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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  Outerlimits Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:11 pm

Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official and Republican counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now representing one of the State Department employees. She told Fox News her client and some of the others, who consider themselves whistle-blowers, have been threatened by unnamed Obama administration officials.
“I’m not talking generally, I’m talking specifically about Benghazi – that people have been threatened,” Toensing said in an interview Monday. “And not just the State Department. People have been threatened at the CIA.” …
“It’s frightening, and they’re doing some very despicable threats to people,” she said. “Not ‘we’re going to kill you,’ or not ‘we’re going to prosecute you tomorrow,’ but they’re taking career people and making them well aware that their careers will be over [if they cooperate with congressional investigators].”

It is certainly amazing the depths to which the fascists (formerly known as liberals) have sunk. Benghazi, with the mistakes, the cover up, and the threats is far more insidious than Watergate, yet has been ignored by the media.

I am so happy to hear we have responsible senator who is insisting on getting the truth. 0bama’s hands are full of dirt regarding Benghazi, as are his crooked cronies he surrounds himself with. It is time the media steps up to the plate and starts doing their job. This administration (as any administration) needs to be watched and scrutinized very carefully.

They will do anything to protect this man and Hillary for 2016.

At least with Watergate Hillary was on the prosecutorial team facing Nixon (ironic) and no one got killed.

In this case, 4 Americans were killed including a U.S. ambassador. Over on the ever self-righteous Hillary's watch and she had a "concussion" that miraculously "healed" overnight and yet, would answer simply "what does it matter how it happened?".

Just imagine if Nixon or any other Republican answered in that manner. The press would have the proverbial field day. Hard to imagine the left wants her in the White House the next go round. (no wait...it's not)

If Bush so much as farted, the media would have got the EPA involved.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  WHL Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:47 pm

All so true Outer.

Watergate was so incidental compared to what is going on in this administration, yet Nixon was gone.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Hawk Mon May 06, 2013 5:29 am

Something in her notes on Benghazi has made Hillary angry!

(She needs a TelePrompter!)

Rolling Eyes

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  WHL Mon May 06, 2013 7:16 am

Yes, something made her very angry. Could it be that it doesn't matter now, it's over and done, it was long ago, we should just forget it??????

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Hawk Mon May 06, 2013 9:40 am

If Benghazi "gets legs", it'll be the end of Hillary in 2016!

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  WHL Mon May 06, 2013 12:30 pm

She certainly has some responsibility to bear. If she were a Rep., it would be all over already. The news media would have been after her.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  Outerlimits Mon May 06, 2013 12:57 pm

News Hawk wrote:If Benghazi "gets legs", it'll be the end of Hillary in 2016!


I believe Hillary is now done for 2016.

It may be the end for Obama as well. He could end up very toxic and we are seeing some signs of this happening already.

Can the country handle a Lame Duck president for 3 years?

Of course if Obama needs to make a SC appointment, that could change everything.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  WHL Mon May 06, 2013 5:17 pm

The end of Obama? You don't mean to get him out of office, do you? ( I can always hope!!!!) You just mean he is essentially done, right? I agree with you though, I think he is becoming very toxic. Even some of the Dems. are shying away from him. They are afraid they might lose the mid term elections.

BTW, I heard on the radio today, they are seriously thinking of taking our IRAs and 401Ks, etc and giving us back so much a month from them-just like Social Security. How scary is that? I heard this before, but didn't believe they could really be thinking about it!!

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Huckabee...

Post  News Hawk Mon May 06, 2013 8:12 pm

As the truth about the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi emerges, Huckabee said, “they will have lost the right to govern.”

“The highest levels of people in the United States government all the way up to the president knew that what they did tell us was not true,” he said. “And they continued to tell it throughout an election season and beyond, and they’ve tried to change the subject. And when the facts come out, they will not be able to stand. They will have lost the right to govern.”

What happened with Benghazi is not a “political issue” — “this goes all the way to the heart of the integrity of the United States government,” Huckabee said.

“When a president lies to the American people and is part of a cover-up, he cannot continue to govern,” Huckabee said. “And as the facts come out, I think we’re going to see something startling. And before it’s over, I don’t think this president will finish his term unless somehow they can delay it in Congress past the next three and a half years.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/05/huckabee-benghazi-will-drive-obama-from-office-90964.html#ixzz2SYq7M9PR
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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  WHL Tue May 07, 2013 7:12 am

But you know what the problem is? HAlf the people don't even know what Benghazi is and many could care. Huckabee is right about what should happen but I bet it doesn't. The left will come up with some excuse like the did with Clinton (it's about his personal life, let Clinton get on with running the country) to get him out of it.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  Outerlimits Tue May 07, 2013 1:19 pm

Up until this point, Obama supporters were able to use the MSNBC patented O-SAP (Obama Supporter Auto-response Protocol) when their guy was criticized.

Obama Supporter Auto-response Protocol

1. The source isn't valid
2. That's racist
3. But it was George W. Bush that…
4. He won the election
5. The Republicans are obstructing
6. Repeat 1-5 as needed then insult the opposition, declare victory, and move on.

It is not going to work this time.

When Obama and Hillary stood between the bodies of the dead and their loved ones and told them that it was because of a video and they would find the perpetrators, they flat out lied. We can’t trust these people to defend and protect Americans anymore. They don’t deserve our trust.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  WHL Tue May 07, 2013 1:31 pm

Obama almost can't speak without telling a lie. I don't know how he gets away with it. You are right, they don't deserve our trust. I hope you are right and they won't get away with it this time. I like the auto-response!

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Hawk Wed May 08, 2013 3:38 am

Outerlimits wrote:
It is not going to work this time.
"It" has been working quite well:

Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Nytimes

Hillary HAD been taking the heat:

Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Benghazi2

I read this months ago, but it bears repeating:

"According to the source, when the attack on the Consulate occurred, a specific chain of command to gain verbal permission to move special-forces in must have occurred. SOCAFRICA commander Lieutenant Col. Gibson would have contacted a desk officer at the time, asking for that permission.

That desk officer would have called Marine Corps Col. George Bristol, then in command of Joint Special Operations Task Force-Trans Sahara. From there, Bristol would have made contact with Rear Admiral Brian Losey, then Commander of Special Operations Command Africa. Losey would have contacted four-star General Carter Ham, commander of U.S. AFRICOM at the time.

“Ham answers directly to the President of the United States,” said the source. It wasn’t a low-level bureaucrat making the call, the source adamantly added.

That call may have been made early in the engagement. Both Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey testified in January that they had no further communication with President Barack Obama after an initial briefing in the early hours of the Benghazi crisis, which continued through the night.

But what about then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?

“I have a hard time thinking it was Hillary alone. Hillary may have tried to circumvent the counterterrorism board and deal with this. I think in order for her to tell General Ham, ‘No, you’re not going to get involved,' she would have had to talk to the president. The president would have had to say, ‘No, take your commands from Hillary.’ He [Gen. Ham] would have had said something, because Ham does not work for the Department of State; he works directly for the president,” the source explained.

The lack of clarity surrounding orders given during the Benghazi attacks is a stark contrast to the clarity projected after the successful Osama bin Laden raid in May 2011, when administration officials were keen to attribute responsibility for the orders to the president.

Witnesses with firsthand information about the Benghazi attacks will appear before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

State Department employees Mark Thompson, Gregory Hicks, and Eric Nordstrom are expected to be whistleblower witnesses who will reveal information about State’s reaction to the attacks that has not been released previously."

Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Obama-benghazi-las-vegas-dereliction-fail-lazy-ass-107701043960


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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Buzzard Thu May 09, 2013 12:31 pm

What if?


What if the State Department had the proper amount of funding to protect it's embassies Question

Too bad the Republicans need a witch hunt in a vain attempt to derail Hillary in 2016. Their problem is they have no one to beat her!
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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  fshnski Thu May 09, 2013 12:43 pm

You do know that Jon Stewart is a comedian, right?

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  WHL Thu May 09, 2013 1:08 pm

OH, PLEASSSSE. Now you are going to try to tell us they didn't have enough funding?????

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Buzzard Thu May 09, 2013 1:56 pm

WHL wrote:OH, PLEASSSSE. Now you are going to try to tell us they didn't have enough funding?????

Jon Stewart, the comedian, made reference to state department funding at the end of his clip. (if you all watched it) Being a comedian doesn't discount the truth to what the man was saying.

From the Washington Post, 10/9/2012:
"For fiscal 2013, the GOP controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department's Worldwide Security Protection program-well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration. House Republicans cut the administration's request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012. (Negotiations with the Democrat-controlled Senate restored about $88 million of the administration's request) Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republican's proposed cuts to her department would be 'detrimental to America's national security'-a charge Republicans rejected.

Ryan, Issa and other House Republicans voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut $1.2 billion from State operations, including funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions. Under Ryan's budget, non-defense discretionary spending, which includes State Department funding, would be slashed nearly 20% in 2014, which would translate to more than $400 million in additional cuts to embassy security"


But let's not have the facts get in our way Exclamation Rolling Eyes
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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  fshnski Thu May 09, 2013 2:00 pm

Jon Stewarts is as much a comedian as is Rush Limbaugh just an entertainer.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Buzzard Thu May 09, 2013 2:10 pm

Rep Jason Chaffetz in 2012:


Rep Issa on the Benghazi hearing:


Nothing like a witch hunt that comes up empty! But don't tell that to the gloomies here on the Forum of Gloom! The Republicans are going to do their best to sabotage the economy some more before 2016 rolls around!
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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Hawk Thu May 09, 2013 2:19 pm

WHL wrote:"...The left will come up with some excuse like the did with Clinton to get him out of it..."
Looks like you were correct.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  fshnski Thu May 09, 2013 2:39 pm

It's the "Excuse Party". They have an excuse for everybody and everything.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Buzzard Thu May 09, 2013 3:18 pm

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing I love it!! WHen you get the facts slammed in your face you now call us the excuse party!

Here are some more excuses for you:

1-Hicks did not disagree with General Dempsey's assessment that no air assets were in range on the night of the attack.

2-All of the witnesses agreed that it was standard protocol to put Hillary's name at the bottom of all State Department cables, whether Hillary saw them or not.

3-Hicks confirmed that the Special Forces in Tripoli were ready to be deployed to secure the airport for the removal of our personnel from Benghazi, and not to join the fighting at the CIA annex.

4-None of the 3 witnesses criticized the State Department review of the incident by it's Accouintability Review Board.


So, what new revelations came out of yesterday's circus Question

Nice forum you're running here, WHL! Rolling Eyes
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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  fshnski Thu May 09, 2013 3:48 pm

I like your technique of persuasion NB. By golly, you must have converted a lot of righties with your loquaciousness.

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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  News Buzzard Thu May 09, 2013 4:14 pm

I don't need to convert anyone. My guy won the election and the Democrats gained seats in the Senate! The Democrats also won the popular vote in the House, but the Republicans kept it through gerrymandering.

Foolish stunts like this Benghazi circus will give no credibility to the Republicans at all.
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Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers? Empty Re: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Post  fshnski Thu May 09, 2013 4:18 pm

Benghazi is just another thing we should just accept, right?

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