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We Were Born to Make the Fairy Tale Come True...

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We Were Born to Make the Fairy Tale Come True... Empty We Were Born to Make the Fairy Tale Come True...

Post  News Hawk Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:37 pm

Slogan straight out of a Soviet Era propaganda poster -

College campuses are a hotbed of lefty politics, but this may be the first college to provide credit to campaign for Democrats.


In what is believed to be the only college program of its kind, the undergraduates in Occidental College’s Campaign Semester course spent at least 2 1/2 months, often seven days a week, 12 hours a day, working on behalf of candidates in contested states.

None won. You should be able to guess why none of them won. Many were resoundingly defeated, although two students worked for the reelection campaign of Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, who is in a runoff. All of the students worked for Democratic candidates;

Why bother with the learning stuff when you can just send them straight out as volunteer labor while their parents pay for the class? Campaign Semester began in 2008 when many Occidental students wanted to work for Hillary Clinton or then-Sen. Barack Obama, who attended the Eagle Rock campus for two years before transferring in 1981.

Why even bother with college? Just send them to volunteer for four years at a lefty org and then give them a diploma.


News Hawk
News Hawk

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We Were Born to Make the Fairy Tale Come True... Empty Re: We Were Born to Make the Fairy Tale Come True...

Post  News Pigeon Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:20 pm

News Hawk wrote:

Why even bother with college? Just send them to volunteer for four years at a lefty org and then give them a diploma.



Yeah, kind of like this law school, right?
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- The title of the course was Constitutional Law, but the subject was sin. Before any casebooks were opened, a student led his classmates in a 10-minute devotional talk, completed with "amens," about the need to preserve their Christian values.

"Sin is so appealing because it's easy and because it's fun," the law student warned.

Regent University School of Law, founded by televangelist Pat Robertson to provide "Christian leadership to change the world," has worked hard in its two-decade history to upgrade its reputation, fighting past years when a majority of its graduates couldn't pass the bar exam and leading up to recent victories over Ivy League teams in national law student competitions.

"It used to be that high-level DOJ jobs were generally reserved for the best of the legal profession," wrote a contributor to The New Republic website . ". . . That a recent graduate of one of the very worst (and sketchiest) law schools with virtually no relevant experience could ascend to this position is a sure sign that there is something seriously wrong at the DOJ."

Isn't this where Alberto Gonzales graduated? Plus many of the federal judges appointed by Bush.....
News Pigeon
News Pigeon

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