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Supreme Court sends affirmative action case back to lower courts

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Supreme Court sends affirmative action case back to lower courts Empty Supreme Court sends affirmative action case back to lower courts

Post  fshnski Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:45 am

The Supreme Court on Monday sent a major affirmative action caseSupreme Court sends affirmative action case back to lower courts Icon1 back to the lower courts to be reheard, ducking the chance to rewrite discrimination laws and instead affirming the current state of law for racial preferences, saying they can be used for admissions but only if there is a compelling need and no other remedy works.

Some legal analystsSupreme Court sends affirmative action case back to lower courts Icon1 had predicted the court would use the case from the University of Texas at Austin to issue a broad ruling that would overturn affirmative action policies, but the 7-1 ruling was narrow in scope and didn’t overturn any current laws or court precedents.

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