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Keep your so-called workers!

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Keep your so-called workers! Empty Keep your so-called workers!

Post  fshnski Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:40 pm

The CEO of a U.S. tire maker has delivered a crushing summary of how some outsiders view France's work ethic in a letter saying he would have to be stupid to take over a factory whose staff only put in three hours work a day.

Titan International's Maurice "Morry" Taylor, who goes by "The Grizz" for his bear-like no-nonsense style, told the left-wing French industry minister in a letter published by Paris media that he had no interest in buying a doomed plant.

"The French workforce gets paid high wages but works only three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three," Taylor wrote on February 8 in the letter in English addressed to the minister, Arnaud Montebourg.

"I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that's the French way!" Taylor added in the letter, which was posted by business daily Les Echos on its website on Wednesday and which the ministry confirmed was genuine.

"How stupid do you think we are?" he asked at one point.


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Keep your so-called workers! Empty Re: Keep your so-called workers!

Post  News Hawk Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:20 am

In addition to the "Ministry of Industry", France needs a "Ministry of Truth".

Twisted Evil

News Hawk
News Hawk

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