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Kerry=Doofus Empty Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:33 pm

"...Recently, in the wake of another diplomatic disaster for the Obama regime, Secretary of State John Kerry said, “We are not blind and I don’t think we’re stupid.”  He and the President may not think they’re stupid, but the leaders of nations around the world most certainly do.

In a recent Wall Street Journal commentary by Brett Stephens, titled the “Axis of Fantasy vs. Axis of Reality”, he cited the French rejection of the negotiations with the Iranians, saying “the French also understand that the sole reason Iran has a nuclear program is to build a nuclear weapon…This now puts the French at the head of a de facto Axis of Reality, the other prominent members of which are Saudi Arabia and Israel. In this Axis, strategy is not a game of World of Witchcraft conducted via avatars in a virtual reality.”

...Said of Kerry’s remark on Meet the Press, “When you’ve reached the don’t call me stupid’ stage of diplomacy, it means the rest of the world has your number.”

The Secretary of State carries out the President’s foreign policies, but when both are ideologically blind to reality and both harbor a deep disdain for an American history of global leadership since the end of World War Two, they are going to initiate and stumble around in ways that convince other nations to seek leadership elsewhere or to pursue they own interests without looking to the U.S. for support..."


Last edited by News Hawk on Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:56 am

Funny, that I should post this, and now Kerry has tried to make himself relevant in his new office. (and shield the President from Obamacare discussions).

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Kerry=Doofus Empty Kerry the Buffoon...

Post  News Hawk Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:51 am

This administration and its foreign policy are literally a joke. Literally no one takes them seriously.

With the clock running down on a ceasefire between Ukraine’s government and pro-Russian separatists in the country’s east, Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday called on Russia to show, “in the next hours, literally,” that it was working on disarming the militias.

Hours later, however, a senior State Department official said the comment “shouldn’t be taken literally,” as Kerry simply intended to underline the urgency of the situation.

Announcing that Kerry shouldn’t be taken literally is now a default position at the State Department.

When Kerry discussed an “unbelievably small” strike on Syria, the clean up crew had to come out. Then Kerry suggested that Syria disarm. The State Department rushed out to explain that Kerry was joking. Then Obama liked the idea so State had to explain that it was joking about the joking.

We almost had Kerry for four years as President!


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Kerry=Doofus Empty A Reminder for this 4th of July...

Post  News Hawk Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:52 pm


People who never served in Vietnam have a hard time understanding the absolute disdain for John Kerry harbored by most Vietnam Veterans.

(The price for leaving Vietnam as a soldier was three Purple Heart ribbons for being "Wounded in Action".

"It starts with the fact that he turned his back on his Brothers in Arms and returned home early after lying about the actions for which he was awarded 3 purple hearts. Then due to his “station” in life, and associated contacts, (the Kennedy’s) he next set about to make himself a national figure, which he did, culminating with his false testimony before Congress about events and atrocities that never happened. He then proceeds to hold “peace talks” with representative of the North Vietnamese government in Paris, which most view as a federal crime.

It is pretty obvious that the North Vietnamese knew that he had no role in the peace process, but they let him play the part of a “useful idiot” to exploit his actions later. POW’s in the North Vietnamese prisons were tortured as a result of his false testimony. My fellow pilots and I will never forget or forgive him for that seemingly treasonous activity.

As a result of John Kerry’s lies there may be as many as 20,000 names on the Wall that need not be.

General Giap in his memoirs stated that after they were soundly defeated in TET 68 they were ready to capitulate. But then they began to watch the anti-war activity in the US carried on by the likes of John Kerry (whose picture hangs in a Museum in Ho Chi Minh City honoring the North Vietnamese war effort) and the VVAW they became embolden to carry on. Good Men Died because Kerry Lied.

Historians generally agree that John Kerry was the driving factor behind the US to completely withdraw, not only its forces from Vietnam, but more importantly the money to support the South Vietnamese; who at that time could have defended themselves quite well. As a result of his lies, before the Congress of the United States, and the ultimate fall of the South Vietnamese Government, it was labeled a war that the United States lost. Vietnam Veterans to this day are ashamed of their Government for abandoning their South Vietnamese people and the resultant deaths and misery.

John Kerry had a hand in a million or more South Vietnamese dead...as a result of his lies. John Kerry had a hand in perhaps as many as 3 million dead Cambodians, butchered by Pol Pot.... because of his lies.

Kerry’s actions affected every Vietnam Veteran in a deep and personal way. Yes there was some spitting on folks returning, but that was rare for the most part and could be washed off. Frankly, most of those freaks were not brave enough to try that on a battle tested veteran for fear of their lives.

What wasn’t rare is that it was a liability to put on a job application that you were a Vietnam Vet. I remember distinctly, a friend telling me.... don’t waste your time...nobody cares. I had falsely assumed that being in Command of 10 airplanes and all the Pilots and Maintenance folks in a Combat zone should indicate some management ability. My thinking was: Not bad experience for a 27 yr old college graduate. I soon discovered, probably largely as a result of John Kerry’s lies, that was not the case.

Also what wasn’t rare was the fact that you never mentioned that you were a Vietnam Veteran. I remember after the Victory in the first Gulf War feeling so proud for the first time for my fellow soldiers and Vietnam Vets as many of us were included in the welcome home parades some 20 years plus after most of us came home.

Many of the younger generation say: “Forget what happened 35 years ago; what does it have to do with the issues today”?

Our answer: Just three words need to be said: Duty, Honor, Country. Kerry has displayed in his every action since 1968 that he knows nothing of the meaning of those words. Never has, never will..... He truly is UNfit for Command. By the way John, an apology will not work. Don’t waste your time. We know that would just be another lie!!

Stan W. King

Lewisville, TX

Vietnam Veteran


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  WHL Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:00 pm

I feel so sorry for those that served in Vietnam.  They got treated so AWFUL by we, the citizens when they returned.  And they didn't go over there because of THEIR choice-most of them anyway.  It has to hurt them that returning soldiers are treated as heros now (as they should be) but when they returned home from Vietnam, they were treated so badly.

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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Buzzard Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:45 pm

WHL wrote:I feel so sorry for those that served in Vietnam.  They got treated so AWFUL by we, the citizens when they returned.  And they didn't go over there because of THEIR choice-most of them anyway.  It has to hurt them that returning soldiers are treated as heros now (as they should be) but when they returned home from Vietnam, they were treated so badly.

That's right, and the majority of them went over against their will because of the Draft. You think we would have learned our lesson from Korea and Vietnam and not got involved in Afghanistan and Iraq.
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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  WHL Fri Jul 04, 2014 5:07 pm

Yes you would have thought so but the Dems voted right along with Bush to get involved in those wars.

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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Buzzard Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:05 pm

WHL wrote:Yes you would have thought so but the Dems voted right along with Bush to get involved in those wars.

The Dems voted on bad information given to them by Bush and Cheney, and the Congress is not the Commandeer-In-Chief. That whole debacle is Bush and no one but Bush !   No
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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:39 pm

WHL wrote:Yes you would have thought so but the Dems voted right along with Bush to get involved in those wars.
All the better to "Create a Crisis".


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  WHL Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:42 pm

Oh please, stop making excuses!  They should find out for themselves then, not believe WRONG information.

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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:59 pm

News Buzzard wrote:
The Dems voted on bad information given to them by Bush and Cheney, and the Congress is not the Commandeer-In-Chief. That whole debacle is Bush and no one but Bush !   No

Today in Iraq, The Caliphateformerly ISIS—now controls "that bad information".

Do we expect radical Jihadists to eventually sacrifice their lives to carry a "dirty bomb" in crossing over an American border? (Or Israel's).

I say, they will.

'Course, Democrats will say anything!




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Kerry=Doofus Empty Kerry: Master of Out-of-Focus Discussions

Post  News Hawk Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:35 am

There is a certain kind of personality that not only can’t admit an error, but becomes stupidly condescending when they are asked to explain their error. Barack Obama is one such person; Secretary of State John Kerry is another.

Let me explain what I mean. Face the Nation’s Bob Schieffer asked Secretary Kerry to clarify whether or not the United States is at war with ISIS (also known as ISIL). The reason the clarification is necessary is because the Obama administration, in the course of a few days, has had high-ranking officials say we’re both at war and we’re not at war with ISIS. Kerry himself said on Thursday that our mission was not a war but a counter-terrorism operation. By yesterday, in his interview with Schieffer, Kerry said we were at war with ISIS.

In other words, Kerry was saying we aren’t at war with ISIS before he was saying we are.

When asked about all this, Kerry didn’t admit he was wrong. Here’s what he said instead:

Well, Bob, I think there’s, frankly, a kind of tortured debate going on about terminology. What I’m focused on obviously is getting done what we need to get done to ISIL. But if people need to find a place to land in terms of what we did in Iraq: Originally, this is not a war. This is not combat troops on the ground. It’s not hundreds of thousands of people. It’s not that kind of mobilization. But in terms of al Qaeda, which we have used the word war with, yeah, we went — we’re at war with al Qaeda and its affiliates. And in same context, if you want to use it, yes, we’re at war with ISIL in that sense. But I think it’s a waste of time to focus on that. Frankly, let’s consider what we have to do to degrade and defeat ISIL. And that’s what I’m frankly much more focused on.
—Commentary Magazine

Not the first "flip-flop" with Kerry, who said "It's a waste of time to focus".


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:08 pm

Kerry Compares His Courage To Lincoln, Churchill, Dr. King, Gandhi And Mandela (not satire)

Secretary of State John Kerry compared himself to Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln and other great historical luminaries for having the courage and tenacity to tackle the most heinous enemy plaguing mankind — climate change.

“My heroes are people who dared to take on great challenges without knowing for certain what the outcome would be,” Kerry said in an address to the Atlantic Council on Thursday.

“Lincoln took risks, Gandhi took risks, Churchill took risks, Dr. King took risks, Mandela took risks, but that doesn’t mean that every risk-taker is a role model.”
Fox News


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:58 am

Kerry=Doofus Th?&id=JN.Zdhg84W8%2b81R18UeKO5ffg&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1
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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  WHL Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:50 am

I heard a quick note about how he is recovering from his broken leg-maybe not so well? Have you heard anything?

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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:33 pm

WHL wrote:I heard a quick note about how he is recovering from his broken leg-maybe not so well?  Have you heard anything?

I heard from a Boston nurse that Kerry had the best of Boston orthopod surgeons set his leg. (Might as well, he was the only reason to fly back on the military heavy-transport that brought him here—costing US millions).

Kerry says Iran vow to defy U.S. is 'very disturbing'

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said a speech by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran's nuclear program was "very disturbing".

What part of "Death to America" did Kerry not hear?

Kerry=Doofus Obama-kerry-idiots-jpg
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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  red_hill Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:12 am

News Hawk wrote:
WHL wrote:I heard a quick note about how he is recovering from his broken leg-maybe not so well?  Have you heard anything?

I heard from a Boston nurse that Kerry had the best of Boston orthopod surgeons set his leg. (Might as well, he was the only reason to fly back on the military heavy-transport that brought him here—costing US millions).

Kerry says Iran vow to defy U.S. is 'very disturbing'

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said a speech by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran's nuclear program was "very disturbing".

What part of "Death to America" did Kerry not hear?

Kerry=Doofus Obama-kerry-idiots-jpg

You realize that that "Boston nurse" violated HIPAA rules cheers


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Cut Defense?

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:36 am

"HIPAA Rules" pale in comparison to Kerry's surprise that Iran will defy "the agreement".

IF WHEN Iran nukes our cities, "HIPAA Rules" will be equally worthless.

BTW: Did you know that when Germany invaded Denmark, they ordered all of Denmark's military to abandon their [meager] military aircraft and equipment?

Denmark's "resistance" lasted two hours.  

'Bet they'd wished to have had more defense monies spent to prevent this aggression—Like Sweden did.

Evil or Very Mad
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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  red_hill Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:16 am

News Hawk wrote:"HIPAA Rules" pale in comparison to Kerry's surprise that Iran will defy "the agreement".

IF WHEN Iran nukes our cities, "HIPAA Rules" will be equally worthless.

BTW: Did you know that when Germany invaded Denmark, they ordered all of Denmark's military to abandon their [meager] military aircraft and equipment?

Denmark's "resistance" lasted two hours.  

'Bet they'd wished to have had more defense monies spent to prevent this aggression—Like Sweden did.

Evil or Very Mad
LOL, you think Iran would pick a nuclear fight with the US? You are more delusional than I believed possible! The ones worried are their neighbors. The US would literally turn Iran into an unusable parking lot.

We spend more than enough on defense, much more.


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Sweden Had the Right Idea...

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:31 am

red_hill wrote:
LOL, you think Iran would pick a nuclear fight with the US? You are more delusional than I believed possible! The ones worried are their neighbors. The US would literally turn Iran into an unusable parking lot.
IF the US knew where the "dirty bomb" came from.

red_hill wrote:We spend more than enough on defense, much more.
That's what Danes thought about Denmark's defense expenses.

Evil or Very Mad

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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  red_hill Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:44 am

News Hawk wrote:
red_hill wrote:
LOL, you think Iran would pick a nuclear fight with the US? You are more delusional than I believed possible! The ones worried are their neighbors. The US would literally turn Iran into an unusable parking lot.
IF the US knew where the "dirty bomb" came from.

red_hill wrote:We spend more than enough on defense, much more.
That's what Danes thought about Denmark's defense expenses.

Evil or Very Mad

Are you going to honestly say that the US does not spend enough on defense. The US needs to cut many places, including defense. And you know the numbers below are not complete, we spend much more in "black money" on intelligence to the tune of another $50B



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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:38 am

red_hill wrote:
News Hawk wrote:
red_hill wrote:
LOL, you think Iran would pick a nuclear fight with the US? You are more delusional than I believed possible! The ones worried are their neighbors. The US would literally turn Iran into an unusable parking lot.
IF the US knew where the "dirty bomb" came from.

red_hill wrote:We spend more than enough on defense, much more.
That's what Danes thought about Denmark's defense expenses.

Evil or Very Mad

Are you going to honestly say that the US does not spend enough on defense. The US needs to cut many places, including defense. And you know the numbers below are not complete, we spend much more in "black money" on intelligence to the tune of another $50B


Are you not familiar with the term, "Pax Americana"?


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Kerry=Doofus Empty One for Red_Hill...:

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:41 am

Obama: New US Citizens Can Skip the Part of Oath That Includes Defending Country

Under Obama America is becoming a country without borders. And now it’s becoming a country without loyalty or commitment.

US Soldiers take the oath of citizenship at Camp Victory in Baghdad in 2007.

Barack Obama’s US Citizenship and Immigration Services on Tuesday announced they will no longer require new citizens to pledge to “bear arms on behalf of the United States.” It doesn’t fit with Obama’s vision of America. The Examiner reported:

US Citizenship and Immigration Services on Tuesday said it will no longer require incoming U.S. citizens to pledge that they will “bear arms on behalf of the United States” or “perform noncombatant service” in the Armed Forces as part of the naturalization process.

Those lines are in the Oath of Allegiance that people recite as they become U.S. citizens. But USCIS said people “may” be able to exclude those phrases for reasons related to religion or if they have a conscientious objection.

USCIS said people with certain religious training or with a “deeply held moral or ethical code” may not have to say the phrases as they are naturalized.

The agency said people don’t have to belong to a specific church or religion to use this exemption, and may attest to U.S. officials administering the oath that they have these beliefs.
Gateway Pundit


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  red_hill Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:17 pm

News Hawk wrote:
red_hill wrote:
News Hawk wrote:
red_hill wrote:
LOL, you think Iran would pick a nuclear fight with the US? You are more delusional than I believed possible! The ones worried are their neighbors. The US would literally turn Iran into an unusable parking lot.
IF the US knew where the "dirty bomb" came from.

red_hill wrote:We spend more than enough on defense, much more.
That's what Danes thought about Denmark's defense expenses.

Evil or Very Mad

Are you going to honestly say that the US does not spend enough on defense. The US needs to cut many places, including defense. And you know the numbers below are not complete, we spend much more in "black money" on intelligence to the tune of another $50B


Are you not familiar with the term, "Pax Americana"?


You lack the ability to stay on topic. I responded to your statement that we are somehow like Denmark (history note, we don't share a border with an agressor) in not spending enough money on defense with a clear answer and you change the subject to Pax Americana? I am very aware of it, however, I also know we are in good shape and no longer need to take on police duties for "our friends"


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Kerry=Doofus Empty Re: Kerry=Doofus

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:53 pm

red_hill wrote:Are you going to honestly say that the US does not spend enough on defense. The US needs to cut many places, including defense. And you know the numbers below are not complete, we spend much more in "black money" on intelligence to the tune of another $50B.


"Pax Americana" is why Russia hasn't invaded Poland—yet. Why'd we deprive Poland (and Ukraine) of the defensive arms we'd previously urged them to keep, and would have kept the peace in Ostia, Sevastopol and Crimea?

"Pax Americana" is why NATO exerts a force to keep aggressors out of peaceable countries—such as the Baltic states—so frequently over-run through history. There was no NATO when Denmark had a military and air force, and was invaded by a country which had just signed a peace treaty.

"Peace In Our Time".

Kerry=Doofus Neville-chamberlain

Evil or Very Mad

As it was written:

“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
― Edmund Burke

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