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Hillary Has Big Lead

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Buzzard Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:00 am

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Witch Hillary is That?

Post  News Hawk Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:09 am

Hillary Has Big Lead Hillary-Clinton1


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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  Anti Federalist Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:20 pm

News Buzzard wrote:And we're supposed to believe that a 15% approval rate for Congress won't help her along!! Yeah, right! Go with that!! Very Happy


Honest question NB, do you really support Hillary, or are you just trolling and stuffing pepper up the arses of the GOP rank and file?

Because honestly, I can see being hoodwinked by Obama, the sort of ultimate "outsider" 6 years ago, but Hillary?

Her and Bill are neck deep in Bush family corruption going all the way back to the 80s, not to mention being the poster children of the status quo.

I mean, really, shill for an honest leftist, like Bernie Sanders or Dennis Kucinich.
Anti Federalist
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Buzzard Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:03 pm

If you review my posts, Anti, you will see that my first choice is Bernie Sanders, but there is no way he will be nominated. I will vote for Hillary because I think she will be the best choice for the country. The Republicans have allowed the maniacs in the Tea Party take them off the rails! They damn near destroyed this country in 8 short years under Bush, and now they blame Obama for everything.
News Buzzard
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  WHL Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:50 pm

What a crock!! The Tea Party did NOT ruin the country. They did not get what they wanted enough. If they had, this country would be in much better shape.

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Hawk Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:51 pm

News Buzzard wrote:If you review my posts, Anti, you will see that my first choice is Bernie Sanders, but there is no way he will be nominated. I will vote for Hillary because I think she will be the best choice for the country. The Republicans have allowed the maniacs in the Tea Party take them off the rails! They damn near destroyed this country in 8 short years under Bush, and now they blame Obama for everything.

The Tea Party began in 2009—what a surprise!


(Or in Boston Harbor—it depends)...


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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Buzzard Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:39 pm

The Republicans damn near destroyed the country in 8 short years on Bush's watch. I know when the Tea Party started. The Tea Party will make sure that the Republicans pass zero legislation over the next 2 years! That's good for Hillary!
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty How Many Wars Now Ongoing?

Post  News Hawk Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:37 am

News Buzzard wrote:The Republicans damn near destroyed the country in 8 short years on Bush's watch. I know when the Tea Party started. The Tea Party will make sure that the Republicans pass zero legislation over the next 2 years! That's good for Hillary!...

Your source?


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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Buzzard Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:22 am

The closing act of the Bush debacle: The Great Recession!


As for the Tea Party hamstringing all legislation, see funding of Homeland Security, Keystone Pipeline and Abortion Restriction Legislation. The Tea Party radicalized congress can't even get out of the gate, and if they do President Obama will be there with his veto pen!!

Hillary in 2016!!
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Hawk Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:13 pm

From your source:

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, discounted the idea of setting up a new agency — similar to the Resolution Trust Corp. — established in 1989 to help resolve a savings and loan crisis at a cost to taxpayers of $125 billion.

More, from a Clinton appointee:

"Even though she had no previous training nor experience in finance, Jamie Gorelick was appointed Vice Chairman of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) from 1997 to 2003. She served alongside former Clinton Administration official Franklin Raines. During that period, Fannie Mae developed a $10 billion accounting scandal.

On March 25, 2002, Business Week interviewed Jamie Gorelick about the health of Fannie Mae. Jamie Gorelick is quoted as saying, "We believe we are managed safely. We are very pleased that Moody's gave us an A-minus in the area of bank financial strength – without a reference to the government in any way. Fannie Mae is among the handful of top-quality institutions." One year later, Government Regulators "accused Fannie Mae of improper accounting to the tune of $9 billion in unrecorded losses".

In an additional scandal concerning falsified financial transactions that helped the company meet earnings targets for 1998, a "manipulation" that triggered multimillion-dollar bonuses for top executives, Jamie Gorelick received $779,625.

Investigation by the OFHEO detailed in their official report on the accounting scandal in 2006 on page 66 that from 1998 to 2002 Jamie Gorelick received a total of $26,466,834.00 in income."

Jamie Gorelick was also the author of "The Wall"—asked of Bill Clinton—the confusion of which led to the 9/11 attack on the Twin Trade Towers—with over 3000 dead. (And a trillion dollar bureaucracy, which hasn't stopped further "workplace violence" attacks).

Rolling Eyes

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty As with EVERY Democrat "Congressional Commission"...!

Post  News Hawk Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:08 am

News Buzzard wrote:The closing act of the Bush debacle: The Great Recession!

Hillary in 2016!!

Out today!

Subprime Scandal: We've long suspected the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission wasn't honest in examining events before the meltdown. But an ex-commissioner says the probe was actually a full-blown political cover-up.

In a just-released book, former FCIC member Peter Wallison says that a Democratic Congress worked with the commission's Democratic chairman to whitewash the government's central role in the mortgage debacle. The conspiracy helped protect some of the Democrats' biggest stars from scrutiny and accountability while helping justify the biggest government takeover of the financial sector since the New Deal.

Wallison's sobering, trenchantly written "Hidden in Plain Sight: What Really Caused the World's Worst Financial Crisis and Why It Could Happen Again" reveals that the Democrat-led panel buried key data proving that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and other federal agencies pushed the housing market over the subprime cliff.

The final FCIC report put the blame squarely on Wall Street. (!)

In 2009, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed her California pal Phil Angelides, a long-time Democrat operative, to lead the commission. The fix seemed to be in, and Wallison's account of the inner workings of the 10-member body confirms it. Here's what took place during the FCIC's 18-month, $10 million probe:
(Excerpt) Read more at news.investors.com ...

What is the Democrat's answer to the corruption?

Hillary Clinton!

Evil or Very Mad

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Buzzard Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:51 am

Another book writer? Rolling Eyes

Your link comes up empty!! Rolling Eyes

The only thing you have is to attack Hillary over BS! How about some fresh ideas that don't involve going to war repeatedly!! bounce
News Buzzard
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Hawk Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:26 am

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Hawk Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:05 pm

News Buzzard wrote:And we're supposed to believe that a 15% approval rate for Congress won't help her along!!
I can't speak to Congress' actions, but Hitlery's support won't be helped by Bill's proclivities.

What was Bill Clinton possibly been doing at the Sex Fiend Island luxury home of registered pedophiliac sex offender Jeffrey Epstein?"

So what was Bill doing at Sex Fiend Island, discussing theoretical physics or  getting massages from pretty girls?

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  WHL Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:45 am

I am sure discussing theoretical physics. Very Happy Of course it depends on the definition of is.

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Hawk Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:00 pm

Hillary Clinton, expecting no major challenge for the Democratic nomination, is strongly considering delaying the formal launch of her presidential campaign until July, three months later than originally planned, top Democrats tell POLITICO.

The delay from the original April target would give her more time to develop her message, policy and organization, without the chaos and spotlight of a public campaign. A Democrat familiar with Clinton’s thinking said: “She doesn’t feel under any pressure, and they see no primary challenge on the horizon. If you have the luxury of time, you take it.”

Advisers said the biggest reason for the delay is simple: She feels no rush.

“She doesn’t want to feel pressured by the press to do something before she’s ready,” one adviser said. “She’s better off as a non-candidate. Why not wait?”

A huge advantage to waiting would be that Clinton postpones the time when she goes before the public as a politician rather than as a former secretary of state. Polling by both Democrats and Republicans shows that one of her biggest vulnerabilities is looking political.

'Bet this changes by July!

What a Face

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Hawk Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:59 pm

More reading material on the jailed Epstein and Bill Clinton*...

Among the facts revealed in the New York Post, is that Clinton flew on Epstein's private jet, named "Lolita Express", at least 11 times. It also says that Clinton visited Epstein's retreat in the Caribbean known as "Orgy Island".

The article says that Clinton travelled in a circle of extremely depraved wealthy degenerates who were addicted to sexual orgies. Some of those degenerates liked 12 year old girls.

What a Face

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty The Slime Room?

Post  WHL Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:20 pm

WASHINGTON — I’LL pay for this column.

The Rottweilers will be unleashed.

Once the Clintons had a War Room. Now they have a Slime Room.

Once they had the sly James Carville, fondly known as “serpenthead.” Now they have the slippery David Brock, accurately known as a snake.

Brock fits into the Clinton tradition of opportunistic knife-fighters like Dick Morris and Mark Penn.

The silver-haired 52-year-old, who sports colorful designer suits and once wore a monocle, brawled his way into a Times article about the uneasy marriage between Hillary Clinton’s veteran attack dogs and the group of advisers who are moving over from Obamaland

Hillary hasn’t announced a 2016 campaign yet. She’s busy polling more than 200 policy experts on how to show that she really cares about the poor while courting the banks. Yet her shadow campaign is already in a déjà-vu-all-over-again shark fight over control of the candidate and her money. It’s the same old story: The killer organization that, even with all its ruthless hired guns, can’t quite shoot straight.

Squabbling competing factions helped Hillary squander a quarter-of-a-billion dollars in 2008.

As Nicholas Confessore and Amy Chozick chronicled, the nasty dispute spilled into public and Brock resigned last week from the board of a pro-Clinton “super-PAC” called Priorities USA Action — whose co-chairman is Jim Messina, Obama’s 2012 campaign manager — accusing the political action committee of “an orchestrated political hit job” and “the kind of dirty trick I’ve witnessed in the right-wing and would not tolerate then.”

He should know

The former “right-wing hit man,” and impresario of “dirty tricks,” as Brock has said of himself, made his living in the ’90s sliming Anita Hill as “a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty” and breaking the Troopergate story, which accused Arkansas state troopers of setting up liaisons for Bill Clinton and spurred Paula Jones’s 1994 sexual harassment lawsuit.

He has tried to discredit anyone who disagreed with his ideological hits (myself and reporters I know included). And that’s still the business he’s in, simply on the other side as a Hillary zealot. (His conversion began in 1996 when he published a biography of Hillary that was not a total hit job and that began the thaw.)

Just as Bill Clinton was able to forgive another architect of the vast right-wing conspiracy, Richard Mellon Scaife, once Scaife was charmed by Hillary in person and began giving money to the Clinton foundation, so, too, was Bill won over by Brock’s book, “Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative,” and Brock’s Media Matters and Correct the Record websites, which ferociously push back against any Hillary coverage that isn’t fawning.

With the understood blessing of the Clintons, Brock runs a $28 million cluster of media monitoring groups and oppo research organizations that are vehicles to rebut and at times discredit and threaten anyone who casts a gimlet eye at Clinton Inc.

As Confessore and Chozick wrote, he uses a fund-raiser named Mary Pat Bonner, whose firm has collected millions of dollars in commissions — a practice many fund-raising experts consider unethical.

Everyone wants to be at the trough for this one because Hillary is likely to raise, and more important, spend more than $1 billion on her campaign.

It's a democracy for dollar bills, and every dollar bill gets one vote. Hillary is but a symptom of that.

Better someone like Brock than a Boy Scout running the campaign. We've had enough of nice guys trying to counteract the likes of Lee Atwater...
Patrick Sorensen 4 hours ago
This is a glaring example of why we need public financing of elections. There is no free lunch.

The Clinton crowd is trying to woo Brock back into the fold because he’s good at getting money and knows how their enemies think. The Clintons appreciate the fact that Brock, like Morris, is a take-no-prisoners type with the ethical compass of a jackal. Baked in the tactics of the right, Brock will never believe that negative coverage results from legitimate shortcomings. Instead, it’s all personal, all false, and all a war.

This is a bad harbinger for those who had hoped that Hillary would “kill off the wild dogs,” as one Obama loyalist put it, and Bill would leave behind the sketchy hangers-on in the mold of Ron Burkle and Jeffrey Epstein.

Hillary’s inability to dispense with brass-knuckle, fanatical acolytes like Brock shows that she still has an insecure streak that requires Borgia-like blind loyalty, and can’t distinguish between the real vast right-wing conspiracy and the voices of legitimate concern.

Money-grubbing is always the ugly place with the Clintons, who have devoured $2.1 billion in contributions since 1992 to their political campaigns, family foundation and philanthropies, according to The Old (Good) New Republic.

David Axelrod, the author of a new memoir, “Believer,” wrote that Hillary’s past gurus, Morris and Penn, were nonbelievers — mercenary, manipulative and avaricious. He told Politico’s Glenn Thrush that he would have advised Hillary not to cash in with her book and six-figure speeches.

Axelrod reiterated to me that Hillary’s designated campaign chairman, John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s last chief of staff who left his post as an Obama counselor on Friday, “has the strength and standing to enforce a kind of campaign discipline that hasn’t existed before.”

But, for now, what Republicans say about government is true of the Clintons: They really do believe that your money belongs to them.

Someday, they should give their tin cup to the Smithsonian. It’s one of the wonders of the world.

I can't believe Maureen Dowd wrote this.  

I will come back with the link, I am not sure it all copied right.


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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  Anti Federalist Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:34 pm

I notice that Rand does fairly well in this poll.

Of course, his dad was the ONLY GOP candidate to outpoll O-bomb-ya in 2012.

Ron Paul poll shocker: He beats Obama head-to-head

At the moment, Ron Paul bests President Obama in a head-to-head matchup by 43 to 41 percent, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Tuesday.

By Peter Grier, Staff writer February 28, 2012


Of course, none of that will snap the hidebound GOP faithful from their idiocy.

Have no fear News Buzzard, the Stupid Party will be sure to nominate a tired neo-con retread like Bush or Mittens, or bland establishment newcomer like Walker, thus allowing a handy Hillary win.

And everybody on team blue will belch, and cheer and huzzah, and the ruling system will go right on ruling us and stealing away our liberty.
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  WHL Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:30 am

You know, Anti, every poll I see has Rand Paul near the top. Yet not ONE of the news networks talks about him, not even Fox News. It makes me so mad. It is like they ignore him. Why do they hate him so much?

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Buzzard Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:02 am

Rand Paul has a lot of stupid remarks he has to clean up, like his stance on foreign aid to other countries, including Israel, and his recent stance on vaccinations. I'm not worried at all, Anti:

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  Anti Federalist Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:27 pm

WHL wrote:You know, Anti, every poll I see has Rand Paul near the top.  Yet not ONE of the news networks talks about him, not even Fox News.  It makes me so mad.  It is like they ignore him.  Why do they hate him so much?

Within the government press organs, you're only allowed, you are only permitted to discuss issues within a certain window, within certain "acceptable" norms, the primary ones being:

1 - The government is always right and must always grow, expand and consolidate its power.

2 - Bad guys are gonna get you without government.

Now, they scare folks like NB with evil corporations and the Koch brothers. Folks like NH they scare with al Quaida or ISIS.

So, anybody that comes along and even, in Rand's sort of bland way (he ain't his dad, sadly), challenges those assumptions at all levels, that is someone that must be neutralized.
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  Anti Federalist Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:28 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Rand Paul has a lot of stupid remarks he has to clean up, like his stance on foreign aid to other countries, including Israel, and his recent stance on vaccinations. I'm not worried at all, Anti:


What is your stance or Hillary's stance on vaccinations?
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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  WHL Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:19 pm

What is Obama's stance on Israel?????

And what is Obama's and Hillary's opinion of vaccinations now, NB? Are they for or against? You had better check to make sure it didn't change again before you answer.

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Hillary Has Big Lead Empty Re: Hillary Has Big Lead

Post  News Buzzard Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:24 pm

I believe vaccinations should be mandatory, and I think Obama and Hillary feel the same way.

Obama has done more to protect Israel than any other president, and is being undermined by Boehner and Netanyahu. With friends like Netanyahu we don't need enemies. It really doesn't matter because Bibi's speech to Congress will be a big flop!!
News Buzzard
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