Pardon the Language...
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Pardon the Language...
President George W. Bush's Speech after the capture of Saddam Hussein
Chicken Shit
Barrack Hussein Obama's Speech after the killing of Osama bin Laden
"The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's' footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation,
I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate them!"
Chicken Shit
Barrack Hussein Obama's Speech after the killing of Osama bin Laden
"And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the Director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against AL Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and I authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan."
Obama did not once acknowledge our brave men and women who fight for our country. And that, my friends, is chicken shit!
Re: Pardon the Language...
PINO: President in Name Only
Sums it up nicely.
Listening to President Obama, it is clear he considers himself a superior intellectual force, smarter than everyone and everything that has come before. This was a State of the Union speech defined by its hypocrisy.
The most divisive President lecturing on unity.
The most political President lamenting the realities of politics.
The greatest fundraising President expressing sorrow about constant fundraising.
The most partisan President calling for bipartisanship.
He’ll veto any change to just about everything, but hey, he will work with Republicans!
His true feelings were revealed the one moment he was sufficiently brave enough to go off the teleprompter...
Sums it up nicely.
Abdullah Had Company...
NBC’s chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel said on Friday that President Barack Obama‘s statement on the passing of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud was ironic and just an attempt at being polite because in reality, the late king “could not stand” President Obama.
According to Engel, Saudi Arabia was against the “democratization” that the U.S. encouraged with its support for the Arab Spring and its opposition to former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
“One of the big ironies here is that President Obama said how close he was to King Abdullah — King Abdullah did not like President Obama,” Engel said. “In fact, a lot of people I know that are quite close to the late King Abdullah said that the king could not stand President Obama.”
Engel concluded: “This close personal bond between the president and the late Saudi leader, I think, is people being polite at a time of a national funeral.”
Earlier this week, Engel criticized Obama’s State of the Union address, saying there was “a general tone … of suspended disbelief when he was talking about foreign policy,” adding that the president was incorrect in saying U.S. military actions are halting the advancement of ISIS.
Watch the video below, via MSNBC:
Did it start right here?
Historical Parallels...
Parallels of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Hussein Obama.
1. Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the very same bible Lincoln used for his inauguration.
2. Lincoln came from Illinois. Obama comes from Illinois.
3. Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
4. Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had very little experience before becoming President.
5. Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration. Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.
6. Lincoln was highly respected by some, but intensely disliked by others. Obama is highly respected by some, but intensely disliked by others.
7. Abraham Lincoln was a tall, skinny lawyer. Barack Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
8. Lincoln held to basic Conservative and Christian views. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
9. Lincoln volunteered in the Illinois militia, once as a captain, twice as a private. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
10. Lincoln firmly believed in able persons carrying their own weight. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
11. Lincoln was undeniably, and without any doubt, born in the United States. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
12. Lincoln was honest - so honest that he was called 'Honest Abe'. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
13. Lincoln preserved the United States as a strong nation, respected by the world. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
14. Lincoln showed his obvious respect for the flag, and the military. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
15. Lincoln followed the U.S Constitution faithfully. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
Amazing isn't it!!
Re: Pardon the Language...
Bush couldn't find Osama Bin Laden!
Mission Accomplished!!
Mission Accomplished!!
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