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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Buzzard Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:39 am

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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:30 am

News Buzzard wrote:After blocking everything for 6 years! :


From your source:

"Just a couple of months ago the president said his policies were on the ballot. And they were resoundingly rejected," the No. 2 Senate Republican, John Cornyn of Texas, said of last fall's campaign in which the GOP gained nine Senate seats and their majority.

"The president seems defiant," he added after Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night, when he repeatedly threatened to veto Republican legislative priorities and challenged Congress to accept his own.

Obama is preemptively refusing to "reach across the aisle".


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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Buzzard Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:06 am

News Hawk wrote:Obama is preemptively refusing to "reach across the aisle".

That's right, just like the Republicans did 6 years ago!!  Wink

And the Republicans don't have the votes to override vetoes Exclamation
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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  WHL Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:29 pm

WHO is blocking??? WHO has to have it his own way????

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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Buzzard Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:25 pm

Sorry, WHL, I'm not voting for anyone who proposes lack of funding for birth control, deportations, vouchers, repealing Obamacare, cutting Social security or Medicare, block grants, more give away tax cuts for the rich, more wars and all of that other radical conservative hogwash. Obama doesn't have to agree with any of this, and he has the veto pen to back it up. Some day you'll learn how government works!!
News Buzzard
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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty John McCain...

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:33 pm

Sen. John McCain’s record of working with Democrats easily outstrips Sen. Barack Obama’s efforts with Republicans, according to an analysis by The Washington Times of their legislative records. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/sep/15/records-show-mccain-more-bipartisan/#ixzz3PrLLqLLW
It's Obama's Way—all the time...

Streets should be renamed "Obama's Way" all over the country...

Rolling Eyes

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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  WHL Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:26 pm

I know, NB, I expect no more of you. You are a typical lib. Give the world away-with someone else's money.

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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:01 pm

WHL wrote:I know, NB, I expect no more of you.  You are a typical lib.  Give the world away-with someone else's money.
It's money we don't have, but we can print more money for which generations henceforth pay for the debt of this generation.

The only thing we can certainly pay for is another WAR!

Count them...


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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Buzzard Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:05 pm

News Hawk wrote:It's money we don't have, but we can print more money for which generations henceforth pay for the debt of this generation.

You are really hoodwinked by the Tea Party in congress. The banks are playing with $270 trillion in risky derivatives, and they're all telling you that we're broke. Rolling Eyes

That money is worthless to them if we go under, so why not charge them a percentage on their trades to reduce our debt? The bottom line is we are not even close to being broke!!
News Buzzard
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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Forget Raines and Jamie Gorelick...

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:27 pm

Once again, I had to go to Britain to find some unappetizing facts for the Leftists (National-Socialists):

January 26, 2009: British Newspaper Lists 25 of the People at Center of Global Economic Meltdown

“The worst economic turmoil since the Great Depression is not a natural phenomenon but a man-made disaster in which we all played a part,” says Guardian City editor Julia Finch, who lists individuals who led the world into its current economic crisis (see June 2008).

These individuals include:

Alan Greenspan, US Federal Reserve chairman, 1987-2006: “blamed for allowing the housing bubble to develop as a result of his low interest rates and lack of regulation in mortgage lending. Backed sub-prime lending; urged homebuyers to swap fixed-rate mortgages for variable rate deals, leaving borrowers unable to pay when interest rates rose. Defended the booming derivatives business, which barely existed when he took over the Fed, but which mushroomed from $100tn in 2002 to more than $500tn five years later.”

Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England: “His ambition was that monetary policy decision-making should become ‘boring.’”

Bill Clinton, former US president: “Beefed up the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act to force mortgage lenders to relax their rules to allow more socially disadvantaged borrowers to qualify for home loans
. Repealed the 1999 Glass-Steagall Act, prompting the era of the superbank; the year before the repeal, sub-prime loans were just 5 percent of all mortgage lending. By the time the credit crunch blew up it was approaching 30 percent.” [Guardian, 1/26/2009]

Under Obama's watch, the Federal Government is still forcing "toxic loans"...

As for war, we're now involved in Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. And by extension, Libya and Lebanon, (Soon to be more, following Obama's "Arab Spring")

jocolor You can trust in your "Common Sense", but I'll trust in mine.  Cool

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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:02 am

News Buzzard wrote:
News Hawk wrote:It's money we don't have, but we can print more money for which generations henceforth pay for the debt of this generation.

You are really hoodwinked by the Tea Party in congress. That money is worthless to them if we go under, so why not charge them a percentage on their trades to reduce our debt? The bottom line is we are not even close to being broke!!

Do you remember who said the following in recent years?

"America isn't broke!"

Evil or Very Mad

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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Like We Need People Who Say, Happy Days are Here Again...

Post  News Hawk Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:05 pm

News Hawk wrote:
News Buzzard wrote:
News Hawk wrote:It's money we don't have, but we can print more money for which generations henceforth pay for the debt of this generation.

You are really hoodwinked by the Tea Party in congress. That money is worthless to them if we go under, so why not charge them a percentage on their trades to reduce our debt? The bottom line is we are not even close to being broke!!

Do you remember who said the following in recent years?

"America isn't broke!"

Evil or Very Mad


Well, 24 hours later, the answer is Obama appointee Anthony Kapel "Van" Jones—a self-admitted Communist!

News Buzzard wrote:I love it when the conservatives say the richest country in the world doesn't have any money!!!!! That's hysterical!!!!  Laughing

What's hysterical is that self-admitted Communist, Obama appointee, Anthony Kapel "Van" Jones stated, "America isn't broke!"

How does it feel to be so fully "outed"?


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The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Empty Re: The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship

Post  News Hawk Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:00 pm

When hair "makes the man":

The GOP Calls For Bipartisanship Ht_joh10
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