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A State is to Dump its State Income Tax?

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A State is to Dump its State Income Tax? Empty A State is to Dump its State Income Tax?

Post  News Hawk Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:23 pm

"But whether completely eliminating the state income tax is actually feasible is another question. The state relied on personal income taxes for almost 42 percent of its total tax revenue in 2012, according to the Census Bureau, or almost $6.8 billion of the nearly $16 billion it collected. The state took in an additional $4.3 billion in general sales taxes, the only other revenue stream that produced anywhere near what the income tax does."

Last edited by News Hawk on Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
News Hawk
News Hawk

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A State is to Dump its State Income Tax? Empty Re: A State is to Dump its State Income Tax?

Post  WHL Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:47 pm

Wow, since when do states do things like that? Since they have a Walker. What a great gov. he is!

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A State is to Dump its State Income Tax? Empty Re: A State is to Dump its State Income Tax?

Post  News Hawk Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:29 am

WHL wrote:Wow, since when do states do things like that?  Since they have a Walker.  What a great gov. he is!
I only followed this news story because the News Crows were using Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" against Governor Walker.

The Low-Information voters couldn't see it in 2008, but he's the kind of Conservative "spark plug" this country desperately needed five years ago.


News Hawk
News Hawk

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