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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  fshnski Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:18 pm

In his sales pitch for ObamaCare, the President regularly told Americans that if they liked their current health insurance policies, they could keep them.

A blockbuster report just published at NBCNews.com by Lisa Myers and Hannah Rappleye not only completely refutes this, but claims that the Administration has known for at least three years that millions would lose their coverage due to ObamaCare's implementation:

President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it.

But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.

Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC NEWS that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law.

One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”
None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law.

But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered.

Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy.

And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/10/28/nbc-news-white-house-has-known-least-3-years-millions-would-lose-cove#ixzz2j47n1zSI

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Post  fshnski Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:26 pm

If this is true, who is obama going to blame?

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  fshnski Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:31 pm

Darn it! …  Ah … ah … why didn't you guys … ah … tell me?  … I don't know nothin' about this … hear!HEAR! ... I said nothin"!

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  WHL Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:12 am

No he don't know nothin' about fast and furious, the Irs scandal, Ben Ghazi, Obamacare, NSA spying just to name a few.  Why?

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:21 am

WHL wrote:No he don't know nothin' about fast and furious, the Irs scandal, Ben Ghazi, Obamacare, NSA spying just to name a few.  Why?
Because Obama only watches the same TV-News as the News Crows?

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Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:36 am

Today you like the main stream media, tomorrow you won't. It looks like the policies being cancelled are just basic policies that don't cover much of anything:


God forbid that we do the right thing as a nation and get people insured so they don't lose everything they have to an illness. When the Democrats take back the House they should really think about a single payer system!
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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  WHL Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:03 am

NO, we don't ever like the mainstream media. They were just honest for once in their existence.

Did you ever stop to think that some people may want a high deductible so they don't have to pay a lot each month? It is like any insurance. You usually pay for a long time before you use any of it. But you want to FORCE them to pay a lot each month? Why don't you FORCE people to buy more groceries every week?

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  Outerlimits Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:08 am

News Buzzard wrote:Today you like the main stream media, tomorrow you won't. It looks like the policies being cancelled are just basic policies that don't cover much of anything:


God forbid that we do the right thing as a nation and get people insured so they don't lose everything they have to an illness. When the Democrats take back the House they should really think about a single payer system!
Still can’t stand the main stream media but they FINALLY have been awaken from their fanboy stupor  (as well as millions who will be adversely effected by Obamacare).

The president said if we liked out insurance we could keep it .

“Period, no conditions”

He did not say if we liked our insurance he will make you buy better insurance at a higher premium, now we know he was a liar and knew it was a lie when he said it.

Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance

"President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years. Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC News that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law."

Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance - Investigations


It goes on to say that the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them because they wrote the regulations making it so.

Obama did know about this and flat out lied.

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Matzoh's Favorite Rep Gives Single-Payer the Kiss of Death...

Post  News Hawk Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:37 pm

(CNN) -- Rep. Dennis Kucinich said Wednesday that he will continue to work toward a single-payer program, despite his decision to reverse course and support President Obama's health care plan.

"This was a detour," the Ohio Democrat told CNN's "Larry King Live."

"I'll work with the president in getting this bill passed and the president has committed to working with me to seeing further health care reforms after this bill is out of the way."

Kucinich has been a strong proponent of what he calls "Medicare for all," but said he was willing to settle for something short of that -- at least in the short term.

"I'm not a 'my-way-or-the-highway' kind of guy," he said. "This is a first step. By no means is this bill the bill that I wanted. I've been highly critical of it, and I don't take back anything I said."
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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:45 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Today you like the main stream media, tomorrow you won't.
We saw this "news" on FOX News three years ago.

Rolling Eyes 
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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:24 pm

And I suppose the innocent insurance companies had nothing to do with this?  Rolling Eyes 


Perpetual whining about Obamacare is not a good hobby!!
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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  Achigan Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:38 pm

News Buzzard wrote:And I suppose the innocent insurance companies had nothing to do with this?  Rolling Eyes 


Perpetual whining about Obamacare is not a good hobby!!
Insurance companies had a lot to do with this. Just look at the salaries that they pay, and the buildings that they have to house their office staff. Large cafeterias, gyms and saunas, day care for their children, huge parking lots with flowers and shrubbery that most of us can only dream about. And guess what, our premiums pay for all this and they want more.
This is why President Obama has worked so hard to get heath care for everyone.

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  WHL Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:51 pm

But those insurance companies are still there to serve us. How did he work for us? Nothing changed except most premiums went up again.

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  Achigan Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:10 pm

WHL wrote:But those insurance companies are still there to serve us. How did he work for us? Nothing changed except most premiums went up again.
You think that insurance companies "are still there to serve us"? They are "there" to serve them, not us.

No wonder you don't understand the Affordable HeathCare Act.

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:29 pm

WHL and the rest of the right wingers should take a ride down to the New Jersey coast and speak with homeowners whose insurance companies have served them!! Just imagine having $250 thousand worth of damage to your house and getting a final offer of only $22 thousand! Just imagine owning 2 fully insured vehicles that were destroyed and having your insurance company tell you that the're covering 1 car only.

God forbid we should regulate insurance companies!!! They may be forced to pay off your claim!!!
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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  WHL Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:50 pm

Achigan wrote:
WHL wrote:But those insurance companies are still there to serve us.  How did he work for us?  Nothing changed except most premiums went up again.
You think that insurance companies "are still there to serve us"?  They are "there" to serve them, not us.

No wonder you don't understand the Affordable HeathCare Act.
NO, that was sarcastic. They are there to serve us about as much as Obama is there to serve us. They all are there to serve themselves!!! I do not like insurance companies at all. I wish I didn't have to have any insurance for anything at all but in this society, how do you not have it? You could get sued for all you own if you didn't have insurance. The affordable care act just puts more mandates on the insurance companies though and those mandates cost MONEY. That's why it can NEVER be the AFFORDABLE care act, unless you are poor and the rest of us pay your premiums.

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty Re: NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:25 am

WHL wrote:No he don't know nothin' about fast and furious, the Irs scandal, Ben Ghazi, Obamacare, NSA spying just to name a few.  Why?
Even more:


"Just for today, let’s think about The Buck, and where it stops. The Buck can’t stop at Obama’s desk, because Obama isn’t there. Obama has become the President who isn’t there. The president of “not me”.

In the recent past he wasn’t there when the security situation at Benghazi was discussed. He told us he didn’t know a thing about it.

He wasn’t there when the decision to tap the phones of world leaders was taken. He told us he just didn’t know.

He wasn’t there when the decision to spy on and attack journalists was taken by his Justice Department. He told us he just didn’t know.

Obama told us he wasn’t there when the decision to use the IRS as a political weapon was taken. He said he just didn’t know.

Obama told us he wasn’t there when the decision to provide Mexican narco terrorists with thousands of weapons was taken by his Justice Department. He said he just didn’t know.

Obama told us he didn’t know about his pal’s Jay Z and Beyonce’s controversial trip to Cuba and the huggy feely meeting the brothers Castro. He just didn’t know.

He told us that he didn’t know about the investigation into the behavior of his CIA director, General Petraeus, until it broke in the news. He wasn’t there.

He told us that he didn’t know whether Elizabeth Birnbaum, former head of the Minerals Management Service, was fired or whether she resigned.  It was Birnbaums failure to manage the inspection regimen of Gulf oil wells that led directly to the massive BP spill. He wasn’t there, it wasn’t him.

He told us he wasn’t there when the problems of the ACA rollout were discovered several days before the roll out. Even though the ACA is his “signature” piece of legislation, he told us he just didn’t know of the problems. ““Not me”!”

Obama “didn’t know” that Jeremiah Wright preached racial hatred from the pulpit. Nope, “not me”!

Obama “didn’t know” that his pal and benefactor, Tony Rezko, was a crooked real estate developer. To quote Sgt. Schultz of Hogan’s Hero’s “I know nothing!”

Obama “didn’t know” that his friend and political mentor, Bill Ayers, was a domestic terrorist, a terrorist bomber. “I know nothing!”

Obama “didn’t know” that several of his family members were living in the US illegally. “Auntie who?” [Zeituni]

President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years. Obama said he didn’t know.

The list could go on and on.  We now have a “not me” president whose character so flawed that he dodges accepting responsibility and the truth like a 3rd grader playing dodge ball. It is a shame that his character flaw has directly impacted the trust that many of our allies held for us.  

If it’s not a character flaw, then the only other option is that Obama, the smartest man to ever run for the presidency, is grossly incompetent. You choose.

As a reminder to Achigan, Bill Ayers:

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Post  News Hawk Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:27 am


Even more—plus:


Obama lied about Black Panther voter intimidation in Philadelphia...He lied about using the Department of Justice to intimidate journalists. He lied about NSA wiretapping. He lied about using drone strikes to kill American citizens overseas. He lied about Benghazi and the first assassination of a U.S. Ambassador since 1979. He lied about using the IRS to bully Tea Party organizations and deny them their First Amendment rights. He lied about ObamaCare being ready for launch, despite Republican warnings to the contrary. He lied about individuals being able to keep their healthcare plans. The President and his Attorney General refuse to enforce laws duly passed by the Congress.

America’s “Commander-in-Chief” has the become the “Commander-in-Deceit.”

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Post  Outerlimits Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:09 pm

This is not that difficult to understand; although the Democrats are doing their best to cloud the issue.

Obama was very clear that people could keep their existing insurance policies if they liked them and nobody is going to take it away…PERIOD.  He did so because people overwhelmingly polled they were happy with their insurance and Obamacare didn’t have a single vote to spare in its passing.  

There are two possibilities:

1. Obama lied and knew people would lose their coverage.
2. Obama and the Democrats are completely incompetent in their inability to recognize this eventuality.  They also ignored the reports from their own agencies telling them it would happen as much as 3 years ago.  What's happening right now was predicted as likely.  Obamacare set minimum standards for policies and those that did not meet those would have to be cancelled.  Some would be “grandfathered” in as long as they were unchanged in anyway.  Anyone familiar with insurance knows policies change each and every year making a clause like this inconsequential and no policy would ever be grandfathered.

Either way, there was willful deceit whether by omission or overtly.

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Post  News Hawk Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:04 pm

We thought the existing insurance system was bad, but the Democrats figured out how to make it worse!

Can you spot the emerging Democrat in this video?

NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   War-of-the-worlds
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Post  WHL Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:12 pm

Yes, stupid and incompetent both. Of course something little changes every year in an insurance policy so none would ever be grandfathered. I remembered thinking that a couple of years or longer ago, whenever I first heard that statement made.

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NBC News: White House Has Known For At Least 3 Years Millions Would Lose Coverage Due to ObamaCare   Empty This is shameful!!!!

Post  Achigan Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:29 pm

This certainly is an embarrassing moment for the Obama administration.

It's even got me pissed off over it.

Insurance companies are having a field day over this. Canceling policies left and right.

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Post  News Buzzard Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:48 pm

The default position on this forum is to always point fingers at Obama, but I have yet to see a solution here for anything. Obamacare will work itself out, despite the naysayers!
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Post  Achigan Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:13 pm

News Buzzard wrote:The default position on this forum is to always point fingers at Obama, but I have yet to see a solution here for anything. Obamacare will work itself out, despite the naysayers!
I wish I had a solution for what I'm hearing and seeing NB, however I just don't understand why the ACA has started off so badly. There is no doubt that things will happen when something new is tried, but this whole thing is somewhat of a mess.

What I think might be happening is the insurance companies making a fool out of the ACA, and the Obama administration should have known that this would/might happen. It appears that all the people in charge just weren't ready when roll out day came about.

That's all I have to offer and I hope things get better.

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Post  WHL Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:29 pm

Achigan wrote:This certainly is an embarrassing moment for the Obama administration.

It's even got me pissed off over it.

Insurance companies are having a field day over this.  Canceling policies left and right.
Drum roll please!!!!!! Welcome to reality, Achigan!!

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