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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

News Buzzard
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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  Achigan Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:42 pm

This should be an interesting meeting.

MANCHESTER, N.H. —Hillary Clinton has not been to New Hampshire since the summer of 2012 and there are no plans for her to return any time soon, but a group of local Hillary Clinton supporters plan to meet Monday afternoon to strategize how to convince her to run for president again in 2016 what to do if she is does run.

The national group Ready for Hillary is organizing the first formal gathering of supporters in the state. Longtime Clinton aide Craig Smith has flown up for the event, which will take place at the Puritan Restaurant in Manchester.

On the agenda for the meeting are just four items:

1. Overview and the Need for Ready for Hillary
2. What It Will Take to Win in 2016
3. What You Can Do to Encourage Her to Run
4. Discussion and Q & A

The event itself is invitation only.

New Hampshire has long been a special place for the Clintons going back to former president Bill's second-place finish here in 1992 to Hillary's surprise win in the 2008 presidential primary.

Read more: http://www.wmur.com/political-scoop/nh-hillary-clinton-supporters-gather-to-discuss-strategy/-/16254890/23794094/-/107sh7f/-/index.html#ixzz2pe3qfeLp

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  News Buzzard Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:57 pm

Interesting article, Achigan, thanks. The Republicans don't have anyone who can beat Hillary!
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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  Achigan Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:14 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Interesting article, Achigan, thanks. The Republicans don't have anyone who can beat Hillary!

The republicans don't have anyone that could beat any democrat that would run.

I heard that there won't be a Presidential debate in the next election because the GOP doesn't have anyone that will run.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  News Buzzard Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:50 pm

Chris Christie is being touted in some quarters, but his ship will sink when all of his skeletons are taken out of the closet, the latest of which is the debacle with the lane closures on the George Washington Bridge. The guy is a bully!
News Buzzard
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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty How to manipulate the vote better...

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:13 am

Achigan wrote:"...a group of local Hillary Clinton supporters plan to meet Monday afternoon to strategize

The event itself is invitation only..."

I'd call it "plotting"—at which, they excel.


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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  fshnski Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:28 am

That explains the progressives perfectly NH.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  Achigan Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:47 am

News Hawk wrote:
Achigan wrote:"...a group of local Hillary Clinton supporters plan to meet Monday afternoon to strategize

The event itself is invitation only..."

I'd call it  "plotting"—at which, they excel.



And republicans don't setup campaign strategies? I guess they don't because they keep losing elections. Maybe they should try it sometime instead of bitching all the time.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty More leftist plotting.

Post  fshnski Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:52 am

In late December, Daily Kos featured writer Denise Oliver Velez asked her readers to select "the group or individual whose words and/or deeds [in 2013] best exemplified bigotry and the active effort to suppress and oppress people of color in the United States, in the manner exemplified by the Ku Klux Klan."

On Sunday, Oliver Velez reported that well over 9,000 votes had been cast in the poll, and that the winner was... the GOP's Tea Party wing, which received 23 percent. First runner-up was Rush Limbaugh, at 19 percent, with Fox News Channel finishing third at 17 percent.

Regarding the tea-partiers' triumph, Oliver Velez opined:

No real surprise here.

Teapublicans are equal opportunity haters. They, and those who fund them—like the Koch Brothers—are truly an American Taliban, and just like the KKK unleashed a reign of terror in the U.S. during reconstruction and into the civil rights era, the teahadists among us and those they elect to office are as much or more of a terrorist threat to our nation than any outside forces...

In Oliver Velez's original post, she listed fourteen nominees that also included George Zimmerman, Ted Cruz, Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder, Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, and country singer-songwriter Brad Paisley (because of his song "Accidental Racist"). Readers also could select "other" and then specify the supposed racist(s) in the comments section.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-johnson/2014/01/06/tea-party-republicans-win-daily-kos-pollto-choose-worst-racists-2013#ixzz2piUapf6F

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:08 am

Achigan wrote:
News Hawk wrote:
Achigan wrote:"...a group of local Hillary Clinton supporters plan to meet Monday afternoon to strategize

The event itself is invitation only..."

I'd call it  "plotting"—at which, they excel.



And republicans don't setup campaign strategies?  I guess they don't because they keep losing elections.  Maybe they should try it sometime instead of bitching all the time.

Try discussing Voter Fraud repeatedly, and getting ridiculed.

 Rolling Eyes 

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  Achigan Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:12 am


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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:14 am

Achigan wrote:What voter fraud??

Read this: http://www.snopes.com/politics/ballot/2012fraud.asp

Yeah, what "voter fraud" would Snopes find? It wouldn't surprise me to discover that George Soros' millions hadn't made it to fund that "fact-finder".

Besides, Snopes made no attempt to prove that voter fraud is absent. They quote Government sources that could be fraudulent as well.

What about that Maryland politician who admitted to voting in Florida and Maryland?

Proof is difficult to find with the secret ballot, but many blatant cases make the news. To say—or suggest—there is NO voter fraud troubles me greatly.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  News Hawk Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:17 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Chris Christie is being touted in some quarters, but his ship will sink when all of his skeletons are taken out of the closet, the latest of which is the debacle with the lane closures on the George Washington Bridge. The guy is a bully!


Heads should roll over that!

Rolling Eyes

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  News Buzzard Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:46 pm

News Hawk wrote:


Heads should roll over that!

Rolling Eyes

Heads are starting to roll as Christie tries to preserve his presidential profile!    Rolling Eyes 

News Buzzard
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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  Achigan Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:33 pm

News Buzzard wrote:
News Hawk wrote:


Heads should roll over that!

Rolling Eyes

Heads are starting to roll as Christie tries to preserve his presidential profile!    Rolling Eyes 


Heads are rolling but "What did Christie know and when did he know it? It's hard to believe that he didn't know what someone on his staff was doing. We need a complete independent investigation of this and everyone involved should be subpoenaed to testify in front of them.
All the communications between his staff should also be subpoenaed and gone over by that same independent committee.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  Outerlimits Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:16 am

Achigan wrote:
Heads are rolling but "What did Christie know and when did he know it?  It's hard to believe that he didn't know what someone on his staff was doing.  We need a complete independent investigation of this and everyone involved should be subpoenaed to testify in front of them.
All the communications between his staff should also be subpoenaed and gone over by that same independent committee.

Best post ever Achigan.

Lets’ expand it just a bit.

Heads are rolling but "What did OBAMA know and when did he know it?

It's hard to believe that he didn't know what someone on his staff was doing. We need a complete independent investigation of this and everyone involved should be subpoenaed to testify in front of them.

All the communications between his staff should also be subpoenaed and gone over by that same independent committee.

It should be applied to:

Benghazi Scandal
IRS Targeting Scandal.
Fast and Furious Scandal
NSA Scandal
Troop surge in Pakistan Scandal
Obamacare website Scandal
Obamacare “you can keep your insurance” scandal.

Even more…

"What did HILLARY know and when did she know it?

See how this works? Or at least how it should work.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  WHL Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:39 am

Should but doesn't. He is the protected one.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:42 am

Outerlimits wrote:
Achigan wrote:
Heads are rolling but "What did Christie know and when did he know it?  It's hard to believe that he didn't know what someone on his staff was doing.  We need a complete independent investigation of this and everyone involved should be subpoenaed to testify in front of them.
All the communications between his staff should also be subpoenaed and gone over by that same independent committee.

Best post ever Achigan.

Lets’ expand it just a bit.

Heads are rolling but "What did OBAMA know and when did he know it?

It's hard to believe that he didn't know what someone on his staff was doing. We need a complete independent investigation of this and everyone involved should be subpoenaed to testify in front of them.

All the communications between his staff should also be subpoenaed and gone over by that same independent committee.

It should be applied to:

Benghazi Scandal
IRS Targeting Scandal.
Fast and Furious Scandal
NSA Scandal
Troop surge in Pakistan Scandal
Obamacare website Scandal
Obamacare “you can keep your insurance” scandal.

Even more…

"What did HILLARY know and when did she know it?

See how this works?  Or at least how it should work.

Why is the obama administration, stonewalling and dismissing all of these scandals?

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Hillary Clinton ranks last on U.S. 'most admired' list, behind Rush Limbaugh, Bush

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:02 am

Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state who leads all 2016 presidential polls, ranks dead last on a new top 10 poll of who Americans admire most, and at the bottom of who the world admires most, behind celebs like Angelina Jolie and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the new YouGov.com poll conducted for the Times of London, Microsoft's Bill Gates is the most admired person in the world, ahead of Pope Francis and President Obama, the runner-up on that list. Clinton ranks 27th on YouGov's world list.

On the U.S. list, she does even worse, coming in 10th of 10 listed and most named. Among Americans, Pope Francis is the most admired, followed by the president, evangelist Billy Graham and former President George W. Bush. Even Rush Limbaugh, the nation's most popular conservative talk radio host, beat Clinton. He came in ninth.

For the poll, YouGov went to 13 countries that hold more than half the world's population and asked people to name who they admire most. Only those living were allowed to be listed.

Obama and the pope dominated this lists in many countries. For example, in France, Obama was the top pick. In Germany it was the pope.

But Clinton, who plans to run on her record as a world diplomat, doesn't show up in the top 10 of the other highlighted lists in the YouGov poll online.

U.S. secrets tattletale Edward Snowden appears up on some lists, including Russia and Germany.


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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty Re: NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:51 am

I wouldn't put too much faith in this poll, obama is number two.

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NH Hillary Clinton supporters gather to discuss strategy Empty A hate list?

Post  fshnski Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:55 am

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign staffers kept an enemies list of fellow Democrats they believed betrayed her during the fierce primary fight against Barack Obama, a new book claims.

What Clinton insiders called the “hit list” included then-Sen. John Kerry, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and two-time presidential hopeful John Edwards, according to excerpts of the book published online by Politico and the Hill.

The book, “HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton,” by Politico’s Jonathan Allen and The Hill’s Amie Parnes, is set for release Feb. 11.

The list included rankings on a 7-point scale, with 7 being the worst-magnitude traitor in the eyes of the Clinton loyalists, according to the book.

Kerry (D-Mass.), who eventually succeeded Clinton as Obama’s secretary of state, received a 7, the book says.

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