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Shutdown Bad For GOP

News Buzzard
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:05 pm

Seventy two percent of Americans oppose the GOP shutdown over the delay of Obamacare:

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:51 pm

What would you expect Josh Marshall to say? He's as left as they get.

I see you have changed to a classier avatar.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:15 pm

A Quinnipiac poll is just that, whether it's reported in Talking Points Memo or the Washington Times:


My avatar is what the NY Daily News thinks of John Boehner and his band of extremists, which I agree with. Governing by extortion is not a winner!
News Buzzard
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:19 pm

Good for you, you classy rascal.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty 100 examples of how obamacare is falling short of what was promised.

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:22 pm

Today, obamacare’s October 1 launch date finally arrived. Ever since its passage, supporters of the law have made countless attempts to convince the American people of its viability, dismissing predictions of lost jobs, decreased hours, and rising costs, among others.

Yet from major corporations to local mom-and-pop shops, from entire states to tiny school districts, a wide range of companies and institutions have seen obamacare’s negative impact on their workers, budgets, and production. Here are 100 examples of how obamacare is falling short of what was promised.


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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:09 pm

It's ironic that we have such conclusive evidence of failure with Obamacare after only 18 hours!! Question Many of those examples, like IBM and UPS, are slanted. In the IBM case they forced people onto Medicare, which is standard operating procedure with governments and companies throughout the country, and in the UPS case they took away coverage from people who were covered by a spouse. Nobody working for UPS lost healthcare insurance.

It's ironic that the Republicans refused to conference the budget with the Democrats 18 times over the last 6 months, and yet with only 90 minutes left until midnight last night they wanted to conference!! Question 

Obama ran in 2008 with affordable health care as his plank and won. The law was passed and upheld by the US Supreme Court, and then Romney ran against Obamacare in 2012 and lost.

Shutting down the government because a party doesn't like a standing law is extortion, and nothing more. The Republicans are handing the keys to the White House to Hillary!!

If the Republicans pull the same nonsense with the debt ceiling I expect Obama to issue an Executive Order to the Treasury Department to continue borrowing and paying our bills. Let the Supreme Court decide if they want to tank the world economy! (won't happen)
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  WHL Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:15 pm

My insurance agent told me today that because so many people were trying to get info on the law today, that the site crashed. But I think a lot of it was curiosity though because I heard of someone who just wanted to try it out so he did. Still, I think it is indicative of what is about to happen. The country just can't handle it.

NB, we expected you would blame it all on the Republicans.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:23 pm

The appropriate way to get rid of a law is to win elections and get enough votes to change or repeal said law. Extortion is not an appropriate way to get rid of a law. Obamacare is here to stay, and the Republicans are not helping themselves too much in winning elections. See the results of 2012. It's just a fact of life!
News Buzzard
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:31 pm

I guess your'e right. What difference does it make that the majority of Americans don't want it?

I guess it doesn't matter that this is one more thing dividing our country.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  WHL Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:46 pm

Extortion? Give me a break. The Repubs. want to get rid of a program that the majority of the people in this country don't like, as fsh said. Actually all they asked was to delay it for a year as a compromise and the Dems. and Obama said no way. THEY are the ones who won't give, not the Repubs. The Dems keep trying these things over and over (blaming the Repubs) and pretty soon the rest of the American people will wake up and realize who is really telling the truth.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:43 pm

WHL wrote:Extortion?  Give me a break.  The Repubs. want to get rid of a program that the majority of the people in this country don't like, as fsh said.
Why did Romney lose if the majority of Americans don't like Obamacare? The only poll that counts is the election, and now since the Republicans are hell bent on turning over the White House to Hillary I'm certain that Obamacare is here to stay.
News Buzzard
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:49 pm

Whatever ...

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Hawk Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:15 am

News Buzzard wrote:"...My avatar is what the NY Daily News thinks of John Boehner and his band of extremists..."
Yup, they're the extremists!
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:24 am

Everybody that doesn't agree with obama is an extremist and worse. This list doesn't count the 5 years they tried to scar everybody that disagreed with the "Racist" brand.

“You cannot negotiate when they take hostages and when they extort, period.”

- Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)

“What we’re not for is negotiating with people who have  a bomb strapped to their chest”

-Senior WH Adviser Dan Pfeiffer

“They refuse to pass a budget unless I let them sabotage Obamacare, something they know is not going to happen.”

-President Barack Obama

“…the anarchists have taken over. They’ve taken over the House, now they’re here in the Senate.”

-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)

“We need to act like adults not like squealing political pigs”

-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)

“Or we can finally call these people what McConnell once gleefully acknowledged they are: hostage takers, unrepresentative of the once-proud Republican Party and unfit to govern the greatest nation on Earth.”

-Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau

Summing up bargaining by Tea Party Republicans as “if you don’t accept what we demand, we’re going to blow up the place.”

-Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)

“I call them ‘legislative arsonists.’ They’re there to burn down what we should be building up in terms of investments and education and scientific research, and all that it is that makes our country great and competitive.”

-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

“The only phrase that describes it is political terrorism.”

Former Vice President Al Gore (D)

“That’s a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion.”

- Sen. Angus King (I-Maine)

Last edited by fshnski on Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  WHL Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:56 pm

Obama reminds me of a kid who is a bully. He can give it but he can't take it.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:45 am

WHL wrote:Obama reminds me of a kid who is a bully.  He can give it but he can't take it.
Worse, he's got the American Press on his side.

Americans only get all political news from Britain.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  WHL Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:58 pm

Yes, the mainstream mentioned the Repubs in regard to the shutdown 22 time as opposed to 0 mentions of the Dems in connection with the shutdown. What else did we expect??

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  fshnski Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:02 pm

The manipulation of the news is transparent, and they get away with it!

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  Anti Federalist Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:46 pm

State owned media organs are statist.

Pravda has more truth in it these days.
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  fshnski Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:04 pm

Do you want to see a newspaper in the pockets of the left? go to http://www.washingtonpost.com

They can't talk about the weather without denigrating Americans. They are talking about and to us when they spew their leftist vitriol. Who do they think they are?

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  Achigan Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:06 pm

fshnski wrote:The manipulation of the news is transparent, and they get away with it!
Oh how true that is fsh. The news is manipulated by the left which makes the right appear the enemy of the people. When is this going to stop?
I'm sick of it.

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  Matzoh Heppelwhite. Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:29 pm

Yes, it's time for the right to stop trying to hold the whole damn country hostage.
Matzoh Heppelwhite.
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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Hawk Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:17 am

News Buzzard wrote:Why did Romney lose if the majority of Americans don't like Obamacare?
Because the "majority of Americans" didn't include millions of economic refugees, who were invited to vote because:

"You don't need 'papers'"

   "...A few weeks ago, a candidate for federal office was
recorded advising an audience that they did not need papers to
...The fact is that it is possible to register
and vote in this country without ever having to provide proof
of citizenship..."
News Buzzard wrote:"...The only poll that counts is the election..."
See above, and comments by Ron Paul.
News Buzzard wrote:"...and now since the Republicans are hell bent on turning over the White House to Hillary I'm certain that Obamacare is here to stay..."

Won't the opposition have the opportunity to vote on your assertion?

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Hawk Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:18 am

News Buzzard wrote:"...My avatar is what the NY Daily News thinks of John Boehner and his band of extremists..."
So it wasn't something on the Web that made you reconsider?

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Shutdown Bad For GOP Empty Re: Shutdown Bad For GOP

Post  News Hawk Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:31 pm

So how'd we get here, anyway?


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