country's being transformed from within.

Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right.

Anyone who criticizes "The Enemy Within" is going to get marginalized.
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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  fshnski Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:43 am

WHL wrote:NH, I don't get Ms. West's connection to the topic of this thread?  Can you 'splain?  
It's just more superfluous drivel after a point has been made.

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty It's the Electorate, Stupid...

Post  News Hawk Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:44 am

fshnski wrote:
WHL wrote:NH, I don't get Ms. West's connection to the topic of this thread?  Can you 'splain?  
It's just more superfluous drivel after a point has been made.
Even more superfluous drivel—translated into English from an article appearing in the Czech Republic as published in the Prager Zeitung of 28 April 2010:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
In other words,

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups".

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America: Circling the Drain... Empty Re: America: Circling the Drain...

Post  WHL Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:22 am

LOVE your "in other words" statement!

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