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Hillary should forget a run

News Buzzard
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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:46 pm

News Buzzard wrote:It looks like another right wing scandal about Hillary is fading!! Rolling Eyes
Vaierie will be disappointed.


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  WHL Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:29 pm


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Hillary the liar.

Post  WHL Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:51 am


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:12 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 ?ui=2&ik=9ce0d51578&view=fimg&th=14c57e761bd84428&attid=0
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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:32 am

News Buzzard wrote:It looks like another right wing scandal about Hillary is fading!! Rolling Eyes


Elizabeth Warren is looking better than Hitlary...

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Hillary_clinton_cartoon_rgb1

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:48 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 01-01-14-y-07

Weekend at Bernie's?

Twisted Evil

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  WHL Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:38 am

I just saw a post on another forum which shows Hillary saying that Bush is shredding the Constitution with his secret emails! Are you kidding me? What a hypocrite!

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:26 am

Clinton also used iPad for email despite claims of single device  

Hillary Rodham Clinton emailed her staff on an iPad as well as a BlackBerry while secretary of state, despite her explanation she exclusively used a personal email address on a homebrew server so that she could carry a single device, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The dispute over her emails has cast a shadow over Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination who is widely expected to announce her candidacy next month.

The State Department released a total of four emails between Clinton and her top advisers as part of a Freedom of Information Act request filed in 2013 by the AP, which sought Clinton’s correspondence with senior advisers over a four-year period relating to drone strikes overseas and U.S. surveillance programs.

While limited, the emails offer one of the first looks into Clinton’s correspondence while secretary of state. The messages came from and were sent to her private email address, hosted on a server at her property in Chappaqua, New York, as opposed to a government-run email account.

They show that Clinton, on at least one occasion, accidentally mingled personal and work matters. In reply to a message sent in September 2011 by adviser Huma Abedin to Clinton’s personal email account, which contained an AP story about a drone strike in Pakistan, Clinton mistakenly replied with questions that appear to be about decorations.

The other emails between Clinton and her advisers provided by the State Department contained a summary of a 2011 meeting between Sen. John McCain and senior Egyptian officials in Cairo. It was uncensored and did not appear to contain sensitive information. That email was forwarded to Clinton’s private account from Abedin’s government email address.

In another note, Clinton expressed apparent dismay at leaks of classified U.S. government information to the media. Referencing a CNN story, which described “loose lips” in the Obama administration, she asked two officials if she should comment on the matter as had Leon Panetta, the former Central Intelligence Agency director.

“I think this is both dishonourable and dangerous and want to find way to say it,” she wrote.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said early Tuesday that the secretary used her iPad from time to time, primarily to read news clippings.

At the United Nations earlier this month, Clinton said she chose a personal account over a government one out of convenience, describing it as a way to carry a single device, rather than one for work emails and another for personal messages.

“Looking back, it would have been probably, you know, smarter to have used two devices,” Clinton said. Her office that day released a statement saying she “wanted the simplicity of using one device.”

Clinton became secretary of state in 2009, a year before Apple Inc. released the iPad. Clinton at that time could have potentially split her accounts, reverting to an official State.gov email account and BlackBerry for work and leaving her personal email on her iPad.

Clinton has said she exchanged about 60,000 emails in her four years in the Obama administration, about half of which were work-related. She said none contained classified information, and that her private email system did not suffer any security breaches.

The highly unusual practice of a Cabinet-level official physically running her own email server gave Clinton complete control over access to her message archives.

Clinton said she deleted emails — some 30,000 in total — that she described as personal in nature, such as yoga routines, plans for her mother’s funeral or her daughter’s wedding. It’s not clear how Clinton handled emails that mixed personal and official business, such as the exchange with Abedin.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans, said Clinton wiped her email server “clean,” permanently deleting all emails from it and has declined to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review.

Clinton’s attorney said she had turned over to the State Department all work-related emails sent or received during her tenure and it would make no sense to turn over her server, since “no emails ... reside on the server or on any backup systems associated with the server.”

Globe and Mail—Canada

"The Smartest Woman in the World" said, “Looking back, it would have been probably, you know, smarter to have used two devices.”  

Why did this article show up in foreign press?

Hillary believable?

I don't think so.

Evil or Very Mad

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  WHL Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:42 am

Of course not. She has lied forever and for them to even think of running her for President is ridiculous, except the press has mad most people not care. But if it was a Republican, all her lies would be a mortal sin.

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:42 pm

White House Tell-All Reveals What the Staff Saw Clintons Do…And It Does Not Bode Well

With Hillary Clinton poised to make a presidential run...Here are some of the more eyebrow-raising tidbits from the book:

•During the Monica Lewinsky era, Hillary hit Bill with a book hard enough to bloody their bed and require stitches in his head.

•The staff was called in to clean up the remnants of a lamp that Hillary apparently hurled in Bill’s direction – after exclaiming, “G*dd**n b*****d!”

•Hillary instructed Usher Worthington White that no one was to be in her sightline during one particular visit to the pool, forcing Secret Service agents to abandon protocol and not walk in front of her. After declining butler service, White said:

“Okay, ma’am,” White replied. “It’s twelve o’clock now, and I get off at one and someone else will be in.”

Clinton looked intently at him. “I’ll call you when I’m done.”

“Yes, ma’am,” White replied, knowing that that meant he would have to stay until whenever she chose to leave. He didn’t get the call until nearly three-thirty that afternoon.

•Florist Ronn Payne overheard this exchange between Chelsea Clinton and her Secret Service escort to school:
Chelsea [on the phone]: Oh, I’ve got to go. The pigs are here.

Secret Service agent [turning “crimson’]: Ms. Clinton, I want to tell you something. My job is to stand between you, your family, and a bullet. Do you understand?

Chelsea: Well, that’s what my mother and father call you.

•The staff believed that Hillary knew about Lewinsky for much longer than she admitted. During some of the most tense times of the ordeal:

For three or four months in 1998, the president slept on a sofa in a private study attached to their bedroom on the second floor. Most of the women on the residence staff thought he got what he deserved.

As of today, The Residence is available for purchase in bookstores and online.
Independent Journal Review

Sounds like an entertaining read...

Very Happy

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  WHL Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:26 am

But none of what they do matters, they just continue to get away with everything they do.

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:13 am

WHL wrote:But none of what they do matters, they just continue to get away with everything they do.

Then, there's the cavalry:

Recently, a representative from the Hillary Clinton camp delivered a message to Martin O'Malley, the former Maryland governor preparing to challenge Clinton for the 2016 Democratic nomination.

I have some good news and some bad news, the messenger said.

What's the good news? asked O'Malley.

The good news is we're taking you seriously, the messenger answered. And the bad news is ... we're taking you seriously.

The undertone of threat was unmistakable, but anyone who takes on Clintonworld has to expect that. And indeed, pro-O'Malley Democrats -- there are some -- are not at all surprised by the tone. "They are the most petty, vengeful people out there," says one Democrat of the Clinton organization.

"They hold a grudge for decades. I don't think he (O'Malley) expected them to welcome him with a fruit basket."

And Clintonworld has reason to be concerned. Yes, Hillary's lead is huge, and yes, she is at this point the presumptive Democratic nominee. But there are already emerging signs that the coronation might not go as planned.

It's early yet, but O'Malley's recent declaration -- "The presidency of the United States is not some crown to be passed between two families" -- is probably the best line of the campaign so far. If you took a poll to gauge public opinion on that turn of phrase, approval would likely be very, very high.

Democrats—Hang on to Hillary for 2016!


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Instead of Hillary, There's Carly—a Republican...

Post  News Hawk Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:02 pm

Carly Fiorina, A Woman of Accomplishment

When people speak of "the first woman president" they usually mean Hillary Clinton, who is expected to announce her candidacy soon.

But there's another woman, a Republican, who will shortly vie for the top job. She is Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. The polls don't register much support for Fiorina, but if people listen to what she has to say, particularly about Hillary Clinton, that could change.

In an interview, Fiorina told me that, unlike a male candidate, she could better take on Hillary Clinton: "No matter what that man says, she will play the gender card or the war on women card. She won't be able to do that with me."

Fiorina believes Clinton has a poor record: "I come from a world where speeches are not accomplishments. Activity isn't accomplishment. Title isn't accomplishment. I come from a world where you have to actually do something; you have to produce results. ... (The presidency) is a very difficult job and we ascertain someone's capability to do the job based not on their great speeches, but on what they've actually done."

She thinks the media has overblown Hillary Clinton's accomplishments and foreign policy experience and believes her accomplishments are more impressive. In 2012, after leaving Hewlett-Packard, Fiorina served as the vice chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and is currently chairman of the American Conservative Union Foundation, global ambassador for Opportunity International and board chairman of Good360. She says she has traveled the world and met many world leaders, including the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Vladimir Putin.

"Putin is our adversary," she says, and "a formidable man. Iran is our adversary." She wants to push back by "doing what our allies have asked us to do. ... The Ukrainians have asked for us to arm them. The Baltic States have asked us to defend them. Our own military people have said we need to reinforce the Sixth Fleet. We ought to rebuild our European missile defenses in Poland. President Obama unilaterally and inexplicably pulled those out."

Fiorina says her meetings with Putin have convinced her of his "lust for power. You can't push a reset button with him," a reference to Clinton's red button theatrics with the Russian foreign minister..."
More at Townhall.com

Take that—Hillary!


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  WHL Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:37 am


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:02 pm

Hillary can depend on strong support from feminists...

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 0ba3ae8c-aa9c-4679-9362-e941cdbb0d75

The new standard for aging women should be about vitality, strength and assertiveness. One of the largest demographics in America is women in their 40s to 60s, and by 2020 there will be nearly 60 million peri- and post-menopausal women...


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  Anti Federalist Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:06 pm

lol! lol! lol! lol!

News Hawk wrote:Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 01-01-14-y-07

Weekend at Bernie's?

Twisted Evil
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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  WHL Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:28 am

That is pretty funny. Charles Krauthhamer (?) says she is old and he didn't mean old in age, he meant just old.

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Obama Approves...

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:35 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 CCffUXdW0AAZwa0

What a Face

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Remember Her Statement to Obama?

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:38 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Hillary+got+a+3+00+am+phone+call+do+you+remember_d4af4d_5338589


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Twitter...Facebook...All Over...

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:42 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 CCfU85OUsAAuZUa


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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:44 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 CBbm8GyVIAEuVNL
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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:47 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 CBbZIuVU0AA1NPI
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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:49 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Ratched1_zpstoovrxxq
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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty ...and for AF...:

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:50 am

Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 CCbhxJFW4AAvuik

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Hillary should forget a run - Page 2 Empty Re: Hillary should forget a run

Post  News Hawk Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:01 am

Obama won't automatically endorse Hillary

President Obama will not automatically endorse Hillary Clinton now that she has formally declared her candidacy for president, the White House said Monday. Press secretary Josh Earnest said that Obama and Clinton have “become friends” during Clinton's years serving as secretary of State but “there are other people who are friends of of the president” who are considering their own campaigns. Vice President Biden is among the Democrats considering a run for the White House.

Obama on Saturday said Clinton would be “an excellent president” and called her his friend. Earnest called Clinton an “effective” advocate for the president."

No, Obama is waiting for Chief Fauxcahontas...

I wrote earlier that we will be surprised by the Dim's "new face" tactic—and it would not be Hillary.


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