Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
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Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
"Top administration officials have directed 21,000 border patrol officers to retreat whenever illegal immigrants throw rocks at them, and to avoid getting in front of foreign drug-smugglers’ vehicles as they head north with their drug cargoes..."
Might as well disarm the border patrol agent and give them bottles of water to hand out to illegals along with a map to all the liberal states who will welcome them with freebees.
Might as well disarm the border patrol agent and give them bottles of water to hand out to illegals along with a map to all the liberal states who will welcome them with freebees.
Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
No kidding.
WHL- Admin
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
Yellow journalism at it's best! Get a life!!
News Buzzard- Posts : 3091
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
News Buzzard wrote:Yellow journalism at it's best! Get a life!!
This is a recent border shooting that likely prompted the Border Patrol's "run away and hide" memo.
At my winter home, we have dozens of Border Patrol agents. Their actual "work" comes after the Illegals come ashore.
You can't go to a "fast-food" restaurant down here, without running into Haitian supervisors and employees.
Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
News Hawk wrote:This is a recent border shooting that likely prompted the Border Patrol's "run away and hide" memo.
Since when did the protocols change? Do you think it's appropriate for a law enforcement officer to jump out in front of a moving car, and do you think gunfire is an appropriate response to rock throwing? Does the level of force meet or exceed the aggressor's level of force?
What's your point? I hope the Republican politicians keep using that line!News Hawk wrote:You can't go to a "fast-food" restaurant down here, without running into Haitian supervisors and employees.
News Buzzard- Posts : 3091
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
News Buzzard wrote:What's your point? I hope the Republican politicians keep using that line!News Hawk wrote:You can't go to a "fast-food" restaurant down here, without running into Haitian supervisors and employees.
My point is that Creole-speaking Haitians should learn to speak Spanish!
Since 9/11, Americans are Even More Endangered !
Over 50,000 Americans have been killed by illegal aliens since 9/11.
Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
Hasn't been "our" government since the bloody coup d'état of 1963.
Anti Federalist- Posts : 1385
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
Anti Federalist wrote:Hasn't been "our" government since the bloody coup d'état of 1963.
A reference—if you need one:
JFK would have had us out of Vietnam by 1965, but low-information voters saw the Democrats' televised hit-piece on Barry Goldwater, so Americans couldn't bring themselves to re-elect LBJ to a second term. He withdrew from politics and slumped into introspection, took up smoking (again) and died a broken politician.
Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
So do you think that Kennedy was killed because he didn't want to continue with the growth of the military industrial complex?
WHL- Admin
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
WHL wrote:So do you think that Kennedy was killed because he didn't want to continue with the growth of the military industrial complex?
After WWII, Americans had the infrastructure to create more technical advances in things required for future warfare with new threats—the USSR and China.
As Ronald Reagan once said, "Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong."
Now that terrorism has entered a new phase (asymmetrical warfare), the so-called "military industrial complex" has shrunk to the point we can afford to drop expensive programs. Witness Government's dropping of the A-10 (Warthog) "close ground-support" aircraft. (Though that would be a mistake if conflict is deemed necessary).
Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
So why was Kennedy assassinated?
WHL- Admin
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
News Hawk wrote:WHL wrote:So do you think that Kennedy was killed because he didn't want to continue with the growth of the military industrial complex?
Now that terrorism has entered a new phase (asymmetrical warfare), the so-called "military industrial complex" has shrunk to the point we can afford to drop expensive programs. Witness Government's dropping of the A-10 (Warthog) "close ground-support" aircraft. (Though that would be a mistake if conflict is deemed necessary).
The new war is the War on Us.
The government/surveillance complex is turning inwards.
Anti Federalist- Posts : 1385
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
WHL wrote:So why was Kennedy assassinated?
16 reasons that I consider to be true:
He was killed simply because he indicated that he might go "off the reservation".
Powerful interests, including government protected drug cartels, wanted Castro out of Cuba.
Powerful interests wanted a larger US role in Vietnam.
Powerful interests wanted an even greater government role in deciding the direction of the nation.
I think the straw that broke the camel's back, was his refusal to sign and go forward with the Northwoods Plan, which was a plan cooked up by the DoD to use disguised US forces to kill US citizens in order to justify war with Cuba, and by association, the USSR.
Last edited by Anti Federalist on Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Anti Federalist- Posts : 1385
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
Who do you think the "powerful interests" were?
WHL- Admin
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
The killer—a Communist—was involved in Cuba and Russia before going to Dallas; however, there are a zillion books on "the reason", I suspect they're more about making money for the author than finding the truth.
Lee Harvey Oswald had been jailed in the US earlier. His prison ID number was printed on the radio that he'd left behind at the Dallas Book Repository shooting scene.
Russia benefitted from a protracted war in Vietnam. (Which Kennedy wanted to leave, citing the year to leave).
Sadly, LBJ dove in—a President with scant war experience, and Secretary of Defense McNamara—whose only credentials for the job was in automobile production.
Lee Harvey Oswald had been jailed in the US earlier. His prison ID number was printed on the radio that he'd left behind at the Dallas Book Repository shooting scene.
Russia benefitted from a protracted war in Vietnam. (Which Kennedy wanted to leave, citing the year to leave).
Sadly, LBJ dove in—a President with scant war experience, and Secretary of Defense McNamara—whose only credentials for the job was in automobile production.
Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
WHL wrote:Who do you think the "powerful interests" were?
Business interests, mafia interests, "world government" interests, "military/industrial complex" interests...
All of the above would have been more than happy to see Kennedy gone.
They are described in quite a bit of detail in that article I linked.
Anti Federalist- Posts : 1385
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
A comment that should have us thinking back to 1961:Anti Federalist wrote:Hasn't been "our" government since the bloody coup d'état of 1963.
"In 1961 our coinage was made of Silver and our dollar was backed by Gold.
In 1961 we had a president that believed in the goodness of the USA and the superiority of Capitalism. Today we have a president that United States that believes that the US is a purveyor of evil in the world and is dead set on destroying the power and might of this nation.
In 1961 the United States had a Congress that believed in the Constitution of the United States and defended the powers of that body against the incursions of those powers of the President. Today the Congress is almost wholly unwilling to defend the Constitution against an imperialist President that openly states that he will act unilaterally to usurp the legislative power of the Congress.
In 1961 we were an English speaking nation that demanded that immigrants come here in a lawful fashion and learn English and assimilate in to our society. Immigrants also had to support themselves or have a sponsor that guaranteed that the immigrant would not be a burden on society.
In 1961 public employees could not form unions and were generally paid much less than their private sector counterparts.
In 1961 the United States was a net exporting nation of industrial products. In 1961 the United States was the banker for the world not the debtor of the world.
All of the unity, strength and greatness that was the United States in 1961 has been weakened and eliminated by 50+ years of Socialist Liberal reform and social engineer purported to make us all equal.
Well the only way that the socialist liberals can make us all equal is to make us all equally poor and miserable. And by hook or crook they’re succeeding.
How could things have gone so wrong?
Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
Good question? How could the PEOPLE have gone along??? Apathy and ignorance I guess.
WHL- Admin
- Posts : 6057
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Re: Whose Side is OUR Government on...?
Anti Federalist wrote:WHL wrote:Who do you think the "powerful interests" were?
Business interests, mafia interests, "world government" interests, "military/industrial complex" interests...
All of the above would have been more than happy to see Kennedy gone.
They are described in quite a bit of detail in that article I linked.
What happens when they are "rolled-into-one"?
The Obama Administration smells of Fascism, but nobody (else) wants to put that in print.
Oopsy—somebody did!
What Alinsky's critics saw was the burgeoning of a national movement, the carefully manipulated construction of people's organizations, which all had two elements in common: (1) a collectivist creed, which denied the existence of personal responsibility; and (2) an amoral dogma, in which all means were justified by an imaginary utopian end.
Power is a good in its own right for Alinsky. Ours ‘is a world not of angels but of angles,' he proclaims in Rules for Radicals, ‘where men speak of moral principles but act on power principles."
Unaccountable "Government Schooling"...
7th graders write, recite ‘Allah is the only god’ in history class
Where was this on your TV?
Brandee Porterfield doesn’t think her daughter should be assigned to write “Allah is the only god; Mohammad is his prophet” as a school assignment.
“To me, a Christian child should not be made to write that,” Porterfield, mother of a seventh grader at Spring Hill Middle School, told the Columbia Daily News.
She also takes offense to what she said is a three week focus on Islam in her daughter’s history course, especially since the class skipped past a chapter on Christianity – the predominant religion in Tennessee.
Brandee Porterfield doesn’t think her daughter should be assigned to write “Allah is the only god; Mohammad is his prophet” as a school assignment.
“I have a big problem with that,” Porterfield said. “From a historical point of view, that’s a lot of history these kids are missing. Also, for them to spend three weeks on Islam after having skipped Christianity, it seems to me they are making a choice about which religion to discuss.”
(Excerpt) Read more at eagnews.org ...
Where was this on your TV?
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