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Gerald Molen, D'Souza's movie producer: "I Never Feared My Govt Until Now".

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Gerald Molen, D'Souza's movie producer: "I Never Feared My Govt Until Now". Empty Gerald Molen, D'Souza's movie producer: "I Never Feared My Govt Until Now".

Post  Anti Federalist Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:02 pm

Must not have watched anything he produced...

Hey, pal, guess what?

It is not your government anymore, any more than it is mine.

D'Souza Producer: 'I Never Feared My Govt Until Now'

Sunday, 26 Jan 2014 01:08 PM

By Greg Richter


Gerald Molen, the producer of Dinesh D'Souza's documentary film "2016: Obama's America," says he never feared his government before he learned that D'Souza is under federal investigation for election fraud.

According to an indictment made public Thursday, D'Souza is accused of contributing $20,000 to a political campaign in 2012, even though the legal limit is $5,000. D'Souza allegedly promised to reimburse others if they would contribute to a candidate widely believed to be Wendy Long of New York. Long, a Republican, ran unsuccessfully against Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in 2012 for New York's U.S. Senate seat.

D'Souza's lawyer has said his client "at worst" was guilty of an act of misguided friendship.

Some, including Molen, believe the indictment is political payback for D'Souza's film, which was critical of President Barack Obama. Among other things, it raised questions about whether Obama had embraced the anti-colonial philosophy of his father and said his future actions could be predicted based on that philosophy.

"I'm a little bit taken aback by the whole thing because he's such a great American," Molen said of D'Souza on Newmax TV's "Steve Malzberg Show." The conservative writer and commentator understands the process in America and how it works, Molen said.

Molen, who also produced the Academy-award winning "Schindler's List," said he has not spoken to D'Souza since he learned of the indictment, and wouldn't make comments about the specific case until he's learned all the facts.

Still, he said he would not be surprised if the probe is politically motivated.

Asked by Malzberg if he ever felt threatened or had any feelings they should not have been making the film, Molen answered, "No. This is America. I've never had that feeling," adding, "I've never had the occasion to think that I had to fear my government. I never had the thought that I had reason to think I had to look over my shoulder until now."

But, he said, he wouldn't be intimidated out of pursuing future projects.

"It certainly gives me reason to think about it, but no, I won't back off," he said. "I'll keep on doing exactly what I'm doing."

Molen and D'Souza are currently working on another film, titled "America," that will hit theaters on July 4. The theme of that film: What the world might look like if America never existed.

Anti Federalist
Anti Federalist

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Gerald Molen, D'Souza's movie producer: "I Never Feared My Govt Until Now". Empty Re: Gerald Molen, D'Souza's movie producer: "I Never Feared My Govt Until Now".

Post  News Hawk Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:43 pm

Molen and D'Souza are currently working on another film, titled "America," that will hit theaters on July 4. The theme of that film: What the world might look like if America never existed.

"There's NO SUCH THING as 'negative publicity' "...


Anti Federalist wrote:"...he said, he wouldn't be intimidated out of pursuing future projects.

"It certainly gives me reason to think about it, but no, I won't back off," he said. "I'll keep on doing exactly what I'm doing."

My kinda guy!


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News Hawk

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