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Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub.

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Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub. Empty Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub.

Post  fshnski Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:55 pm

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. —The man who started two fires aboard a submarine in the Portsmouth shipyard has been sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Casey Fury, 25, was facing a sentence of 15 to 19 years in prison as a result of a plea deal.

He also ordered to pay $400 million in restitution, but prosecutors earlier admitted they will only be able to recover a fraction of the cost.

Fury admitted setting the fire aboard the U.S.S. Miami while it was docked at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for repairs on May 23. The fire burned for hours and took a day to put out.

Fury told investigators he had anxiety and depression and set the fire so he could go home.

The fires injured several people and caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. Five firefighters were injured battling the blaze, along with two crew members.

"I'm also compelled to state that there were physical and emotional injuries to the first responders who risked their lives by going into what had to be the equivalent of a roaring blast furnace," said U.S. Attorney Thomas Delahunty.

More than 100 firefighters from as far away as Connecticut had to take shifts as they battled the hour fire. Among those giving victim impact statements at sentencing was Eric Hardy, one of the injured firefighters.

"I heard him scream a blood-curdling scream, and as I turned around, he was falling backwards off the ladder," Hardy said.

Hardy said he tore both shoulder rotator cuffs, ruptured two discs in his back and tore muscles in his side as he grabbed an air tank and saved the life of a fellow firefighter as they were trying to climb out of the sub.

Read more: http://www.wmur.com/news/nh-news/Man-sentenced-to-17-years-for-setting-fire-on-nuclear-sub/-/9857858/19327480/-/15pvekp/-/index.html#ixzz2Nirtjbpk

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Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub. Empty Re: Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub.

Post  News Hawk Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:22 pm

Every time I get feelings of anxiety and depression, I want to set fire to a nuclear submarine.

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Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub. Empty Re: Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub.

Post  fshnski Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:36 pm

The dumbing down of America. I bet a buck this fool had no clue what he did would cause this much trouble.

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Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub. Empty "Playing with fire"...

Post  News Hawk Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:24 pm

My winter neighborhood had a "Controlled Burn" of open woodlands that winds intensified into a threat to an entire neighborhood of a hundred homes. A "Controlled Burn" resulted in the ordering of evacuations.


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Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub. Empty Re: Man sentenced to 17 years for setting fire on nuclear sub.

Post  WHL Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:13 am

Lots of "controlled burns" turn into out of control forest fires.

Fsh, you are right about the dumbing down of America. We need to wake up.

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