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US Supreme Court to Review Obama Fraud Case...

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US Supreme Court to Review Obama Fraud Case... Empty US Supreme Court to Review Obama Fraud Case...

Post  News Hawk Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:32 am

Original from TheExaminer.com:

"On Wednesday, Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court scheduled a birther case...which calls into question Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to be president of the United States...

As of this writing, major news networks such as ABC, Fox News, CBS, and NBC have yet to report on the high court’s decision to review Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to hold political office in the United States or any of its territories. The case is identified as Edward Noonan, et al., v. Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State.

On Feb. 15, all nine justices will gather in conference to review whether Obama used forged government documents and fake identification in order to get elected as commander-in-chief.
Edward Noonan, et al., contend that if Obama had been ineligible to run in 2008, other Democratic candidates should have replaced him on the presidential ballot. Additionally, electoral votes from states such as California that went towards Obama should have been deemed null and void...

...On Jan. 9, New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi suggested that the president’s nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan, may have played a role in removing birther evidence from Barack Obama‘s passport records.

It appears that in 2008, a State Department insider was simultaneously employed by Analysis Corporation of McLean, Va. (then headed by Mr. Brennan) and was reprimanded for accessing (and possibly altering) Obama’s passport records.

On Wednesday, Dr. Orly Taitz, who represents the birther cause, posted the following on her website:

The case...provides a mountain of evidence of Barack Obama using a last name not legally his, forged Selective Service application, forged long form and short form birth certificate and a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Additionally, this case provides evidence of around one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California alone."
Dr. Orly Taitz is a dentist who escaped the corruption of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to arrive here—become a U.S. naturalized citizen—and remain standing as the leader of corruption-investigations in the U.S. Government.

After February 15th, this nation will see if the SCOTUS will hear the case after the nine Justices have heard the details of the Noonan case.

News Hawk
News Hawk

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US Supreme Court to Review Obama Fraud Case... Empty Re: US Supreme Court to Review Obama Fraud Case...

Post  WHL Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:55 am

The Court will probably not take it. Ignore it, just like has been done for the past 4 years.

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US Supreme Court to Review Obama Fraud Case... Empty Re: US Supreme Court to Review Obama Fraud Case...

Post  News Hawk Sun Jan 11, 2015 4:58 pm

WHL wrote:The Court will probably not take it.  Ignore it, just like has been done for the past 4 years.  

Somebody put together the most complete summary of Obama's history—and it isn't pretty. The video comports with everything I've come to learn.

For the Grubers among us, there are some eye-opening findings.

News Hawk
News Hawk

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Location : Winnipesaukee & Florida


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