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Ayotte backs immigration system overhaul

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Ayotte backs immigration system overhaul Empty Ayotte backs immigration system overhaul

Post  fshnski Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:18 pm

Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte says she will back the bipartisan overhaul of the nation's immigration system.

The New Hampshire senator said on Sunday the nation's immigration is broken and needs to be fixed. She says the Senate proposal secures the border and provides a "tough but fair" way for immigrants to earn citizenship.

A bipartisan group of eight senators drafted the bill and then guided it through the Judiciary Committee to the full Senate. Despite widespread support, the bill's passage is by no means certain given the procedural hurdles. A large segment of the Republicans' conservative base opposes the measure, and lawmakers in the House say they will write their own immigration plan.

Ayotte announced her support for the proposal on CBS' "Face the Nation."

Read more: http://www.wmur.com/news/nh-news/ayotte-backs-immigration-system-overhaul/-/9857858/20488948/-/ygsqo5/-/index.html#ixzz2VjyENspN

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