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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Buzzard Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:36 am

Wages went up the highest amount in 6 years, while the numbers for November and December jumped up considerably!! The unemployment rate bumped back up to 5.7%!!    

Great News!!


All we need now are those 35 jobs the Keystone Pipeline will produce!!!   Rolling Eyes

Hillary in 2016!!
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Hawk Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:25 am

News Buzzard wrote:Wages went up the highest amount in 6 years, while the numbers for November and December jumped up considerably!! The unemployment rate bumped back up to 5.7%!!    [/b]

If wages get the "Minimum Wage" treatment, how would that affect your headlines?

If an American held three part-time jobs, how would that affect your headlines?

If an Illegal held three part-time jobs, how would that affect your headlines?

Finally, putting it all in perspective, here is the total number of waters and bartenders Vs. manufacturing workers in the US since 1990. The red (bad) line has almost caught up with the blue (good) one.

So much for Obama's manufacturing renaissance promise as manufacturing workers have barely recouped any of the losses since the Great Depression started in 2008, while America has never had more waiters and bartenders.

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Buzzard Fri Feb 06, 2015 12:45 pm

The number for November was adjusted to 414 thousand jobs, and in December it was adjusted to 329 thousand jobs!

The Republicans are spinning their wheels trying to shove Keystone Pipeline down our throats and that will create a total of 35 permanent jobs. They are such great job creators!!!   Razz

Mitt Romney said he was going to get the unemployment rate down to 6% by the end of his first term, but Obama blew right past him in 2 years!!! Razz
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Pigeon Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:59 pm

Laughing Good news and great numbers just makes them apoplectic....
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:15 pm

I am so happy you two are so thrilled with the jobs report. At least that makes two people in this country that are happy with it.

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Deliberate Destruction...

Post  News Hawk Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:24 pm

News Buzzard wrote:The number for November was adjusted...

I hope most here recognize why I support keeping our coal industry, expanding domestic oil exploration, and construction of Keystone XL, not to be a troll, but simply b/c the replacement jobs are inadequate.  I have pointed out how many people are suffering due to Obamacare, as their hours have been slashed to under 28 per week, so employers avoid the $3,000 penalty.  And now, with amnesty around the corner, those new workers are ineligible for Obamacare until they become citizens, thus incentivizing employers to discriminate against American citizens, who if they are hired, are required to be offered health insurance or pay a penalty.  

"Employers avoid both if they hire our new amnesty citizens."  

US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Obama-my-work-here-is-done


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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Pigeon Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:27 pm

Rolling Eyes Would you be happier if we were fumbling like Europe or slowing like China...perhaps a screeching halt, like Russia??
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Buzzard Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:49 pm

WHL wrote:I am so happy you two are so thrilled with the jobs report.  At least that makes two people in this country that are happy with it.

Obama's 50% approval rating tells me that we're not the only ones happy with the jobs report. The GOP controlled congress is struggling to hit a 16% approval rating. Well, at least they passed one bill this year!! Rolling Eyes
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:25 pm

What would make me happy would be a TRULY good report.

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Right Where We Want to Be...

Post  News Hawk Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:43 pm

WHL wrote:What would make me happy would be a TRULY good report.

Well, here's one:

In the months and years since the recession began in December 2007, foreign-born workers have experienced a net increase in employment, while native-born Americans have experienced a net loss.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released updated employment data Friday. The new BLS figures reveal that since the start of the recession in 2007 — which is said to have ended in June 2009 — the number of foreign workers employed in the United States rose by 1.7 million. In December 2007 the number of foreign-born workers was 22,810,000 by January 2009 the number has increased to 24,553,000.

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:36 pm

And that's supposed to make me feel good?? And we have the least number of people employed since Jimmy Carter was the President. Is that supposed to make me feel good too?

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Pigeon Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:22 pm

Maybe they know more than you do???

New York Times: This Is a Great Jobs Report Across the Board
Bloomberg: Job Report Crushes It
Los Angeles Times: Best Wage Growth In Six Years
Wall Street Journal: January Jobs Report…Cast[s] Rosier Glow on 2014
The New Republic: The Recovery Is Finally Happening for Ordinary Americans
CNBC: Jobs Report Leaves GOP Grasping For Ammo
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:43 am

(CNSNews.com) – The labor force participation rate increased from 62.7 percent to 62.9 percent in January as the number of people not in the labor force declined from 92,898,000 in December to 92,544,000 in January, and the unemployment rate ticked up from 5.6 percent to 5.7 percent.

You two always play with the facts.

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Pigeon Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:57 am

WHL wrote:(CNSNews.com)

How deep did you have to dig to come up with that article?
CNSNews, the Right news, right now! Laughing Laughing
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:01 am

About two seconds. It is everywhere as it is the truth. I wouldn't spend a lot of time hunting to prove something to you that you will just discard as right wing no matter what it is.

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:04 am

I suppose you lefties think this is good too: In the months and years since the recession began in December 2007, foreign-born workers have experienced a net increase in employment, while native-born Americans have experienced a net loss.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released updated employment data Friday.

The new BLS figures reveal that since the start of the recession in 2007 — which is said to have ended in June 2009 — the number of foreign workers employed in the United States rose by 1.7 million.

In December 2007 the number of foreign-born workers was 22,810,000 by January 2009 the number has increased to 24,553,000.

Meanwhile the number of American-born workers employed decreased by 1.5 million, from 123,524,000 to 121,999,000.

While the foreign-born and American-born population experienced different statistical employment fates, both categories of adults experienced net growth.

The numbers come as Congress continues to debate a Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill that would defund President Obama’s executive amnesty, which has opened the door for millions of illegal immigrants to legally work in the United States.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Immigration Subcommittee Chairman, has been one of the most vocal opponents of the president’s actions and the administration’s immigration policies, which he argues harms American workers.

Friday, his office highlighted the employment discrepancies between native- and foreign- born employment.

“There are two jobs narratives: the one from the Administration, and the one lived and experienced by American workers. Fewer American workers are employed today than when the recession began. The President’s policies have profited the corporate immigration lobby and no-borders contingent, but have been only deleterious for wage-earners,” Session’s spokesman Stephen Miller emailed Breitbart News.

Miller highlighted that in addition to the annual flow of over 1.7 million permanent legal immigrants and nonimmigrant workers, as the Center for Immigration Studies recently exposed, since 2009 the administration has also provided another 5.5 million immigrants with employment authorization documents (EAD).

“What we are seeing in the BLS stats is the human fallout from the President’s actions,” Miller continued. “Figures such as these should be leading the nightly news. One of the first questions posited ought to be: will Minority Leader [Harry] Reid’s (D-NV) caucus continue to shield the issuance of 5 million more EADs for those illegally here?”


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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Buzzard Sat Feb 07, 2015 8:18 am

So let's see the Republicans shut down the Department of Homeland Security! Maybe we can get their congressional approval rating back down into the single digits!! Rolling Eyes
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Buzzard Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:19 am

The Party Of Stupid has no answer for an ever improving economy, which they tried to sabotage!

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Thousands of foreign workers added?

Post  News Hawk Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:29 am

“There are two jobs narratives: the one from the Administration, and the one lived and experienced by American workers.

Fewer American workers are employed today than when the recession began.

The President’s policies have profited the corporate immigration lobby and no-borders contingent, but have been only deleterious for wage-earners,” Session’s spokesman Stephen Miller emailed Breitbart News.

Surely this is being announced on your TV screens far and wide!


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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Buzzard Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:34 am

You're trying to make a case of 24 million foreign workers against 123 million American born workers? That's just another example of right wingers not understanding the changing demographics of our nation. The party of the old white guys is on a very short leash, and fortunately you're too nearsighted to see it!!
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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty We Need to Become The United Nations of America

Post  News Hawk Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:21 pm

News Buzzard wrote:You're trying to make a case of 24 million foreign workers against 123 million American born workers? That's just another example of right wingers not understanding the changing demographics of our nation. The party of the old white guys is on a very short leash, and fortunately you're too nearsighted to see it!!
Yeah, I guess you're right. The generation of the 450,000 Americans who died keeping foreigners out of the country are all dying off. Their sons and daughters have killed off their unborn children, so foreigners are forced to cross our borders illegally to take up the slack.

At this point, what difference does it make?

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:53 pm

Yeah, what difference does it make??

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Dishonest Government Claims...? Word's Getting Around...

Post  News Hawk Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:22 pm

This week, the Gallup organization’s top pollster called the government’s unemployment numbers
“a Big Lie” -- a stunning rebuke of government statistics from a highly credible source.


I think Obama is doing a great job on unemployment: unemployment hasn’t been this strong in decades.

What a Face

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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  News Hawk Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:53 pm

...CIS drew three conclusions from the data it studied and analyzed:

• The long-term decline in the employment for natives across age and education levels is a clear indication that there is no general labor shortage, a primary justification for the large increases in immigration (skilled and unskilled) in the Schumer-Rubio bill and similar House proposals.

The decline in work among the native-born over the last 14 years of high immigration is consistent with research showing that immigration reduces employment for natives.

• The trends since 2000 challenge the argument that immigration on balance increases job opportunities for natives. Over 17 million immigrants arrived in the country in the last 14 years, a time period in which native employment has deteriorated significantly.

CIS describes its methodology for the report as follows:

“This analysis is based on the ‘household survey’ collected by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The survey, officially known as the Current Population Survey (CPS), is the nation’s primary source of information on the U.S. labor market.
Maybe our millions of homes need more dusting, our millions of yards more leaf-blowing—and more frequently than before.



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US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January Empty Re: US Adds 257 Thousand Jobs In January

Post  WHL Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:37 pm

I just heard a story on tv. Two kids were going around shoveling driveways for extra money. Somebody called the cops as it is against the law since they don't have a license to operate a business or some such foolish regulation. Unbelievable.
What happened to the good old days?

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