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Manchester man questioned by FBI in bombing investigation

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Manchester man questioned by FBI in bombing investigation  Empty Manchester man questioned by FBI in bombing investigation

Post  fshnski Thu May 16, 2013 7:09 pm

MANCHESTER, N.H. —A Manchester man said he is being questioned by the FBI in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing.

Musa Khadjimuradov said he is a former Chechen rebel who knew Tamerlan Tsarnaev and had contact with him a few weeks before the bombing. Tsarnaev was killed during a shootout with police days after the bombing.

"And before the attack, like three or four weeks, he came to my house," Khadjimuradov said in an interview with Voice of America. "So now, I believe they're thinking he was coming here to New Hampshire and I tried to help him or do something."

Khadjimuradov said his apartment on Eastern Avenue was searched, and the FBI took DNA and fingerprint samples from him. Earlier this week, FBI agents were seen going in and out of his building.

The FBI confirmed to News 9 that agents are working in Manchester but wouldn't confirm any details.

In the Voice of America interview, Khadjimuradov said he never discussed politics with Tsarnaev.

Khadjimuradov came to the United States as a refugee in 2004. He is paralyzed and in a wheelchair because of gunshot wounds he suffered in the conflict in Chechnya.

Read more: http://www.wmur.com/news/nh-news/manchester-man-questioned-by-fbi-in-bombing-investigation/-/9857858/20181578/-/omudlq/-/index.html#ixzz2TV4BEFRg

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Manchester man questioned by FBI in bombing investigation  Empty Re: Manchester man questioned by FBI in bombing investigation

Post  News Hawk Thu May 16, 2013 8:44 pm

fshnski wrote:"...Khadjimuradov came to the United States as a refugee in 2004. He is paralyzed and in a wheelchair because of gunshot wounds he suffered in the conflict in Chechnya..." scratch
So he's carrying a Russian bullet, and making a living in the USA while in a wheelchair.

What's wrong with this picture?

News Hawk
News Hawk

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