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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  Outerlimits Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:46 am

News Buzzard wrote:So why is this all Obama's fault?

When the Obama prints money making our dollar worth less the price of gasoline goes up.

This is the #1 reason we are paying such a high price for energy.

Here is a few more…

When the Obama bans coal, the price of gasoline goes up.
When the Obama blocks the pipeline, the price of gasoline goes up
When the Obama block drilling and exploration, the price of gasoline goes up.

Back to the subject of the thread.

Minimum wage workers make up about 2% of the employed. Half of them will suffer through reduced hours or layoffs, half will probably have a little more money. Most of these are young kids. The idea that that translates into 140 million with more money is not only ludicrous but backwards. As the effect of the minimum wage works through the economy it will either have little effect on the overall economy or will have a negative effect. It certainly will not have a positive effect.

No one has a right to demand that an employer pay any more than an employee is worth. Businesses exist to make money for their owners, not to hire people.

Democrats seem to miss this truth.

Only 2% of the work force work at minimum wage jobs, and about 19 states have higher minimum wages than the federal one. So the actual number of people benefited by this is very small. The other 98% work at jobs that they have negotiated wages over, to some extent. The idea of the minimum wage is a starting point.

Raising minimum wage at election time is strictly a political move on the part of the Democrats. Put a half a million MORE low income persons out of work. Great idea Dems.

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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Buzzard Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:26 am

More hash from the Right Wing Book Of Mythology!!

If you had a stomach virus it would be Obama's fault!!  No
News Buzzard
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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Hawk Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:26 pm

WHL wrote:Some people don't understand Economics, NH.


Why be cheapskates at $10 an hour?

Raise the Minimum Wage to $100 an hour, and see what happens.


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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Hawk Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:26 pm

WHL wrote:Some people don't understand Economics, NH.

Borderlands Books in SF announces closure, cites minimum wage increase

When San Francisco voters approved a minimum wage increase in the November election, Mayor Ed Lee sent what he called a loud and clear message to the nation: “We can give a well-deserved raise to our lowest-wage workers, and we can do it in a way that protects jobs and small business.”

Yet a month after the initial phase of the increase took effect, Borderlands Books became the first business Sunday to cite The City’s higher minimum wage as the catalyst for its closure.

The Valencia Street bookstore expects to clear its shelves and lay off employees by the end of March after struggling to compete with online book sales and a national shift to electronic readers, owner Alan Beatts said.

But San Francisco’s minimum wage increase to $15 by 2018 was the final straw for Borderlands.

“Really this was just one thing, which is the increase in minimum wage,” Beatts said of the closure. “There were folks in here crying yesterday, both customers and staff.”

As of Jan. 1, The City’s minimum wage is $11.05 an hour. It will increase to $12.25 in May before gradually reaching $15 by July 1, 2018.
—San Francisco Examiner

Some employees understand all too well!

Evil or Very Mad

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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Hawk Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:54 am

NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of Panera Bread dropped Thursday after the restaurant and bakery chain's outlook for the year disappointed investors. The company said business investments, higher medical costs and increased minimum wages will squeeze its profit margins and that earnings per share could decline in 2015.
This could start Panera lay-offs—not that I enjoyed their overpriced menu.



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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Hawk Fri May 01, 2015 1:06 pm

Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Facebook_1423479685331_resized
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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Buzzard Fri May 01, 2015 4:22 pm

Yeah right, we should keep that minimum wage so you can go on food stamps, welfare assistance and Obamacare. We need to prop up those wealthy corporations with your tax dollars, because that's the Republican way!!!!! elephant
News Buzzard
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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Hawk Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:39 pm

Hillary Clinton Campaign Hires Unpaid Labor as She Tackles Youth Unemployment

"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton today rolled out a series of programs designed to reduce the youth unemployment rate, but Clinton, herself, is building out a portion of her campaign with unpaid labor.

Clinton’s campaign is establishing a network of grassroots trainees, called “Organizing Fellows,” who are being signed on full-time to work for free. Some, even those who are young professionals with experience in politics, are reportedly being told they need to work without pay for at least the summer months.

Some see Clinton’s fellowship program, which is comprised of mostly 18 to 24 year olds likely doing much of the same organizing work as her paid staffers, as hypocritical as Clinton runs as a champion for the middle-class.

“If Secretary Clinton wants to show she’s serious about economic opportunity to young people, that has to start with her campaign,” Mikey Franklin, head of the Washington, D.C.-based Fair Pay Campaign, a group that seeks to bring an end to unpaid internships, told ABC News. “If she’s hiring young workers for no pay, I don’t think she’s living up to the idea in her own plan.”

The Clinton campaign did not respond to ABC News’ request for comment.
(Excerpt) Read more at abcnews.go.com ...

I guess she can't pay, because she's still broke?


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Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs - Page 2 Empty Re: Raising Minimum wage will result in 500K fewer jobs

Post  News Hawk Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:57 am

Shocker: Minimum Wage Hikes Gutted Over 700,000 Jobs In 2013

Are liberals better at economics or are they just more adept at selling ideas that drive purely on emotion?

Increasing the minimum wage is a perfect example. Raising it increases the living standards for those who struggle earning such a wage, and those who are against it–Republicans–are just anti-poor cretins who have no heart. The political campaign almost sells itself. Yet, we’re against it not because we hate poor people–that’s unadulterated nonsense.

We’re against it because hurts workers, which is something that we’ve been saying ad nauseum, but alas, liberal intransigence and stubbornness on this issue has resulted in over 700,000 jobs being cut over the past couple years.
(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...

Be sure to tell Dragonfly!

Twisted Evil

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