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Remember Saul Alinsky?

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Remember Saul Alinsky? Empty Remember Saul Alinsky?

Post  News Hawk Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:55 pm

Hillary's letter appears second: Alinsky's office reply appears first...


(snopes has no answer)

Is Fauxahontas doing opposition research?


News Hawk
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Remember Saul Alinsky? Empty Re: Remember Saul Alinsky?

Post  WHL Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:24 am

I read that but it will probably haunt her about as much as it haunted Obama. The Dems get away with everything you know.

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Remember Saul Alinsky? Empty Re: Remember Saul Alinsky?

Post  News Hawk Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:02 pm

Saul Alinsky had one confederate who cheated Britain's Pound, raided Latvia's treasury, is forbidden to enter France due to his financial thefts—but started out a Nazi—betraying his Hungarian Jewish compatriots in 1944.

Guess which side he favors with incredible wealth?

Yup, he's on the Socialist/Communist side with Obama.

Evil or Very Mad

Billionaire left-wing extremist George Soros betrayed the Jews, worked with the Nazis… has no regrets.

George Soros is very, very rich, and he’s also a soulless sociopath, an inhumane left-wing extremist who collaborated with the Nazis in his youth.

Be prepared to be hit with revulsion. Soros betrayed other Jews and helped steal their property and send them to their tragic deaths to spare himself..."

Remember Saul Alinsky? Sold-To-The-Devil

News Hawk
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Remember Saul Alinsky? Empty Obama's Buddy, and Hillary's...

Post  News Hawk Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:42 pm

'Stumbled on a TV debate with Saul Alinsky. The host allows Alinsky three minutes to say something cogent, but there's no there there!

I'd steal before I'd take charity!
—Saul Alinsky


News Hawk
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Remember Saul Alinsky? Empty Boy, Is This Ancient History!

Post  News Hawk Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:44 am

Revealed: Convicted Felon George Soros Bankrolling Attacks on Election Integrity

The New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew: billionaire convicted felon George Soros is bankrolling attacks on election integrity laws in advance of the 2016 election.

He is funding efforts to attack laws designed to aid election integrity in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio and perhaps elsewhere, according to the New York Times. Mr. Soros is prepared to spend $5 million or more on the effort, Mr. Vachon said.  

"Dead" voting takes too long.

Any voters who don't show up get a Democrat to vote for them—"the long count" in many precincts—Just enough votes to win.  


News Hawk
News Hawk

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Location : Winnipesaukee & Florida


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