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We will pay twice for Obamacare

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We will pay twice for Obamacare Empty We will pay twice for Obamacare

Post  WHL Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:47 am

Breaking: DEMOCRATS to REIMBURSE Insurance Companies Up to 80% on O-Care Losses (Video)
The Gateway Pundit ^ | 11-18-2013 | Jim Hoft
Posted on November 18, 2013 6:26:41 PM EST by servo1969

This must have been one of those backroom deals we heard so much about… Stuffed inside the Obamacare law passed by Democrats (with no Republican votes) is a provision that will reimburse insurance companies up to 80% of their losses due to Obamacare. Melissa Francis reported on FOX News:

“Marco Rubio has been out highlighting the fact that there is this ‘risk corridor’ where written into this law that nobody read is this idea that is insurance companies have 3% higher costs than they estimated as a result of who’s in these pools, they can recoup 50% of that money from the government, from you and me. 8% higher than what they estimated, they can recoup 80%!… This bailout of the insurance companies is the next big thing we’ll all be talking about.”
And, here we thought Democrats hated insurance companies.

So now we can pay for those who can't and then we can pay the insurance companies for losing money. Wonderful. Isn't it just joyous to be a taxpayer in the US of A?

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We will pay twice for Obamacare Empty After shifting blame to insurers, Obama may give them subsidies

Post  fshnski Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:31 am

President Obama has decided to attack the insurers again. But maybe he’s decided to subsidize them even more. Or both.

In waiving the part of Obamacare that outlaws many insurance plans, Obama tried to shift blame for any cancellations to the insurers. But on Friday, he met with representatives from these same companies, sparking speculation that he had plans to offer them subsidies to help smooth Obamacare's rocky rollout.

This seeming schizophrenia is standard fare in the love-hate relationship between Obama and the insurers.

Obama raised $1.34 million from the “Health Services/HMOs” industry in 2008, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. That is the most any candidate has ever raised from this industry in history, and more than twice what John McCain raised that year.

Right after Obama’s election, America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) – the top lobby for the industry – announced a reform proposal that ended up forming the heart of Obamacare: an individual mandate, plus a requirement that insurers cover all comers and all pre-existing conditions.


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We will pay twice for Obamacare Empty Re: We will pay twice for Obamacare

Post  WHL Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:06 am

He talks about the big companies like he hates them and then he gives them money. He plays both side. He thinks his voters want to hear that he hates them so he says that. But then he know he needs the company's money so he coddles them. What a phony. He can't have it both ways ANY MORE. He has been caught!

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We will pay twice for Obamacare Empty Re: We will pay twice for Obamacare

Post  Outerlimits Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:15 am

He has been caught so many times its hard to keep track.  

A bailout is all but certainty as Obamacare is collapsing right before our eyes.

The basic premise of Obamacare is to charge young and healthy people high premiums so the poor, sick and elderly pay less or nothing at all.  Those who are the least likely to need insurance, those who are the lowest risk, are paying the highest rate. This is why they aren't signing up. This is backwards of what it should be.  Young people historically don’t buy health insurance and a fine (that may never be paid) isn’t going to change that.
The vast majority of those who have signed up on the exchanges are undoubtedly the sick and the subsidized.  The pyramid is already upside down.

The only question is, will Obama try to pivot Obamacare into a single payer system or will he ride the death spiral to the end?  Either way we are going to pay for this.

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We will pay twice for Obamacare Empty Re: We will pay twice for Obamacare

Post  fshnski Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:20 am

It blows me away that this administration has no remorse for all the inconvenience and disruption of life that this fraud of obamacare has caused.

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We will pay twice for Obamacare Empty Re: We will pay twice for Obamacare

Post  WHL Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:51 am

Of course he has wanted the single payer all along.

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