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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Buzzard Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:34 pm

Wisconsin is dead last in job growth in the Midwest. Scott Walker promised to bring 250 thousand jobs to Wisconsin in his first term, which ends this year, but the state has only seen a growth of 100 thousand jobs. Wisconsin is another perfect example of the failure of Supply Side economics, just like Kansas.

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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Pigeon Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:33 pm

I don't think Walker's going to survive this next election.....his smoke & mirrors have lost their dazzle!
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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Hawk Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:17 pm

News Buzzard wrote:"...Wisconsin is dead last in job growth in the Midwest. Scott Walker promised to bring 250 thousand jobs to Wisconsin in his first term, which ends this year, but the state has only seen a growth of 100 thousand jobs. Wisconsin is another perfect example of the failure of Supply Side economics, just like Kansas..."
Walker created more jobs in 3 years than the previous Governor did in 8 years. (In local Wisconsin headlines today.)

When uncertainty started with a recall election, jobs moved to other Midwest states—boosting Midwest states' numbers to the detriment of Wisconsin. Who prompted the recall election, anyway?

Teacher unions, whose compounded ineptitude doomed potential employees of new businesses to a bleak future?


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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Buzzard Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:18 am

Walker came up with less than half the jobs he promised, and the previous governor was in office during the Great Recession, but you seem to think that the recall election had a greater impact on all of this than the recession? What's Brownback's excuse in Kansas?
News Buzzard
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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Hawk Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:05 am

News Buzzard wrote:Walker came up with less than half the jobs he promised, and the previous governor was in office during the Great Recession, but you seem to think that the recall election had a greater impact on all of this than the recession?
If I had a business, I wouldn't move to Wisconsin until their HS graduates "add-up".

Walker can't force teachers to teach, any more than I'd expect Obama to assist a Republican. Everything is political with Obama.

The recall election wasn't expected to remove Walker, but it was a major distraction, trying to show that Walker couldn't draw jobs if he was ousted.

Business needs a healthy environment, and Wisconsin Dims weren't going to allow that!  


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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Buzzard Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:39 am

I have a lot of friends in Wisconsin, and you really don't know what you're talking about. The middle class out there is very intelligent and they work very hard, and I wouldn't be surprised if they throw Walker out in November. Governing shouldn't be exclusively about protecting the rich, like Walker and Brownback have done with their tax cuts.
News Buzzard
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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Hawk Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:30 am

News Buzzard wrote:I have a lot of friends Democrap Comrades in Wisconsin.

 Evil or Very Mad 

News Buzzard wrote:Governing shouldn't be exclusively about protecting the rich, like Walker and Brownback have done with their tax cuts.
Governing should be Constitutional, and consistent with the Freedoms and Liberties therein.

The USSR tried your tactics. How'd it work out for them?



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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Just bumped into this:

Post  News Hawk Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:37 pm

Education: None Dare Call Them Commies

[Summary: Decline in American public schools is best explained by the far-left politics of our Education Establishment. These people prefer mediocrity.]--

Historically, Socialism and Communism were sometimes synonyms. But generally there was a sense that Socialism was softer. If you had enough power, you moved on to Communism, which was more coercive.

One intellectual summed up the matter this way. Socialists persuade you with speeches. Communists persuade you with guns.

In the days after the Russian Revolution, American leftists expended billions of hours trying to describe the perfect society. Fundamentally, all the debates turned on how much power the central government would have (a lot) and what power could be left to individuals (not much).

The assumption, often unstated, is that the masses of humanity cannot function on their own. A tiny elite must seize power and use it on behalf of a vast but helpless majority. (If you want a lot of power quickly, this is a handy assumption. Ask Lenin.)

At this date, these ideological arguments have tended to blur, much like the distinction between Presbyterians, Methodists and other Protestant groups. People on the outside hardly care; people on the inside tend to rally around their common assumptions. Today, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Progressivism, Collectivism, and Totalitarianism are similar. Virtually the entire philosophical discussion revolves about the alleged right of a tiny group to dictate everyone else’s life. If you insist on that right, you are a Communist.

The United States was founded on the opposite assumption—most citizens can take care of themselves and should. But the Socialists/Communists/Collectivists feel they are better qualified to run your life. This debate has played out in every aspect of American life for 100 years, and particularly in education.

John Dewey and the early Progressives believed they knew what was best for country and students. Dewey and his gang thought it proper for them to take over the schools of education, brainwash the young teachers, and send them out to fundamentally alter the society.

A lot of social forces (from the left, right and in between, plus Rockefeller’s millions) conspired to support the Education Establishment’s early quest for power. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, our elite educators became a cult, a secular religion, and a separate country within our country. Perhaps most surprising for the contemporary observer is the arrogance of these people. After all, they were Americans; and they were practicing their social-engineering on the sons and daughters of neighbors. One expects some humility.

But no, there was only the adamant insistence that they knew the answers and had the right to dictate how other people live. Our little band of Socialists became, we might say, a little band of Communists. Guns? Yes, they would use many types of “guns” or, for sure, weapons.

From 1925 onward, there was a continual wave of bad theory and inferior methods. These “reforms” are incomprehensible to the ordinary person, and make sense only if you remind yourself that the people pushing these gimmicks were not trying to educate children but to re-engineer them.

The easiest way to see this is the Reading Wars, which were officially launched about 1931. Look-say was put into most schools. Professors brazenly announced that phonics must be replaced by a new, more modern method. In this approach the child did not learn the alphabet and the sounds of the letters. The child memorizes each word as if it were a logo. (There are few ideas so silly in the history of the world.)

Bogus reading theory in particular reveals so much about our Communists. Some historians claim the Russians and Nazis used fluoride in the water to decrease IQ. You have to think of something huge and drastic like that to understand the scope of what our Communists did. In one fell swoop, they took a country that was approaching universal literacy and made it functionally illiterate.

Everyone should marvel at their steel hearts. Making a child unable to read is sick; but this band of Commies, as I think of them, perpetrated this crime against millions of Americans.

In parallel with reading, the same sin was committed over and over, in every subject and classroom. New Math (and later Reform Math) weren’t trying to teach math; arguably, they were trying to teach an inability at math.

Our Commies had a perpetual hostility toward knowledge. Old-fashioned teachers might tell children that Columbus discovered America in 1492. Not good! Our Commies did not want children knowing very much, so they came up with a method called variously inquiry, discovery, constructivism, or project-based learning. The gimmick is that teachers don’t teach; the child explores and teaches himself. This seems calculated to create students with limited educations.

Nowadays, you can look at Common Core, which has embraced all the bad ideas from the previous decades, and see our Commies busy at work.

People don’t want to think the Commies have taken over a big part of society. They have. In the 1920s, when the Russian Revolution was completed, Commies were galvanized. When our Depression came in 1929, they were ecstatic. It was clear that Marx was right, and now our Commies could proceed with their plans to inaugurate the Communist era. Job one: dumbing down.

Our little band of Communists needed to dumb the country’s children so they would be willing participants in a new society. When children know too much, they tend to be individualistic. They can’t work together as equals in a collective, thus the perpetual antipathy to traditional education.

Note here the immoral crossing point. Remember the essential premise, that people are so helpless they need to be cared for. Apparently they’re not all that helpless, so our Education Establishment tries to finish the job. If they didn’t enter the world helpless, they will surely enter high school helpless! I call this cheating, but Commies say the ends justify the means.

And the point is simply that to understand the incoherence and decline in American education, you have to understand that the people at the top wanted it that way, and still do, because Commies always know what’s best for you.
Right Side News

'Guess it's rampant in Wisconsin...


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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  red_hill Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:26 pm

News Buzzard wrote:I have a lot of friends in Wisconsin, and you really don't know what you're talking about. The middle class out there is very intelligent and they work very hard, and I wouldn't be surprised if they throw Walker out in November. Governing shouldn't be exclusively about protecting the rich, like Walker and Brownback have done with their tax cuts.
Sounds like "I have a lot of friends that are:
1) black
2) white
4) gay"


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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Hawk Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:40 am

News Buzzard wrote:"...I have a lot of friends in Wisconsin..."

Would they be interested in joining Unions in their 300+ Billion-dollar pledge to fight reforms nationwide?


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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Buzzard Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:14 am

News Hawk wrote:
News Buzzard wrote:"...I have a lot of friends in Wisconsin..."

Would they be interested in joining Unions in their 300+ Billion-dollar pledge to fight reforms nationwide?


Some are in unions and some are not, and I seriously doubt that Walker's problems are strictly union related. He made a promise that he was going to create 250 thousand jobs in his first term and he's not even half way there. He has been closely associated with a couple of "John Doe" investigations that won't help him, and he has not accepted the Medicaid expansion under Obamacare. Even the Sheboygan Press, in a conservative area, is critical of Walker for that.

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Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous Empty Re: Wisconsin Job Growth Horrendous

Post  News Pigeon Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:29 am

News Hawk wrote:
News Buzzard wrote:I have a lot of friends Democrap Comrades in Wisconsin.

 Evil or Very Mad 

News Buzzard wrote:Governing shouldn't be exclusively about protecting the rich, like Walker and Brownback have done with their tax cuts.

Governing should be Constitutional, and consistent with the Freedoms and Liberties therein.

I agree, that's why EVERYONE should pay their fair share of taxes for the common good of all citizens....not excluding those who can hire teams of tax lawyers....and, of course, those who play the system and blame everyone else!
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