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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Anti Federalist
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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:00 pm

Architect of Obamacare won't apologize for lying to the American Electorate.

"....Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter but basically that was really critical to get this thing to pass...”

"I'd rather have this law than not"

Unbelievable that he's so arrogantly admitted this!

A better video that shows Gruber first lying about it on Matthews show, and then of him lecturing a class, and speaking the truth.

Evil or Very Mad

Evil or Very Mad

Now that he's wanted for questioning, he's disappeared!



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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:53 am

He's disappeared? WHo is he????

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  Anti Federalist Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:24 am

Hard to see how anybody can be mad at him.

Idiot voters and lies and deception is SOP for DC to rule us.
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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:53 am

Who was in control of Congress in July, 2008?????? This most recent drop started as soon as the news started saying it was going to be a big Republican win.

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Limbaugh Cites Obamacare deceit...!

Post  News Hawk Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:09 am

"This is incredible. The liberals at the University of Pennsylvania tried to take down the video of Jonathan Gruber saying they had to dumb down the presentation of Obamacare because of the stupidity of the American voter. They thought they could take the video down and make the issue go away.

You remember Jonathan Gruber. By the way, he's the architect of Obamacare, and I should say that he's one of the primary architects of Romneycare as well. It was in October of last year at the University of Pennsylvania's 24th Annual Health Economics Conference..."

It's not just "lying" any longer.

No Republican voted for it!

Evil or Very Mad

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  Outerlimits Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:33 am

Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

The American voters who choose to remain stupid.

Most of us didn’t have a choice in this freakin’ thing being passed. It was shoved through like the poison medicine it is.

Nothing about Obamacare has been truthful. The cynical, deceitful and condescending attitude towards the electorate by this administration needs to give everyone pause.

Obamacare a fitting representation of the Obama Administration and will be his legacy.

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  Anti Federalist Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:26 pm

There is a second clip of him saying the same thing.

Maybe somebody can post it.

My search fu is weak right now.
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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Somehow...

Post  News Hawk Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:48 pm

Outerlimits wrote:
The American voters who choose to remain stupid.
America has failed Obama!

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:00 pm

WHL wrote:He's disappeared?  WHo is he????
His name is Jonathon Gruber, and he's the chief architect of ObamaCare.

Americans have complained that they felt ObamaCare was crammed down their throats, that there was dishonesty in the process. They were not told the full story.

Limbaugh paraphrased Gruber by saying, "Yeah, we had to lie. You're too dumb to know what's good for you."

Trey Gowdy added: "It's really serious. In a participatory democracy, when you tell your fellow citizens that you're either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it..."

Gruber's smug face while he tells America, "You don't know what's good for you!"

Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? ObamacareArchitect3


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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  Anti Federalist Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:18 am

While I'm certainly bent, this is nothing surprising.

Like I already said, this is normal, this how the ruling class sees us Mundanes.

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:44 am

It is, Anti. They treat us like little sheeples that will follow every lie they tell us.

He has been all over tv now, NH. Do you know where he came from, his history? I had never heard of him before until all this. Guess I could look it up, just thought you might know.

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:32 am

Gruber visited the White House a dozen times, which was more often than the head of the CIA, so President Obama will not be able to disconnect himself from the scandal.

WHL wrote:It is, Anti.  They treat us like little sheeples that will follow every lie they tell us.

He has been all over tv now, NH.  Do you know where he came from, his history? I had never heard of him before until all this.  Guess I could look it up, just thought you might know.

Some background:

Jonathan Gruber is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology health economist who helped craft Obamacare. In a rare moment of unvarnished candor, Gruber told an audience last year at the University of Pennsylvania the law passed because of the "stupidity of the American voter."

In what can only be described as a smoking gun -- meaning there is no way to spin his remarks as "out of context" -- Gruber told his audience, "The bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.

OK, so it's written to do that." Gruber added, "... if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in -- you made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money -- it would not have passed."
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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:36 am

So is he from Mass.?

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:54 am

WHL wrote:So is he from Mass.?
Born in New York, and a life-long Democrat.

The New York Times wrote an, "Everybody does it" explanation.

(Which is whole lot better than our resident National-Socialists—who are conspicuous in their silence.)

Evil or Very Mad

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:56 pm

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters on Thursday she had no idea who Jonathan Gruber was. Gruber, an Obamacare architect, admitted in video released this week that Democrats repeatedly lied to “stupid” Americans to pass the law.

What trash talk!

Evil or Very Mad

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:06 pm

Maybe somebody could enlighten Pelosi and I bet Obama could use some enlightening too. He always says he didn't know things until he heard it on the news.

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:13 pm

A lot of people are getting enlightened. I guess Americans are stupid if they don’t know who is responsible for Obamacare.

Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Jv1Samy


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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:03 am

A fifth Gruber video has surfaced:

".....In the 2011 video shot by TrueNorthReports.com and sent to Watchdog.org on Thursday, Gruber appears before the Vermont House Health Care Committee to present recommendations for a universal, publicly financed health care program. The recommendations were part of the 2011 “Hsiao Report” submitted to the Legislature by economist William C. Hsiao and co-written by Gruber.

As Gruber sits listening, the committee chair reads a comment from a Vermonter who expresses concern that the economist’s plan might lead to “ballooning costs, increased taxes and bureaucratic outrages,” among other things.

After hearing the Vermonter’s worries, Gruber responds, “Was this written by my adolescent children by any chance?”

Going on...

“It was actually written by a former senior policy adviser in the White House who knew something about health care systems,” said John McClaughry, a two-term Vermont state senator and adviser to President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

McClaughry, who wrote the comment in an op-ed weeks before the 2011 committee meeting, told Vermont Watchdog he did not know Gruber made the condescending insult. However, he was aware of other videos discovered this week in which Gruber boasted of writing deceptive policies to trick “stupid” American voters.

“No one should trust this man. … Based on the rest of the stuff that’s come out on the videos, nobody can trust this guy. He has no use for transparency, he thinks people are stupid, and he’ll do anything to get this thing through and pocket his $400,000. That’s not in the interest of the people of Vermont,” McClaughry said.........

Vermonters are stupid, too?


MIT needs to rid itself of this pile of trash!

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:40 am

I don't watch MSNBC or CNN because I can't stand their bias, but I wonder if they have even MENTIONED this guy??

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Pigeon Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:25 am

WHL wrote:I don't watch MSNBC or CNN because I can't stand their bias

Yes, we know you only watch that 'paragon of objectivity, Fox News", that's why your comments are so intelligent............................NOT!!!!!!
Do you even realize how biased YOU are?
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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Buzzard Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:33 am

Couldn't be! FOX tells nothing but the truth!! Laughing  (so does the Right Wing Book Of Mythology!)  No

Think about it. Someone is complaining that they will no longer be able to pay $27 a month in a country where one cancer illness will almost certainly top $1 million. In the USA the meter starts running when you check into a hospital, but the Republicans don't want to address that. They would rather take health insurance away from people. Not gonna happen! Very Happy
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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:25 am

Not as biased as you guys thankfully!

So you didn't answer my question? Have they even mentioned this guy on your favorite channels or are they too BIASED??

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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Pigeon Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:14 pm

WHL wrote:

So you didn't answer my question? Have they even mentioned this guy on your favorite channels or are they too BIASED??

First off, you ass-u-me that I watch CNN/MSNBC for the news & info, that would be a mistake on your part as I get most of my news/info from other sources. Secondly, this "guy" didn't say anything that isn't the truth, about 50% of voters are stupid, just look to the last election and you'll have your proof.
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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  News Hawk Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:02 pm

WHL wrote:I don't watch MSNBC or CNN because I can't stand their bias, but I wonder if they have even MENTIONED this guy??
Even ABC has discovered Gruber's statements:

Washington (ABC) -- As Congress voted on the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, in 2010, one of the bill's architects, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, told a college audience that those pushing the legislation pitched it as a bill that would control spiraling health care costs even though most of the bill was focused on something else and there was no guarantee the bill would actually bend the cost curve.

In recent days, the past comments of Gruber -- who in this 2010 speech notes that he "helped write the federal bill" and "was a paid consultant to the Obama administration to help develop the technical details as well" -- have been given renewed attention. In previously posted but recently noticed speeches, Gruber discusses how those pushing the bill took part in an "exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter," taking advantage of voters' "stupidity" to create a law that would ultimately be good for them.

In this fourth video, Gruber's language is not as stark as in three previous instances, but his suggestion that Obamacare proponents engaged in less-than-honest salesmanship remains.

Five similar videos have surfaced.

The election of 2012 proves just how stupid voters have become. The midterms of 2014 have shown how Americans feel about this administration's direction.


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Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation? Empty Re: Who Could Support Obamacare after This Revelation?

Post  WHL Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:20 pm

I agree, a lot of voters are stupid, after all they were stupid enough to elect Obama not once but TWICE!!

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