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That Walmart side of the lake

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That Walmart side of the lake Empty That Walmart side of the lake

Post  WHL Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:18 pm

Is there anybody from the other side of the lake that can bring us up to date on what is happening over there?
I have always loved one member of another forum whose signature line is something about livin' on that Walmart side of the lake. Of course I think it is more Laconia that we think of that, not so much Gilford, but it IS funny. I will check and see exactly what his tag line is and will post it later. Of course we on this side of the lake have always kind of thought of the other side of the lake that way. Snobs???

The exact words are: " Down & out,livn that Walmart side of the lake! Smile "
It is one of the funniest lines I have ever seen.

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Join date : 2013-01-14

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