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Obama Cuts Checks for His Failures—"Retroactively"...

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Obama Cuts Checks for His Failures—"Retroactively"... Empty Obama Cuts Checks for His Failures—"Retroactively"...

Post  News Hawk Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:26 pm

"On Thursday, the Obama administration quietly announced it will allow consumers in states with busted Obamacare websites to retroactively bag taxpayer-funded insurance subsidies, even if they purchased health insurance outside the Obamacare marketplace.

The move by the Obama administration will help Democratic candidates facing voters irate over Obamacare by now retroactively cutting checks to citizens in states with broken Obamacare websites. As CBS News reports, "Those who stand to benefit the most are Democratic governors who plunged ahead and ran into problems" because "Republican governors basically defaulted to federal control of online sign-ups in their states."


News Hawk
News Hawk

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Location : Winnipesaukee & Florida


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